Author Topic: A thread for little questions  (Read 1245952 times)

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #525 on: August 06, 2017, 04:52:48 pm »
I to have experienced a significant upswing in retaliations. I suspect that the infinite retaliation bug is back in some form. 7+ retaliations in 3 months seems quite high for my one barely established base in the arctic. And this is the 3rd base i've had up there, lost previous 2 to my own stupidity. In all i think im up around 15-18 retaliations in the arctic on the particular game.   

Tough luck for the icebears. You could try to build the base outside this 'crackdown' mayhem region and test if this particular 3rd base continues to be boned by crackdown assaults.
Maybe wait the rest of the month to reshuffle the mission shedule?

Offline legionof1

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #526 on: August 06, 2017, 07:34:47 pm »
things are actually doing reasonably well despite the frequent visitors. It is a bit of a meatgrinder, but it late nuff in the campaign that i can afford to throw bodies/equipment away to keep the outpost alive. Keeping the polar hyperwave-decoder active is more important then relatively minor losses. 

IF i have the time ill do some bug testing, but im pretty convinced something borked at this point.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #527 on: August 06, 2017, 09:40:17 pm »
Just curious about it. It might stop happening next month? Who knows :D

Offline KateMicucci

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #528 on: August 07, 2017, 04:57:07 pm »
Nope. Bows have pretty good damage early game, especially if you a gal with good stats. (It's easy to max out in a short period)

Assuming Max Stats:
Hunting Bow, Cutting: 41 damage. Flame: 37 damage + Reliable Flame Damage (5).
Combat Bow, Cutting: 58 damage, Aqua Plastic: 60 damage & 20% Armour Pierce
Long Bow, Cutting: 75 damage
Future Bows, are a bit disappointing. This might be worth it if their energy and TU cost was reduced. You're better off with a mortar at this point of the game. It's also really difficult to get the material to build them.

Javelins have pretty good damage but terrible range and ammo count. Honestly, an archer does a better job of picking off enemies from safety while a gal with a barbarian axe or spear is more useful for taking on tanks and power armoured enemies. I also find that diverting your runts too much in the early game is detrimental for your income, so if you choose to build a large store of javelins or constantly replace them, the opportunity cost will be really high early game!

Grenades don't have the range and precision of the bow and unless you prime everything in your inventory you won't have the fire-rate either. Usually all your gals with have several grenades on them anyway so a dedicated non-launcher grenadier is a bit of a waste. That role is easily fulfilled by your riflegals.

Mortars are excellent but come much much later in the game
I tried bows again and continued to find them underwhelming. In one mission a max throwing gal with combat bow and aqua arrows failed to 1hko a single ratman brigand despite shooting at more than 10 of them. Going by the stats you posted it should have been killing as effectively as a LC. A maxed throwing archer gal compares favorably with an average shooter carrying a crap gun like an rcf carbine or something, but not a maxed firing gal with a good early weapon like a boarding gun, uac rifle or tommy. A maxed throwing gal with javs, bagpipes or stick grenades however is a credit to the team. Javelins take a long time to build, but I'm only using one or two sets per mission and it seems 3/4 of them kill in one hit.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2017, 05:03:30 pm by KateMicucci »

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #529 on: August 07, 2017, 05:00:39 pm »
Sometimes it's look like arrow hit something, but actually it miss.

Offline Mechanique

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #530 on: August 07, 2017, 05:27:52 pm »
I tried bows again and continued to find them underwhelming. In one mission a max throwing gal with combat bow and aqua arrows failed to 1hko a single ratman brigand despite shooting at more than 10 of them. Going by the stats you posted it should have been killing as effectively as a LC. A maxed throwing archer gal compares favorably with an average shooter carrying a crap gun like an rcf carbine or something, but not a maxed firing gal with a good early weapon like a boarding gun, uac rifle or tommy. A maxed throwing gal with javs, bagpipes or stick grenades however is a credit to the team. Javelins take a long time to build, but I'm only using one or two sets per mission and it seems 3/4 of them kill in one hit.

Well, I assume above is listed with max stats and max rolls.
Combat bow is low-tier early game weapon, you need longbow to reliably 1-shot weak enemies and actually deal damage to armored enemies (though aqua arrows can do it as well). Before that it's better to have several archers, if you absolutely positively have to kill that ratman in one turn. And also there is a range advantage, you can have you swimsuit gals fire across half the map from a safety, while javelins require putting them in danger, not to mention low ammo acounts and aforementioned runt-hours drain that can be used on chateau du mort instead.

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #531 on: August 07, 2017, 08:37:08 pm »
The list assumes max stats and 100% damage (the possibilities range from 0% - 200%)

It's possible that the results you got is just an unlucky streak or fluke. I've had gauss muskets 3 hit a Spartan Scout and not kill her before. In fact I think it might have happened quite a few times already.

LCs have an innate 20% AP with low level bows suffer from "+% to Armour". And the other SMGs you mentioned have a really high fire rate which contributes to higher overall average damage.

The key advantage of a bow is its indirect fire ability. You'll start loving the bow when you hit targets blocked by 5 fences and use fire arrows to light up night missions.

Offline Mammothus

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #532 on: August 07, 2017, 11:28:58 pm »
What is special about AP ammo types? On the attached image, you can see the standard ammo on the top with 36 damage, and the PS (plastasteel) on the bottom. As far as I can tell, the AP ammo in the middle is exactly the same as the standard ammo in terms of piercing damage and damage amount. Is there a pin up I missed explaining this? Thanks!

Offline greattuna

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #533 on: August 07, 2017, 11:32:18 pm »
AP ammo ignores certain percentage of enemy armor (I think 20%).

Offline AngelicJoker

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #534 on: August 08, 2017, 12:51:41 am »
I looked at the ruleset and the ammo types have slightly different properties to them.  Here are the stats for Battle Rifle ammo:


    power: 36
    damageType: 1
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.85
      ToStun: 0.5
    clipSize: 20


    power: 36
    damageType: 1
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.7
      ToHealth: 0.9
    clipSize: 15


    power: 42
    damageType: 1
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0.85
      ToStun: 0.5
    clipSize: 20

The ArmorEffectiveness seems pretty easy to understand, but I'm not sure about the ToStun and ToHealth options.  I think it means that standard ammo ignores 15% of armor but the target only takes half as much stun damage as they normally would and the AP ammo ignores 30% of armor but the target only takes 90% of the normal health damage.  The PS ammo works like standard ammo, but has a higher power.  I'd appreciate someone confirming what the ToStun and ToHealth options do though.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #535 on: August 08, 2017, 11:17:23 am »
ToStun:    The damage-roll that surpassed the armor of the target *value as stun damage.
ToHealth: The damage-roll that surpassed the armor of the target *value as health damage.

It's designed to function like in RL. AP bullets are ment to pierce through armor but the hardened bullethead won't break inside the target, leaving a less crutial wound than more basic bullets.

Bullets with soft heads can't break armor too well but do horrible wounds and cause severe trauma against unprotected targets.

Plasta-steel bullets are basically the standard bullets with more damage to make the weapons better. Basically a buffed-up version to score more reliable damage scores.

Offline Mammothus

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #536 on: August 08, 2017, 02:24:12 pm »
Thanks for the response guys! That helps a lot.

Offline Zharkov

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #537 on: August 10, 2017, 10:43:00 am »
Is there a way to promote/demote gals? I thought Iread something about this in the Bootypedia, but I cannot find it.

Offline ohartenstein23

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #538 on: August 10, 2017, 03:00:23 pm »
Is there a way to promote/demote gals? I thought Iread something about this in the Bootypedia, but I cannot find it.

Promote gals by training them and giving them more kills, the only demotions are making them walk the plank, dying gloriously on the front lines, or having a friendly fire "incident." Single-rank demotions were removed after being deemed an exploit with rank-based salaries.

Offline Zharkov

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #539 on: August 10, 2017, 06:25:56 pm »
Single-rank demotions were removed after being deemed an exploit with rank-based salaries.

K, thanks! Missed that.