I didn’t get one

Yeah, it's very easy to accidentally destroy the newspaper item. It will always be held in the inventory of one of the enemy leader units (i.e. humanist leader, ratman lieutenant, spartan lieutenant etc.), so try to avoid using explosives against them or around their corpses. Although, only humans will have a copy, Deep Ones and Dark Ones aren't very interested in reading I guess.
The newspaper is, understandably, extremely fragile to the point where even a molotov cocktail can destroy it, and if you don't know in advance where it is and the risk of destroying it, you can easily end up without the necessary progression item.
You can edit your save to get one if you want the full reward, or you can wait until the next pogrom appears and use the experience to try and save the newspaper. I'll put the instructions for save-editing in a spoiler below if you want to go that route.
First, locate your save game folder. With the default XPiratez install, that will be in the main game folder, in the 'user' folder, then in the 'piratez' folder. This done, open up the game on your most recent save, and buy a kitchen knife on the black market. This done, make a new save with whatever name you like.
Go to the save game folder, and open up that new save file with any text editor. Search in the file for the following line:
Then, replace that line with this one:
Save the file, and load it in-game. It should load without issue and after 24 hours a new copy of the Solar Courier will arrive at your base! This method works by just replacing what item you ordered with a different one, keeps things simple with minimal chance of error.