Speaking of Night Fighting tactics:
I think the light produced by the ship can be reduced by ensuring that flares and torches are not in the ship's stockpile. I need to test this to be sure, but I believe I've seen that true in the Pachyderm. If you have only "lights" in your gal's inventory, it doesn't add to any of the Ships Landing Lights.
Also, Night Fighting has gotten so much easier with the "alt" button. Hitting "alt" lets you quickly identify where units are (both yours and the enemy's) . It helps when targeting enemy units from afar (click on the number on the screen, you are centered on enemy. Click on your weapon and chose firing mode (aimed, etc). Hold down alt, and move the aiming reticle over the unit until it glows. Click to fire). Now you can hide your gals in the darkness on the map edges and let them fire into lighted target areas. I feel that it helps alot with the new early game with smaller and weaker crews, as you can't just light up the map and storm out of the Bonny and kill everything in sight.
Navigating challenging terrain in the dark (jungle, forest, mountain caves) does get trickier. Sometimes I'll make sure I've dealt with any enemies in sight, then I'll flip on the lights (L key) to see the terrain around my gals, then flip them back off and navigate.
As I understand it, if an enemy spots you when you flip the lights on, they will then know where you are for as many turns as their Intelligence allows. Once you flip the lights off though, they won't be able to target you until they can "see" you. They may move toward your position to reacquire you and target you, but it may be too far for them to do so. In the current AI, enemy don't target things beyond line of sight or anything that is blocked from view, whether by smoke, darkness, or other obstruction.
Also, the poor AI does really poorly with lights. Jagged Alliance 2 had enemies that would react to a flare tossed in their vicinity by running out of it on their turn. Overall the Xcom / OpenXcom engine didn't really try to make night fighting a thing other than making it more dangerous for the player by giving the enemy much farther vision in those situations.