
Author Topic: A thread for little questions  (Read 1436510 times)

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #615 on: October 14, 2017, 11:53:25 am »
Your early-game just got super easy. Respect! I'm still using the default ganger suits and the one tac-vest from warehouse-wars.
I'm just into june now and managed to get 2 reticulan landings done for 2x ret.-plasma charger parts.
Hopefully I get a third drop for a fully functional gun to have tool with unlimited shots to farm civilian using the aircar as an interceptor :P

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #616 on: October 14, 2017, 12:45:40 pm »
Killing Raiders with ropes? Badass! :D

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #617 on: October 14, 2017, 09:11:20 pm »
Your early-game just got super easy. Respect! I'm still using the default ganger suits and the one tac-vest from warehouse-wars.

Yeahhh be thankful for that.
Im in Year 3 and I have a very low presence of reticulans and academy. I haven't had a single reticulan base come up, and in order to get much of the reticulan stuff at all I am going to need it to come up.

But worse yet... in order to get Advanced Medicine I will need to have "reticulans' stuff" which im pretty sure only comes from the reticulan base. Not to mention the reticulan contacts and the alliance stuff that comes with it (because ill need a reticulan elder to do that)

All im getting pretty much is Traders, Traders, Traders. There isnt hardly even any church stuff - there has been a big lack of chryssalid bearing ships so I have only cobbled together One xeno armor at this time. There have been 3 Trader Bases, nobody else has even built a base.

Only reason I got academy higher ups was because of mansion robberies and one of them had academy.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #618 on: October 14, 2017, 11:55:05 pm »
Red/green codex can be rough without reticulan's been sheduled and no ret-bunker probes.
Year 3 sounds like you can pretty much prepare for Cydonia farming up for annihilators and max out plasma-weaponry and voodoo-skill.

Offline khade

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #619 on: October 15, 2017, 01:21:22 am »
Reticulan stuff should just require robbery or murder to get, you do mean the bio matter that they carry around, right?

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #620 on: October 15, 2017, 01:33:27 am »
The reticulian's files are important to unlock voodoo: communion.
The green codex depends immensly on this tech and it also gives us the "sponge"-suit.

The most important thingy are the ret. elders since we need 1 of these to get the school unlocked.
Unless changed the elder spawn only in an imperial probe mission "reticulian bunker"

With bad luck both elder spawn deep inside the building and you run into the situation of reaction-fire them to pieces due to the close encounters.

Offline RSSwizard

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #621 on: October 15, 2017, 05:21:40 am »
The reticulian's files are important to unlock voodoo: communion.
The green codex depends immensly on this tech and it also gives us the "sponge"-suit.

With bad luck both elder spawn deep inside the building and you run into the situation of reaction-fire them to pieces due to the close encounters.

They usually do spawn the farthest in, but I have seen one before somewhere in the middle of the building.

I have had only like ONE probe so far. I have not gotten any more probes at all. It was for a demons mission. Ive got 4 hyperwaves going with a good spread around the globe, I think id find them if they spawned. But last time I looked at the guts of my save file there arent even any missions on the docket for the probes.

As for accidentally killing the elders with reaction fire, now that ive got Middle Click confirmation to check who im shooting at that is unlikely.

I typically use up almost all my TU every turn and rather than set up overwatch I tend to put my hands somewhere that they wont get fired on - and I charge out of cover afterwards to press the advantage. Its rare that ill actually have any TU spare left to reaction fire with unless im specifically focused on that (usually out in the open).

These days I also like this mechanic of sitting a melee hand next to the door so that when an enemy comes through, they get screwed on CQC misfires. Like haha I just keep slapping your weapon around, and when I get my turn you're getting an AyePhone across the back of the head.

If I find someone important like an elder, or a trader rep, or anything else I wanna capture it goes into full capture mode. Knockout Grenades, Aye Phones, or maybe even a Small Launcher since ive usually got quite abit of ammo for it (since VIPs are so rare and they usually go down from a small launcher with one shot after I weaken them - and ill savescum to make sure I dont kill em...)

(speaking of which the blinged out Trader Lords ive captured have both been due to me kicking their ass, in the ass, and then usually shooting them with something to put them down but not dead - then I stop the bleeding enough to keep them alive the rest of the mission - they have good armor so that means the ShockAFist just kinda creeps up the stun damage on them until they're down).

Quick Question:

If I Shoot Down shipping but I just dont give a rats butt about going in and fighting it out to get the loot... how does this affect the scoring for that "mission" that the shipping was flying?

I mean for example the Heavy Freighter is a boon of points and loot but its a hard(ish) mission that I might as a player just be too bored of fighting to give a damn about. I'll go shoot the whale down just fine but everything im getting from it I already have several times over so I might just leave it to rot on the landscape. Am I still going to get the despawn penalty from the shipping or what (seeing as I destroyed that ship id think that their mission failed).
« Last Edit: October 15, 2017, 05:29:32 am by RSSwizard »

Offline khade

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #622 on: October 15, 2017, 10:39:12 am »
I've heard you can drop them in the ocean, shooting down anything should give positive score even gov ships, you lose points on the raid after.  At least it has been like that dunno about now.

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #623 on: October 15, 2017, 12:33:17 pm »
The mission can't resolve if the ship is shot down.
Can't confirm the despawn penalty but my suggestion is that the negetaive score you would get is far smaller than a successful mission.

Also gunning down shit above water auto-resolves any issues with those things.
A global coverage with fighters to shot down everything nets enough score to completely skip battlescape actions.

This is best suited for super-late game while manufacturing hellerium-capsules and other useful stuff like plasma-destroyers and maxing out voodoo powers in the schools to get 32-36 crackmarines up and running to kick cydonia's butt.

Offline Ragshak

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #624 on: November 02, 2017, 09:52:22 pm »
Is there any more detailed description for bounty prizes?
Can someone explain how does camufage works? And is there some in-build indicator is enemy see my gals? Or do I have to count titles between gal and enemy?

Offline ohartenstein23

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #625 on: November 02, 2017, 10:05:39 pm »
Can someone explain how does camufage works? And is there some in-build indicator is enemy see my gals? Or do I have to count titles between gal and enemy?

Camoflage directly reduces the sight range, so you'd have to know the enemies' sight range and whether or not they can negate some camo.  No indicator for when an enemy can or can't see you except when they start shooting.  If you want to count tiles, there's a Rangefinder item for exactly that - no counting necessary, just point your cursor.

Offline khade

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #626 on: November 02, 2017, 10:29:41 pm »
It should be explained in the bootypedia approximately when you get access to outfits with meaningful camo.  Or really any at all, I can't remember if the early outfits have any or not, or if they only say if you've researched it.

Offline Ragshak

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #627 on: November 02, 2017, 10:36:10 pm »
My girls already are painted with first Camo outfit but I it doesn't work too well :(

In older versions I remember to see "Pureblood human" exemination topis form the beginning of the game. Now I dont see it and have no idea how far humans can see. For example Nurse/Reasercher examinations gives info about Night Vision but no word about Day Vision :P

Offline Ethereal_Medic

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #628 on: November 03, 2017, 12:16:54 am »
Everyone (other than some sort of expectation) should have a basic day-vision of whooping 40 tiles.
Non-ubers can see 10 tiles in the dark.

The first 'camo-paint' you can get, offers you 12/4 camo.
This translate into: A non-uber has to be 12 tiles closer during day to spot your camo-soldier. (28 tiles) and 4 tiles closer during the night (6 tiles)
Since nightmissions are massively in the players favour during early game (your gals can see 2 tiles further) the camo paint is best used during night.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: A thread for little questions
« Reply #629 on: November 03, 2017, 12:38:21 am »
Non-ubers can see 10 tiles in the dark.

Isn't it 9?