
Author Topic: Help me git gud, question thread  (Read 88050 times)

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #135 on: March 18, 2017, 10:17:55 pm »
Thankyou. Any tips for taking one of those down? It seems 3 nightmares with avalanche rockets and gauss cannons, and a Kraken with a naval gun and 2 heavy shield generators didnt have the firepower to down a bomber

Maybe I need to wait for sway local gov missions and get them while they're landed. I did 1 battleship that way but there were blaster bomb carriers and I didn't want to risk doing the other landed one

Offline Marza

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #136 on: March 19, 2017, 01:38:59 am »
To shoot down a bomber with the equipment you have, intercept it with 3 nightmares with avalanche rockets rockets and gauss cannons and the kraken with its naval gun: You actually have more than enough firepower by a comfortable margin as long as you synchronise the missile attacks of the three nightmares.

You don't have the firepower to challenge battleships yet. Without endgame craft, the most reliable way to defeat such a warship is to throw multiple squadrons of avalanche wielding interceptors in their direction.

General tips for tackling the hardest enemy shipping is to attack with weapons that have the highest damage per shot (to mitigate enemy armour), to attack with weapons that do bonus damage to shields and to attack with plenty of craft to spare (So you can cycle between them in emergencies as they repair and rearm). Replace those gauss cannons with other weapons as soon as you are able.

Someone probably has some crazy foolproof strategy involving a squadron of tractor beam wielding Krakens. All I can tell you is to hit it with the biggest stick you have and to start a collection of big sticks.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 01:42:39 am by Marza »

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #137 on: March 19, 2017, 01:54:54 am »
I shall have to get even more nightmares then. I'll also need to grind through some more missions for crystals so I can make more avalanche missiles, I got through a lot of them trying to stop sway government missions, and thwarting the crackdown searchers

Offline Crazy

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #138 on: March 19, 2017, 03:56:00 am »
Ok I'm playing F3, I got a cyberdisk but I'm out of research again

I built armory towers rather than gauss defenses because it says it covers gauss and laser. However, I've unlocked light plasma which I think is supposed to be better than gauss, it's lighter than the 37mm rifles with lower TU cost but kills about as fast it seems

I'm preparing for a base assault, got my triton and I'll do the assault on my next play session

However, I should be able to make annihilator armor now yet I still can't. I should also be able to make all gauss and plasma weapons and unlock higher studies but I cant do that either. Could you take another look at my save file please? :)
You're doing your Base Assault way later than I did. I did mine using revenant armor'ed troops with auto-axes and Splattys w/ snipers in Assassin suits using Snuffies.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2017, 04:02:54 am by Crazy »

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #139 on: March 19, 2017, 05:08:26 pm »
I take very good care of my soldiers, and only move up to harder things when I've exhausted all other available options. The difference between well trained elites and fresh out of the dojo graduates is pretty big for me, especially the TU and reactions

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #140 on: March 20, 2017, 11:32:10 pm »
Ok I finally got a fusion bomber. Unlocked Higher Studies and lots of new research projects. I'll probably get these finished pretty quickly

So now I need to prepare for the Cydonia mission. Provided I have no more problems unlocking tech, there are 2 main obstacles:

1) Getting the star god coordinators codes
2) Completing the Cydonia mission

The first will definetly involve dealing with star gods, and I expect the latter will as well. I've yet to develop an effective counter measure to them though. My main methods before involved an all out zerg rush, keeping my weapons in my inventories and drawing them to fire as needed. I can probably get the coordinator by camping the spawn point and killing anything that comes inside til the coordinator appears, then simply evaccing to steal it, but I doubt I can handle Cydonia so easily

I've got Telsa Coils but they have a 95% fatality rate. I'm not sure which VooDoo is supposed to be effective for captures but I expect Star Gods are resistant anyway. So aside from luring it into the entry area of the base and then evaccing I don't know any way I can pull off this capture

And in the end I think the main problem I'm gonna have is the panicking and mind control powers, in conjunction with whatever else I face on Cydonia, probably sectopods and blaster bomb spam

Any ideas on how to captures a coordinator, and how to deal with star god psionics?

Offline legionof1

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #141 on: March 21, 2017, 12:47:51 am »
High bravery stops psi attacks from being a threat. Your own gals psi strength and skill also contributes to psi defense. Look for gals with good stats in both.

A Coordinator is not absolutely needed, Public Enemy found rarely on the larger smuggler ship will grant the codes as well, and is somewhat easier encounter.

Stargods are resistant to voodoo attacks but other characteristics make up for it. Daze based weapons even if they roll max damage often fail to do any damage. Voodoo based attacks are often much stronger in base damage then daze options in addition to largely ignoring armor. They won't oneshot, but some damage is better then whiffing 9 times out of 10.

Offline Marza

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #142 on: March 21, 2017, 01:28:42 am »
High bravery stops psi attacks from being a threat. Your own gals psi strength and skill also contributes to psi defence. Look for gals with good stats in both.

Kinda true. Hands with high voodoo power and skill are a lot less vulnerable to mind control and panic attacks. Proper voodoo screening of hands and the right selection of armour will give you a squad that is basically immune to mind control.

I find that high bravery is important for some pieces of equipment (Do a playthrough with the gold codex someday, outfit a high bravery gal with the unique gold codex armour and an astrocaster. Things get very silly), but is mostly useless for defending against psionic attacks. High bravery will mitigate a panic attack that successfully hits a hand. High bravery does nothing to prevent incoming panic attacks or mind controls from succeeding.

See this and bootypedia lore #081.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2017, 01:31:53 am by Marza »

Offline legionof1

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #143 on: March 21, 2017, 01:53:49 am »
High bravery has somewhat more of an impact then in vanilla because of combat stress. Combats against stargods are usually rather slow due to the invisibility and the time consuming countermeasures required. Not having your morale degrade to the point a single attack will cause panic is pretty useful. Also losing your officers is somewhat common given current vision mechanics unless you elect to keep one of your most experienced gals in the craft twiddling there thumbs forever.

Additionally with 100 base morale you can equip armor that will let you reach 130 total bravery which is immune to morale effects and MC. The ai wont realize this and you can get such gals to soak psi attacks with no risk.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #144 on: March 21, 2017, 03:05:19 am »
Sadly I didn't pick the gold Codex

I'm currently screening my soldiers for 70 bravery. I get nearly every other stat trained in the Dojo, and I routinely train reactions on my soldiers by having them line up outside of a aircraft doorway to the side of it to avoid mutual surprise, they then all get reaction fire on enemies that step out. I tend to exclusively finish enemies with reactions fire if they're armed with ballistics or lasers, and I use those easy missions to train my new graduates. Bravery on the other hand is something I have failed to reliably train, so I keep it at 70 to be sure

Any tips on raising VooDoo skill? The annihilator armor should mitigate damage more, so that I can afford to get in a drawn out engagement and have to deal with panicking soldiers running around. If I can develop some kind of measure for spotting concealed star gods, then so long as I kill them before they get too close I shouldn't suffer too severely. Perhaps if I equip one soldier with a voodoo outfit and then keep them in a safe position and use them to sense to pick out star gods for my power armor users to shoot. Or it might be a better idea to bring a cyberdisk with me to spot them since I dont think their stealth affects cyberdisks.

I'll be sure to start assaulting the smugglers. What does a public enemy look like?

Offline legionof1

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #145 on: March 21, 2017, 03:30:14 am »
Public enemy is a stargod apart form different shade of robe and slightly different gear. But only ever shows up as a singleton so much more limited threat.   

Voodoo skill can be trained with the voodoo school building. It can be trained all the way to the player maximum of 40. Hitting with voodoo powers and things like wands also trains skill. Voodoo Power however is fixed however aside from some minor buffs from outfits.

Offline Marza

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #146 on: March 21, 2017, 03:37:20 am »
Psi wisdom.

Huh, those are some great points. I'm going to have to play around with the 130+ bravery tactic.


Don't worry about the codex choice. I just like Gold in particular because you can stack bravery to obscenely high levels, with amusing results.

Voodoo skill can either be trained over time with the voodoo school building, or by battlefield experience. Equip your hands with the relevant voodoo weapons and let them go nuts.

Public enemies are quite rare encounters with the smugglers; they're pretty much Easter Eggs. Sure you want us to spoil it?

Edit: Ninjas yo.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #147 on: March 21, 2017, 04:57:28 pm »
I hadnt realised 40 was the max, all my people have 40. That should save me effort from training it manually then

I'll keep an eye out for smugglers and see if I can get a public enemy, and meanwhile I'll train new peeps in my academy, make more annihilator suits and make periodic attempts at capturing the star god coordinator, just keep trying to bait it into the entry zone til I lose half my team, then back out and come back later with more recruits that have 50+ voodoo power til I get it. Annihilator armor has VooDoo resistance so that should help a lot

Still don't have access to good gauss and plasma weapons. Gauss is pretty bad compared to the 37mm rifle but I'd ideally like heavy plasma rifles

Offline Martin

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #148 on: March 21, 2017, 08:00:09 pm »
I think Star Gods are somewhat resistant to plasma.

Offline KiriKaneko

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Re: Help me git gud, question thread
« Reply #149 on: March 21, 2017, 09:43:21 pm »
Is the 37mm rifle the best gun for Cydonia?