Here I discovered some translation bugs:
STR_MAGNUM_DRUM: "Картидж «Магнум» 0,44" - Missprint "картидж" instead "картридж".
STR_MAGNUM_DRUM: "Картидж «Магнум» 0,44" - Maybe, it's most correct to use "обойма" instead "картридж"?
STR_MAGNUM_AA_DRUM: "Картридж «Магнум» 0,44 (СП)" - Maybe, it's most correct to use "обойма" instead "картридж"?
STR_MAGNUM_AA_DRUM_PREQ: "Требование для картриджа «Магнум» 0,44 (СП)" - Maybe, it's most correct to use "обойма" instead "картридж"?
STR_RIFLE_M16_BUY: "Покупка винтовки L85" - Missprint "L85" instead "M16"
STR_MISSIONS_BY_UFO: "МИССИЙ, ПО ТС" - Maybe, it's most correct to use "НЛО" instead "ТС"?
STR_SHOW_ONLY_NEW: "Показывать только новые" - The string length is too big for container, where it is displayed, maybe it's most correct to use "Только новые"?
STR_MELEE_SHORT: "БлБ>{ALT}{0}" - The word "БлБ" is not understandable, much better to use "Ближ."
STR_DOSSIER_MERIDIAN_HUNTER_UFOPEDIA: ">>СПЕЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯ: Наемник..." - Extra symbol ">" at the beginning
STR_RPG_ROCKET: "Выстрел РПГ" - Missprint "Выстрел" instead "Ракета"
STR_SPORTING_RIFLE_CLIP: "Патроны спортивной винтовки" - Wrong translation of the word "sporting". It is more correct to use the second meaning of the translation value of this word - "охотничья"
STR_SPORTING_RIFLE: "Спортивная винтовка" - Wrong translation of the word "sporting". It is more correct to use the second meaning of the translation value of this word - "охотничья"
Also, in the international community, the caliber of weapons in inches according to the template ". ##" is accepted, for example ".44" instead of "0,44".