You should post your save before applying bio-enhancement. This would allow more easily to reproduce and if necessary fix (probably in OXCE).
You know, it has a bit to do with shame. Posting my game is like stripping naked, possibly exposing the bit of savescumming I did every now and then... But I swear that my plan is to collect experience on this first run for a future ironman game

I was about to write that the savegame got overwritten in the meanwhile. But I could find another one where the Van is still not at its destination, hehe. So o.k., I show you my game.
* Load the save game
* Convince yourself that PUBLIC/VAN-3 is on its way to an Abyssal Artifact Delivery mission in south Atlantic.
* Click Bases
* Select 2nd base India
* Click Agents
* Click Fonthip Pinkaew (fairly at the bottom of the list; also note Craft: PUBLIC/VAN-3)
* Click on the up arrow (button left of "Armored Vest").
* Click Bio-Enhancement
* Click once again Bio-Enhancement (button at the bottom right)
* Go back to geoscape. Let the game progress, start the mission and note that Fonthip Pinkaew is missing.