Hobbes I think I have hit a potential gold source here ... I found a mod for Galactic Battlegrounds and extracted the units
Thanks, but I have no use for such sprites unless they are already in the format required to work in OpenXcom because I have neither the time or the skills to convert them myself.
At the moment I'm also more concerned with implementing the Geoscape than the tactical part of the mod
--- posts merged ---Well, thanks to Meridian's efforts in adding the 'hunter-killer' ability to UFOs, it seems we're on the path for an alpha release
At this point the mod already contains:
* T-800 unit
* Resistance units
* Weapons
* V-22 Osprey
* Aerial Hunter-Killer ufos
The Geoscape part is still half-done, but now that UFOs intercepting your craft is available, it becomes a lot more interesting to design and implement stuff. More news later
--- posts merged ---Redesigning Regions
The original game's regions were designed considering that the aliens would build bases in isolated areas and perform abductions/harvest in more rural areas, while conducting terror attacks on cities. UFOs would spawn/disappear in areas outside the region, simulating their entry on the atmosphere.
In Tech-Com the strategic situation is different: Skynet will start in control of central areas on each region/continent and the presence of the Resistance will be centered on outlying areas. So I'm currently redesigning all the missionZones (which are used by UFOs on the original to determine their flight paths) taking this into consideration
As an example
The area within the black polygons is under Skynet control - these will be the locations to spawn bases. The red stars are patrol areas for aerial Hunter-Killers, and the blue stars Resistance bases (for terror sites).
The redesign will also allow to implement new mission types for Skynet:
* Counter-Air - multiple aerial HKs will conduct permanent patrols over most of a month to detect and shoot down any Tech-Com airborne craft in a region. Designed to severely limit Tech-Com's operations on a region
* Patrol - similar to above, but using only a single aerial HK launched by a Skynet base in the area with a much shorter patrol duration
* Convoy - ground HK will move between Skynet bases transporting supplies and equipment. The convoy will be very slow and easy to detect but it will only move in Skynet controlled areas