I have released another minor update, including the following changes:
* Fixed door sound bug with Heracles map.
* Adjusted Machinegun graphic to better fit within its 1x3 space.
* Swapped Pistol graphic so that it faces the same way other guns face.
* Updated and increased soldier melee accuracy.
* Stun Rod now has increased power based on soldier attributes.
I have not yet figured out how to stop soldiers from walking through the walls. I tried setting them to bigwall type, and I tried copying the settings on the UFO walls, but neither seemed to work. I must be missing something. But at least you will no longer hear tanks being destroyed when you exit the Heracles. Turns out the little content tiles I put adjacent to the doors needed to have a sound attached, even though the floor tile under them had a sound. Apparently in combined tiles, the content is what determines the footstep sound.
I swapped the pistol graphic, and while I was at it I fixed the machinegun a bit so that it better fits within the space. It was originally designed as a 2x3 sprite but I'm doing all my auto-rifles as 1x3 and besides, the sprite looked like it should fit into 1x3.
New feature: soldier melee accuracy has been improved, however you will have to hire new soldiers for it to take effect. It matters little if you are running my mod in OXC, as the melee accuracy is ignored and melee weapons hit automatically. But if you run the mod in OXCE+, the stun rod will now use soldier melee accuracy to determine hit chance, and it will also gain 20% of their strength and 40% of their reactions as additional power. Running the mod in OXCE+ also allows your Avenger to equip a third weapon. I recommend using OXCE+; it seems to run vanilla mods without any issues. It only adds features; it doesn't take any away, and it's quick to update with changes to the nightlies.