More bugs from the latest test. Will write another feedback thread post soon (fair warning). First though:
Normal nad as designed. It's one of normal outcomes (a flavour of "no results").
Could an alternative item be used for such? For example, there are many gibblets/corpse-like trash items that can be found in caves, substituting generic corpse for one of them and adding a short description "Rotting remains of some hapless creature. Whatever it once was, now it has absolutely no monetary or scientific value." and a price of -1 dollars (trashbags are expensive) would probably make it look far more fleshed out and less confusing - after all it's rasonable that the Salvagers would send something that didn't survive the journey or was simply not identified well rather than mysterious corpse of a creature one cannot identify yet is also unable to investigate.
Possible, drones can get unconscious if you really try hard to make them to.
That it's possible it's obvious, it's how it was done seems to be a bug. I can understand electricity but a robot should probably have much more decent resistance to bio/organic attack (unless it's corrosive but that one is usually handled by "chemical" attack type so it's not an issue anyway), at the very least the stun aspect of it. It does seemingly have 0% vulnerability, so theoretically resistance already - but if something goes through, then that something still doesn't work well. OpenXCom issue?
Should I remove this category and treat Stun Rods as melee weapons, Dart Rifles as rifles, etc.? Perhaps I should, especially since I plan to give these weapons some lethal options.
Hm, maybe, though merely allowing default item list to segregate items on the basis of how they're employed/their type, rather than their effect would fix this issue easily as well as prevent any issues if you'll implement above-mentioned plan. If someone wants to then look for stun weapons in particular, they could choose that from the drop-down menu.
If this is confirmed to not work, and the script author doesn't fix it, then I'll do something about it.
I can confirm their issue. While I never really suffered killing an alien from an overstun due to use of handcuffs, it's certain that handcuffing an alien does mess with some stats of theirs as often stunned (Zzzz) enemy icon turns into the one of a heart when handcuffed for a couple of turns.
Now, new bugs:
Whenever I interrogated someone from cyberweb I was informed of getting Cyberweb space technomad processing workshop option despite never dealing with anything cyberweb that wasn't the mission in the sewers, with one regular technomad, some roboturrets and drones.
Lack of sprite for the chubby beach resort civilian holding a spear. He's standing there with spear levitating in front of him. Screen001 during the mission Deep Ones Attack, one of the civilians picked up the weapon.
Sprite of a trooper facing wrong direction for a cybersuit wearing trooper armed as the Screen003 shows (including direction that was clicked for the trooper to turn to). Must be my luck - I almost never use bigger melee weapons for reasons mentioned so when I finally made someone pick one up, there had to be an issue

Inventory sprite of a trooper with wide torso can sometimes poke outside the armor layer. Xcomfilesbug.png shows an example.
Call of T'Leth mission is available before Deep Ones Outposts are researched though it seems to depend on the knowledge of outposts.
"Lots of swarmid corpses" cannot be autopsied like regular "swarmid corpses". Similarly with stunned "lots" that cannot be researched like smaller swarmid swarms for some reason. Both should probably lead to the same research since in either case it's a study of single bugs in the swarm.
Roboturrets and robospheres (intact, not wrecked) seem to have no weight.
Since apparently it was meant to be a thing but isn't, I can confirm what someone else reported - MiB tanks aren't recovered after the mission. Neither wrecks nor stunned ones.