
Author Topic: Dossiers wanted!  (Read 112695 times)

Offline tkzv

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #105 on: October 29, 2017, 09:10:32 pm »
A few pictures I found.

Travis Side shot0025.jpg — Two ufologists working from their attic. Non-free, if anybody cares about that.
league.png — Background for "League Apprehension" mission briefing.

hacker computer-2157100_1920.jpg — A free (CC0) picture Google suggested for "hacker".
hacker-lohalo.png — A dossier picture I made from it.

— A free (public domain) picture Google suggested for "snake oil salesman".
quack-lohalo.png — A dossier picture I made from it.

doctor-1149149_1920.jpg — A free (CC0) picture Google suggested for "modern quack doctor".
doctor-lohalo.png — A dossier picture I made from it.

mafia KvwUzUnnrUo.jpg — A non-free picture Google gave when I described EXALT from EW. (Sorry, no higher resolution.)
exalt.png — Background for early EXALT missions I made from it.

Dossier: Sevastian Kukovlev
ROLE: Hacker
AFFILIATION: Cyberweb(?)
DETAILS: No solid information beside name and Fidonet address 2:5030/53122.18. Possibly a front for a group of hackers. Rumoured to be responsible for recent worldwide pandemia of polymorphic viruses after he created an SDK just for fun. Very convincingly pretends to be computer illiterate.
STATUS: Microsoft notified.

Dossier: Avtandil Saakyan
ROLE: Surgeon
AFFILIATION: Red Dawn or Cyberweb
DETAILS: Studied applications of shilajit in USSR in 1980s, did 6 years after several patients died. Briefly worked as a plastic surgeon for Red Dawn, then moved on to implantation. Got famous for asking no questions and being willing to risk.
STATUS: Interpol notified.

Dossier: Zadok Cohen
ROLE: Bagman
AFFILIATION: Hybrid Network
DETAILS: Poses as a travelling agent for various companies. Transports cash between Hybrid agents. Looks exactly like a quack doctor, who operated in Texas in 1900s, and their genetic material matches too.
STATUS: Interpol notified.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2017, 10:18:21 pm by tkzv »

Offline Dwarmin

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2017, 10:01:45 pm »
Name: Zhan Jian
ROLE: Farmer
DETAILS: Located in a remote village in coastal China, Zhan Jian was brought to the attention of XCOM after our statisticians determined his rice farm was the focal point for a large amount of local Strange Life Form activity. Surveillance revealed he actively fed and sheltered these Lifeforms from the safety of his land-and even helped them recover from injuries. These creatures, which are mindlessly hostile to all other humans, seem to treat him gently and respectfully-they offer him the protection and solitude he desires. It seems he is not even above directing his 'children' (as he states in audio tapes) to attack locals who grow suspicious of him, or performing the occasional murder to attend to their 'unique dietary needs'. How he manages to communicate with them at all, or befriend these creatures is a complete mystery.
STATUS: Ministry of State Security Notified

Name: Kelly LeMerk
ROLE: Human Resources
DETAILS: Kelly LeMerk is the 'HR woman' of EXALTS business fronts-she coordinates staffing and manpower issues over dozens of EXALT sites around the continental United States. While the vast majority of her underlings are unaware of their indirect participation in EXALT, Kelly LeMerk knows very well-though her position is still too low to be gifted which much more than a crippling personal addiction to PsiClone. Still, she handles many 'ground level' liquidations, removing any workers-by any means-who ask to many questions or dig too deep.
STATUS: Surveillance Ongoing

Name: Arnold Hammerman
ROLE: Ice Cream Man
DETAILS: A man extremely dedicated to his craft. Arnold Hammerman was once a highly educated Military Engineer-he suffered a mental breakdown in 1995, and began a new life serving Ice Cream from the back of a truck. He still tinkered, however, turning himself into something of a freelance inventor. By all accounts the extent of the upgrades to his truck, freezers, and mixers were far beyond civilian grade. He might have remained harmless, but Hammerman has recently found a new set of toys to tinker with-black market alien technology. He even professed interest to an undercover XCOM agent in acquiring some 'new flavors' from harvested alien plants and animals. The results of his seemingly good intentions could be catastrophic, if extremely tasty.
STATUS: FBI Notified

Name: Clark Lewis
ROLE: Vigilante
DETAILS: Clark Lewis, a reclusive multi-billionaire with a pipeline to various illegal groups who could supply him with alien tech. A bad combination, usually, but Mr. Lewis is unusual in that he seeks only thing to gain-Justice. No doubt taking inspiration from various pop culture sources and his own tragic childhood, Mr. Lewis has taken a good deal of alien gadgets and tech to fashion himself into a real life 'superhero'-he uses his wealth and position to wage a war against crime in a suit of powered armor that protects both his body and his anonymity. Thankfully, most of his weapons are entirely non-lethal, and he usually relies on self trained martial arts augmented by his suit to deal with any threats. XCOM has decided he is not a threat, and might even be a potential recruit. We established low level contact with him after our surveillance revealed that (predictably enough) some of the criminals of his city are beginning to obtain their own black market alien tech devices to become 'super villains'.
STATUS: Contact Ongoing
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 10:26:58 pm by Dwarmin »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2017, 08:28:12 pm »

Offline tkzv

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #108 on: May 23, 2018, 01:58:39 am »
I think this picture could make a good illustration for something Cyberweb-related:

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #109 on: May 23, 2018, 11:40:04 am »
I think this picture could make a good illustration for something Cyberweb-related:

Thanks, and welcome back! :)

Offline Bartojan

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #110 on: June 14, 2018, 12:03:44 pm »
Do you want our actual prime minister (alternate)?  :D
Name: Andrej Bureš
Role: Opportunistic businessman
Affiliation: None
Details: Merciless Slovak trader who buys and sells (among other things) classified informations and technology from/to anyone. There are clues he trades with Cyberweb, the EXALT, the Red Dawn and The Syndicate. He maintains his criminal record clean at all costs, because of his higher ambitions in politics.
Status: Under active investigations from multiple intelligence agencies and international organizations
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 04:34:22 pm by Bartojan »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #111 on: June 14, 2018, 01:04:59 pm »
If we change the name and portrait, why not :) But the text is definitely too long to fit. Can you make it shorter?

Offline mumble

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #112 on: June 24, 2018, 05:49:30 am »
This isn't a dossier, but I had this idea for a staff input for the quartermaster.

Staff input : Light munitions are sometimes better.
there's nothing more frustrating than trying to capture something alive that wants to kill you eh? Well I've got a tip. I always carried an additional, smaller gun specifically for capturing people when I was a cop, smaller rounds won't kill as easily so it might not hurt to carry a smaller caliber too just to wear an enemy down. a wounded target is always a less dangerous / more docile one!

But can't have those cultists bleeding out BEFORE we interrogate em right? So keep a medic ready.

As for "excessive use of force"?... How about you try taking alive a knife wielding tweaker by yourself without them fancy tasers, THEN tell me if its excessive...exactly... most people who say that demand results without ever asking how it will be done. Damn hippies.

EDIT : made a small edit to the text to be more clear, and provide a little character
EDIT2: cut length slightly.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 02:09:43 am by mumble »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #113 on: June 24, 2018, 03:08:24 pm »
Thanks, added to my notes.

Offline mumble

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #114 on: June 25, 2018, 11:33:57 pm »
Another staff input... For chief accountant.

Staff input : Human trafficking concerns?
NO, commander, what I'm doing is not...technically, illegal, with our sold do I get several thousand dollars for a suspect? Look, I'm VERY busy with other things alright, I need to document everything we do to secure next months funding from the counc- "IS IT ETHICAL"? Look, commander, all you need to know is I find buyers for people, and what happens after they are sold is NOT my concern ok? If YOU are so concerned over the morality of it, How about I take the money out of YOUR pension? I can do that you know....

GREAT! Its settled, we won't discuss this anymore. Good day commander.


And another for chief medical officer.

Staff input : Medical experimentation.
I know you might be slightly concerned about the dead body of the cultist we interrogated, but I assure you, it is entirely legal, and I even got a waiver signed. So it shouldn't really be too alarming. Dismembered? no no see the drug worked, but the muscular tension caused the muscular and skeletal structure to fold in on itself, so that was an unintended side effect. Don't worry I follow the Hippocratic oath, first do no harm, against our agents and coworkers.  But everyone is accountable to any harm they experience once they sign a consent and waiver form. By the way, commander, could you sign this consent form to try a new pill for concentration?... What are you looking at me like that for? Where are you going?


(and a final one to include as a starter article, from quartermaster)
Bureaucratic loop hole : "lost paperwork".

I've got an idea moving forward you should know about. Technically speaking, we are NOT allowed to bring confiscated cultist guns to a mission if we don't have the right permits, BUT, Actually finding, and using such a weapon in the field if we find it is completely legal, since we are under threat, so, heres my idea. I'm just going to make the paperwork on found weapons very vague. Meanwhile, anything you confiscate in a mission feel free to use on other missions to keep your agents alive. Just make sure they keep their yaps shut about it : loose lips sink ships.

Edited for length
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 01:57:54 am by mumble »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #115 on: June 26, 2018, 12:14:18 pm »
Maybe when the game is 1024x768... ::)

Offline HT

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #116 on: June 26, 2018, 11:04:20 pm »
Another staff input... For chief accountant.


That was awesome and it should be in the game. However, try cutting some lines to make it capable of fitting into the limited space Ufopaedia's entries have.

Offline mumble

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #117 on: June 27, 2018, 01:42:01 am »
Chopped down the staff input while trying to keep them interesting. Sorry, forgot about how big is the limit...

A few more dossiers, to flesh out a few more groups.

Name: Murphys Law Macgyver (real name unknown)
Role: Saboteur
Affiliation: Syndicate
Details: An extremely eccentric, and odd man, who seems to have an frighteningly accurate prediction of consequences. He is used as an extremely unorthodox, but effective, means of accomplishing a mission. Due to the secretive nature we know little, but we know he once organized assassinating a target, with a combination of giving PCP to the nearby homeless, which caused a traffic accident to break open a propane trucks tank, and dropping a lit cigarette from a balcony. It was viewed as an absolute freak accident at the time.
Status: Whereabouts unknown

Name: Jitterbones
Role: Advisor, Warrior
Affiliation: Cult of the apocalypse, Zombies
Details: Apparently even in zombie society, there are those who wish to explore (at least as far as sentient ones). Jitterbones is one such case, of a zombie who wanted to explore the surface, despite warnings he wouldn't be accepted. But apparently those in the body mod community don't mind his odd looks, and the cult of the apocalypse doesn't mind him being a flesh eating zombie : they made a pact, offering protection from the modern world in exchange for a little help for themselves : which hes all too happy to provide. He is revered among them for his ability to either make new "temporary" recruits if need be, or "dispose" or unwanted bodies. Both of which he enjoys
Status: Interpol notified

(I was thinking using a picture of someone whos gone through extreme body modding)

« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 06:46:16 am by mumble »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #118 on: June 27, 2018, 03:25:32 pm »
Also I forgot to say: lol, the Doctor is high again. :)

Offline tkzv

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Re: Dossiers wanted!
« Reply #119 on: October 14, 2018, 10:48:04 am »
Still looking for pictures of various professions? How about climbers?