Author Topic: [WIP] Tech-Com - Terminator series  (Read 71049 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [WIP] Tech-Com - Terminator series
« Reply #120 on: February 16, 2018, 12:24:11 pm »

Several different types of missions displayed, most within range of the base's transports (roughly half the radius of the displayed circle)
* Blue cross - Assist Resistance forces
* Green cross - Resistance Supply Drops
* Pink cross - Defend Resistance forces
* Red cross - Defend Civilians
* Green square - Abandoned base (supplies)
* Other pink symbols - different types of Skynet bases. Pink square is a factory that has already placed a 2nd HK base (V) in the region
How many missions will be avaliable at the same time? Is there going to be some penalty if we don't accept some of them?

This is looking sooo good, Hobbes! You are making my childhood dream come true, a good Terminator game. :'D

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Re: [WIP] Tech-Com - Terminator series
« Reply #121 on: February 16, 2018, 02:07:35 pm »
How many missions will be avaliable at the same time? Is there going to be some penalty if we don't accept some of them?

These are my current ideas for the frequency of missions/gameplay:
* The whole world will be more 'sandbox' than the original game - you'll have objectives to win the game, but you'll achieve them by expanding to other regions and discovering/assaulting specific Skynet bases
* Unlike the original Skynet and the Resistance start more or well balanced regarding some techs, but the machines will eventually start deploying more advanced terminator models (T-1000?)
* Unlike the original you won't have to shoot down every HK you detect or send squads to all the mission sites - it will depend on what's available (within reach of your transports) and your supply needs.
* The mission sites will be spread over the month, and they will only happen in regions with Tech-Com bases. So as you spread your presence, those mission sites will also spread to other regions.
* Some mission sites, like Supply Drops or Assist Resistance Forces don't give any penalty if you don't accept them (and they also last for weeks on the Strategic level). Others like Defend civilians or Resistance forces have a lesser penalty than the original.
* Skynet will also be expanding its presence from the first month - and if you don't strike and destroy the factory on each region it spreads to, then the region will eventually be overrun by Skynet bases and HKs.
* Skynet bases generate missions on their own - the more bases present in a region the more HK activity
* Tech-Com bases will be more 'disposable' - you might just build one to get in reach of a Skynet research facility you need to assault, then abandon the base because it's deep in Skynet territory and will eventually be overrun. And retaliations will be more frequent

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [WIP] Tech-Com - Terminator series
« Reply #122 on: February 16, 2018, 10:46:07 pm »

These are my current ideas for the frequency of missions/gameplay:
* The whole world will be more 'sandbox' than the original game - you'll have objectives to win the game, but you'll achieve them by expanding to other regions and discovering/assaulting specific Skynet bases
* Unlike the original Skynet and the Resistance start more or well balanced regarding some techs, but the machines will eventually start deploying more advanced terminator models (T-1000?)
* Unlike the original you won't have to shoot down every HK you detect or send squads to all the mission sites - it will depend on what's available (within reach of your transports) and your supply needs.
* The mission sites will be spread over the month, and they will only happen in regions with Tech-Com bases. So as you spread your presence, those mission sites will also spread to other regions.
* Some mission sites, like Supply Drops or Assist Resistance Forces don't give any penalty if you don't accept them (and they also last for weeks on the Strategic level). Others like Defend civilians or Resistance forces have a lesser penalty than the original.
* Skynet will also be expanding its presence from the first month - and if you don't strike and destroy the factory on each region it spreads to, then the region will eventually be overrun by Skynet bases and HKs.
* Skynet bases generate missions on their own - the more bases present in a region the more HK activity
* Tech-Com bases will be more 'disposable' - you might just build one to get in reach of a Skynet research facility you need to assault, then abandon the base because it's deep in Skynet territory and will eventually be overrun. And retaliations will be more frequent

So, the War Against the Machines will be slower that the vanilla campaign.

It's great to know that the bases will be cheaper than the XCOM bases. I don't know how many cash have the Resistance in their wallet, but I don't think there's much hahah

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