I feel that in Piratez the number of missions done against enemies without PSI is a lot higher than the number of missions done against aliens with PSI. Having B or C teams on fast transports at other bases can help spread out the Freshness loss from doing multiple missions in short succession, and your 40 PSI strength units aren't gonna have to worry about that against Traders, Church, Humanists, Spartans, Raiders, Mercs, Deep Ones, Megapol, Zombies, or so on. Your A team that you bring against Ethereals should absolutely be screened, but I find that I need enough soldiers where their PSI doesn't matter that I end up keeping everyone.
Compare that to OG Xcom. Your last month is probably exclusively Ethereals, unless you left a Floater base alive for easy supply missions. Come December of year 1 the other aliens have mostly stopped flying missions, and by that point you're either ready for Cydonia or only 1 or 2 techs off from it.