Given that alien bases don't give such amounts of UFO Navigation, although they do provide comparable amounts of Gardens, I suspect this is not entirely intentional. I mean, yes, Hybrid embassies are kinda tough and more advanced than your garden-variety manor, but not
that much tougher.
As to Blood Boosting, well, since nothing has happened since it was
last mentioned, I guess it's roughly where it's supposed to be.

Edit: The navigation culprit seems to be this, which gives four units of UFO Navigation apiece. Maybe make only one of the pieces give out navigation? Or add an extra table that does, put in front of the big room and leave the others as just decoration? I mean, the purple alien versions in alien bases don't seem to give any.
Edit2: Actually, alien bases don't seem to give out any navigation at all, despite it being present in UFOs or those purple tables. Not sure how, why, or why it's different from embassies.
Edit3: Okay, now I know. Vanilla behaviour, the tables (and apparently also any UFOs that have landed in the base) are the mission objective for destroying the base and get eaten before debriefing. Hybrid embassies don't have the same mission type, although MiB bases and Towers of Desolation do.
I'm making my bases have 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' and dividing the yield by at least 2. 10 for embassies.