I haven't got school graduation yet. I've interrogated every captive until I could only sell them
I've completely interrogated all captives of crackhouse raids, save the sister, temple raid, warehouse raid, Lok'Narr, Rat village. Even the priests and academy medics. I captured another medic and broke it after I unlocked interrogation and got some info on the blaster launcher and it told me I wont benefit from interrogating another broken medic
When I raided the base to steal some advanced tech for tac vests I was lucky enough to get a reverend, and "lucky" enough to get a chrysalid (who used to be one of my soldiers, it was on the evac zone)
I've also splashed civvie ships and interrogated tough girls, sharp guys, fat men, labourers. I'm still interrogating the flight officers that I keep finding for info on ships. I interrogated osiron security once but they had nothing left to tell me after that. I've had 2 humanist leaders and presume I can still get more info but the normal humanists have nothing else to say. I still get info from reticulan sirens from their small ships but not the peons and hybrids. I occasionally see smugglers and they usually pack my shit in. I've beaten them a few times, usually with losses but I dont even try to capture them it's just grenade spam central. I've seen government but I leave them, I dont want to piss them off. I've had some monsters hunts where I usually run into hunters, got some nomads from that and most things gave me info on monsters. Strangely I've never seen any raiders. I don't see much of the terror units since my progroms usually start at night and I wont throw away soldiers on a suicide mission like that, most enemies have no problem spotting me in the dark, and my preferred way to deal with dangerous enemies is to spot them at a distance, then hit them with mortars, grenades, laser fire, rather than risk them coming round the corner on their turn and taking point blank shots or using explosives against us
According to this document:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3LA7DXD41YYRTVMaTl1cXNKN3M/view?ths=trueI've only interrogated 1 academy engineer, 1 trader engineer and 1 reverend, still need guild air sailors and humanist leaders, and havent captured academy espers, provosts, beastmasters, bugbears, armorued church beastmasters, church cardinal, church exalt, church matron, church zealot, all govt troops, guild masters, all raiders, marsec, all mercenaries, sectogres, need more sirens, smugglers, seems like spartans have nothing to teach me but I havent interrogated them, and I havent interrogated any star gods
I'm usually backing out of medium craft because I cant handle chrysalids, cyberdisks, tanks. Even when I do those I tend to utilise a lot of high explosives. I could probably win one of those missions but I'd suffer losses and my soldiers are super elites that I cant just throw away. I need rare earth elements to make more defender armour but I've stopped seeing Save the Lok Narrs, and I never see raiders. I would ideally want an armour that can protect my soldiers from cyberdisk plasma, tank explosives or chrysalid/werewolf melee, or at least enable me to reliably one shot them without taking return fire. Wish there was a way to tell which enemies can see through smoke
I also still have an academy and a church base up but I havent touched them since I got 3 soldiers killed capturing some of their gauss tech to unlock Krazy Hannah in year 1