just a quick call for opinions: would anybody like to see your civilian staff in base defense missions? the original gave you this cheesy explanation about civilians and craft having been evacuated (although they never could explain how 200 engineers and 150 scientists got out within the 20 minutes warning time you had... and all of the personnel and craft still disappeared completely if you lost).
- a little bit more realistic
- additional objective for base missions: protect your civilians
- I'd just love to see that scientist picking up an alien artifact he's working on and blasting a Muton out of his lab (OK, I know, won't work anyway, but still...)
- if you add them all, the base does get kinda crowded. my research base usually has 100-150 scientist
perhaps only add 1 battlescape civilian for every 5 real ones?
- could turn into excessive battlescape micro-management (see above)
A bit more game-changing: maybe if the aliens wouldn't always enter through the hangars and access lift (which only leads to weird base-layouts for optimised defensibility anyway) but blast their way through the outer walls? then one of your objectives would be to get as many civilians as possible to the transport craft or access lift and thus out of the map. you would actually GAIN points for evacuating them safely, giving you the chance to turn even a losing base-defense mission into something other than domplete devastation.