I played UFO defense and TFTD while considering my soldiers to be expendable. I only really tried to keep them alive when I got to psionics, using hover tanks as scouts, and psionics got powerful enough that they were never in danger anymore.
However, in piratez the soldiers suck up vast amounts of cash, it severely limits the soldiers you can have early on, and while my industry is powerful enough to pay tens of millions in wages now, the cost of their power armour is now the main bottleneck, I just cant be throwing away 35M a girl because I'm bored with camping my landing craft. Maybe if I'm prepared to skip months while my cash regenerates before I go back into battle, if there's no real time restriction anymore than there's nothing to stop me waiting years for billions to accumulate
However, there's also the restriction of craft size. In UFO defense and TFTD I had much larger groups from the start, and my soldiers were squishy and expendable. In piratez the starting craft is limited to 6, the pachy was limited to 8 and the deliverator isnt much more. I can have a lot more with the Triton which I have finally unlocked. What's more, in the early game my soldiers were rather less squishy than xcom, and much more likely to survive. This meant that although I had a smaller team, they were also far more elite than xcom soldiers which made up the difference, and I got by a lot of the sheer skill of my elite soldiers vs rookies
Now I have a training base it's not really that hard to replace them. I screen for reactions and bravery, everything else can be raises in the dojo, then they just need a few easy missions to get TU up. If there's really no time restriction then losing people isn't that much of a big deal anymore in terms of replacing the actual soldier. But it still takes a while to train them and their wages can get insane. Either I go with a lot of throwaway girls and their wages become obscene, or I go with a smaller number of crack soldiers in obscenely expensive armor.
Or I camp the interceptor XD
I think in the end, it all comes down to cost, if I dont have elite soldiers or have well equipped soldiers then I will definetly lose. If I go with poorly equipped elite soldiers then I'll run out unless I'm constantly train a lot of them which is expensive in wages, and if I go with a small number of well equipped troops then the gear costs are expensive. Only choice is to play it safe and either camp the starting craft, or get into full concealment and play peek a boo from there. However, it could be that the enemies I'm facing right now are too strong for the gear I have. Could be I aren't supposed to be facing them without gauss/plasma weapons and the top power armour and that I'm lagging behind or I've attracted too much attention already