Author Topic: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste  (Read 1241536 times)

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3540 on: February 08, 2023, 06:22:06 pm »
Gateway leading to wall? I dunno...
I mean, these have been in the mod forever. I don't think this will get any clearer unless Solarius outright tells us "Yes, sewers have closets. Move along, nothing to see here."

But still: to be locked in paper room in your own base!?
Well, I imagine these are kinda like Japanese paper walls. Not quite easy to move in combat without breaking them. IDK what the Lotus fellas do there, maybe it's some super-secret shit they want to keep away from fellow cult members. Or maybe it is this way to keep the AI boxed in.

I wonder why exactly....
Don't know, but my guess would be because the Gillmen fit Lovecraft's original description of Deep Ones more closely.

Same as Gertrude Ellison, for example. But for Ellison you will have interrogation report and combat analysis. Dr. Alpha have interrogation report. It feels very frustrating to make research and get nothing as he costs 1M.
Well, not sure what Meridian should tell us after getting interrogated. What Earth women specifically is he after? :D

Agree that having a combat analysis page would me more consistent with others, even if it won't ever be useful to players.

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3541 on: February 08, 2023, 06:38:44 pm »
Natasha Morozova also don't have any page if I remember correctly.

She does

>ROLE: Officer
>DETAILS: In the Soviet Union, orphans were selected for further education as KGB super-spies. Natasha Morozova was one of the best graduates and entered the service in 1983 at the age of 13. Specialization: stealth, hand-to-hand assassin, sniper. She carried out top-secret assignments to NATO countries, including scientific espionage, sabotage, and murder. The collapse of the country she took as a personal tragedy and betrayal and wandered in Siberia until recruitment to the Red Dawn in the mid-90s.
>STATUS: Hidden

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3542 on: February 08, 2023, 06:45:38 pm »
That's her dossier. She has neither a combat analysis nor an "Interrofation of ..." page, unlike Gertrude Ellison, Dr. Alpha, David Vincent or Dr. Hadriex. Though out of all of them only GE has a combat analysis.

Offline Akamashi

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3543 on: February 08, 2023, 07:52:21 pm »
The further I go, the more I don't understand the mechanics of fire damage. I dug up a couple of firing launchers. They have 90 fire damage. How do I deal this 90 damage? I made three direct hits on a dog without armor - it stands alive.  This weapon easily destroys hybrid drones, and ordinary oziron dudes need to be shot to the point of stupefaction. Moreover, damage is most often not inflicted at all. The simplest giant spider tanks these 90 fire damage as if there is not 90, but 9 damage.
I'm sorry to ask this question again...

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3544 on: February 08, 2023, 07:55:11 pm »

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3545 on: February 08, 2023, 10:54:56 pm »
That's her dossier. She has neither a combat analysis nor an "Interrofation of ..." page, unlike Gertrude Ellison, Dr. Alpha, David Vincent or Dr. Hadriex. Though out of all of them only GE has a combat analysis.
Oh got ya  :)

Offline Mathel

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3546 on: February 10, 2023, 12:49:56 pm »
I'm sorry to ask this question again...

Most sources of fire damage (unless it is a Napalm explosion), deal 4 to 10 damage, affected only by resistance, not by plating. (RandomType=4)
The weapon power is still used for blast radius, but not for damage.

Offline Akamashi

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3547 on: February 10, 2023, 11:05:10 pm »
Most sources of fire damage (unless it is a Napalm explosion), deal 4 to 10 damage, affected only by resistance, not by plating. (RandomType=4)
The weapon power is still used for blast radius, but not for damage.
It doesn't explain some points, but thanks anyway.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3548 on: February 10, 2023, 11:07:43 pm »
It doesn't explain some points, but thanks anyway.
Which ones?

Offline Akamashi

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3549 on: February 12, 2023, 10:17:17 pm »
There is a swimming pool at the Hacienda of Osiron mission. People move around this pool as if they are skating on ice. It's like if you made a run-up and rolled on the ice in a stationary position. In the game, it looks weird. Especially when you consider that walking in the pool is generally possible only if you are Jesus Christ.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2023, 06:17:38 pm by Akamashi »

Offline Stone Lake

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3550 on: February 14, 2023, 03:30:11 pm »
Quote from: Akamashi
The further I go, the more I don't understand the mechanics of fire damage. I dug up a couple of firing launchers. They have 90 fire damage. How do I deal this 90 damage? I made three direct hits on a dog without armor - it stands alive.  This weapon easily destroys hybrid drones, and ordinary oziron dudes need to be shot to the point of stupefaction. Moreover, damage is most often not inflicted at all. The simplest giant spider tanks these 90 fire damage as if there is not 90, but 9 damage.

Spoiler Off-topic?:
The basic damage formula is
DMG = [a] RNG * [t] DAMAGE MOD - [t] ARMOR * [a] ARMOR EFF
that's effective damage, where [a] refers to ammo/weapon stat, [t] to target stat and RNG refers to a result of a random roll. It's later multiplied by factor ToHealth, toStun for a particular characteristic, eg:
toStunFinal = [a] toStun * DMG
toHealthFinal = [a] toHealth * DMG

Most common RNG type is 0-200% (OF POWER), for example, kinetic (blops pistol). Among fire weapons, napalm grenade has 50-150% random roll and works mostly as you would expect: takes random value between 0.5 and 1.5 and multiplies it by grenade's power.
With caveats that it ignores armor (because armor eff = 0) and it's an explosive. For most explosive's power is applied fully only at the center of the blast, and then drops off by 10 per tile (usually), being effectively 40, 30, 20 etc. power weapon further to the sides with separate RNG rolls.
The most common incendiary-type weapon though, incendiary grenade has random type of 5-10. So it's RNG roll amounts to 5-10 flat damage that doesn't care about power. That's also default RNG roll for INCENDIARY damage type.
This 5-10 roll is then multiplied by target's DAMAGE MOD (resist, or whatever). The power isn't taken into account, so the damage is applied uniformly along the blast. Side note: smoke grenade's RNG roll is just 0, so it deals no damage at all.

The fire has a special hijink in that: both incendiary and napalm and more other weapons 1) have a chance light floor on fire 2) have a chance to light a unit on fire. Standing on the floor on fire or being on fire essentially always deals default INCENDIARY damage, that is, 5-10 RNG is used.

And the last bit. Agents in kevlars usually have 150% incendiary DAMAGE MOD. That means single incendiary deals (5-10)*3(explosion+floor+burning)*1.5=22-45 damage, putting them close to being one-shotted.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3551 on: February 14, 2023, 03:44:26 pm »
Why doesn't the Zrbite Drive require IBA research? I mean, the tech guy says we've "completely retro-engineered" them while the eggheads haven't even started looking at the things.

Offline plainer

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3552 on: February 15, 2023, 05:12:29 pm »
Now in Tech Tree Viewer
Avionics Mod Prerequisite depends on:
Ultimate Radar Craft AND
Heavy Troop Transporter AND
New Fighter Craft AND
Ultimate Hunter AND
Sentinel Interceptor AND
Thunderstorm Interceptor

Мaybe the creator meant OR, not AND?

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3553 on: February 15, 2023, 07:17:58 pm »
Not sure if it's already been reported (If I missed it, my apologies) but Magnum reload sound FX isn't working correctly in newest version (2.8 ).
I hear something but it is very faint or possible only my imagination (there is nothing at all).

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #3554 on: February 18, 2023, 01:56:55 pm »
Is that a typo? Or is it meant to be?

Yes, it's a typo, thank you.

Some 'bad taste': I see that the small alien subs are still following the 'tiny USO has a bigger, three-room map while the smaller small USO is a one-roomer'. Is this intentional homage? I think there were fan fixes for this a long time ago, perhaps in XcomUtil even.

I don't know, I just took the maps from TFTD and converted the palette to UFO.

A potential bug, too. Is the Zrbite container in the Survey Ship supposed to lay on the floor next to the IBA instead of under it?

A bug, yeah. Fixed.

Now that I think about it, isn't it kinda strange that the USO Cruiser's Zrbite supply is in the front, under one of those ball thingies instead of an IBA?

Yes, I found and fixed some inconsistencies. Thanks!

Edit: I think Sectopods are missing 'prisonType: 4'.

Yeah, it was missing, fixed.
(Although, it wouldn't be completely wrong to call them semi-living.)

Is the hybrid embassy supposed to yield multiple millions in loot? I haven't checked which tiles get recoverd as alien navigation, but I ended up with ~40 of those and hundreds of alien gardens. Not that I'm complaining, but this seems slightly unbalanced.

These bases are almost identical, so the any differences should be RNG related... Did I miss anything?

EDIT: Yes, I did! Alien bases don't grant so much Alien Navigation because

As to Blood Boosting, well, since nothing has happened since it was last mentioned, I guess it's roughly where it's supposed to be. :-\

It's basically a sidestep meant for agents who aren't useful for other transformations.

The navigation culprit seems to be this, which gives four units of UFO Navigation apiece. Maybe make only one of the pieces give out navigation? Or add an extra table that does, put in front of the big room and leave the others as just decoration? I mean, the purple alien versions in alien bases don't seem to give any.

Edit2: Actually, alien bases don't seem to give out any navigation at all, despite it being present in UFOs or those purple tables. Not sure how, why, or why it's different from embassies.

Edit3: Okay, now I know. Vanilla behaviour, the tables (and apparently also any UFOs that have landed in the base) are the mission objective for destroying the base and get eaten before debriefing. Hybrid embassies don't have the same mission type, although MiB bases and Towers of Desolation do.

Well this was a knige to the back for sure... WHY would these two things be tied together?

I'm making my bases have 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' and dividing the yield by at least 2. 10 for embassies.

Wait, didn't you mean setting 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' for alien bases, not hybrid bases? So UFO Navigation gets recovered in both cases (well, divided by a certain factor)?
This would also make the change more forgiving (less loot from hybrids, but more from aliens).

Sometimes an imbalance adds a certain interest. Making all aspects of the game predictably balanced makes the game bland. (...)

I agree with your point, but in this case it doesn't make much sense. These are the same machines...

Finally got my hands on this mod. Stuck for month already. This is awesome.

Thanks! :)

2) Black lotus HQ. Dojo/training rooms(pink walls) dose not have door and spawn enemies inside.

I can't find this... There's only one such room I couold find, and it has doors.

3) Avatar host remains and Avatar remains UFOpedia record have to be swapped and bit rewritten. As Avatar actually evaporates and leaves no body for examination and have no clothes.

The descriptions appear fine, the graphics may be too abstracted.

5) Syndicate walker wrecks yield no UFOpedia record

OMG, you're right. How could this have gone unnoticed for so long? Fixed, thank you!

Also "Filed equpment" UFOpedia category seems to be overcludded. Ever thinked to split it? Or at leaste maybe align headers text to left so it is easier to "scan" it? Don't know if it even possible.

I can add more categories, but what exactly should be separated?

Gateway leading to wall? I dunno... also took some time to fugure out what's wrong.

Unfortunately, the alternative is to make an even grid of identical rooms with paths all around, which are as interesting and aesthetic as a concentration camp.

I wonder why exactly....

I don't understand... Why call a dog a dog and not a cat? These fish guys obviously are deep ones, as portrayed in every other media except TFTD. I guess the TFTD writers had a stroke or something, I don't really care; I just fixed this ridiculous decision.

These are fictional creatures, but we could just as well call satyrs nymphs and vice versa. Why would we do that?

Same as Gertrude Ellison, for example. But for Ellison you will have interrogation report and combat analysis. Dr. Alpha have interrogation report. It feels very frustrating to make research and get nothing as he costs 1M. BTW, that's reminds me that Natasha Morozova also don't have any page if I remember correctly.
Darn! It was pain to catch 2 alive initially.

I intentionally left Meridian vague, since he is a bit of an easter egg (and of course a tribute to Meridian himself, who has always been very helfpul with the mod's development)... Maybe it's not the best decision, but then again, it's not unique.

There is a swimming pool at the Hacienda of Osiron mission. People move around this pool as if they are skating on ice. It's like if you made a run-up and rolled on the ice in a stationary position. In the game, it looks weird. Especially when you consider that walking in the pool is generally possible only if you are Jesus Christ.

Thanks, fixed.

Why doesn't the Zrbite Drive require IBA research? I mean, the tech guy says we've "completely retro-engineered" them while the eggheads haven't even started looking at the things.

Good point, fixed - probably a bug.

Now in Tech Tree Viewer
Avionics Mod Prerequisite depends on:
Ultimate Radar Craft AND
Heavy Troop Transporter AND
New Fighter Craft AND
Ultimate Hunter AND
Sentinel Interceptor AND
Thunderstorm Interceptor

Мaybe the creator meant OR, not AND?

The TTV can be confusing. I don't actually use it myself, so can't comment.

Not sure if it's already been reported (If I missed it, my apologies) but Magnum reload sound FX isn't working correctly in newest version (2.8 ).
I hear something but it is very faint or possible only my imagination (there is nothing at all).

I can hear it, but it is indeed rather quiet. I made it a little louder.