Author Topic: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough  (Read 21804 times)

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #30 on: May 20, 2018, 11:34:59 am »
That's absolutely insane! I guess they were trying to keep a low profile, that would explain why they had only Earthbound weapons. I take it they didn't expect to get found. Our agents are good for something, after all. Maybe the Commander knows what he's doing, maybe he has some big plan we just don't understand.

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2018, 02:19:48 am »
The next mission they weren't trying to keep a low profile

The Adventures of Wimples, Private Reaver, and a Starving Poet (Injured 2 days)
AAR 10: Things Just Got Ugly
Terror Mission 1: Paris

We had never seen the aliens attack a city before. Thinking about things on the flight home, maybe we shouldn't have waited until daylight. But I wonder how many more soldiers we would have sent home in body bags. We lost two random people and Phwoosh this round. Phwoosh was a true friend and hero, and we awarded her the highest of honors posthumously. Many of our good soldiers were wounded in the assault on the mansion. I wonder if this was a setup. We are also hearing of heavy alien activity in the Pacific, but we do not have bases or AWAC coverage of the area at this time. Budget cuts, they say...

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2018, 04:59:44 am »
The Adventures of Wimples, Private Reaver (injured), and a Starving Poet (injured for an extended time)

February to March report (I got a good bit of playing time in. February was mostly out in the Pacific, which I ignored. I got a terror mission and one more elsewhere. March was focused in South Africa with the Cthonites. Nothing major happened except Reaver keeps getting shot. I'll have decent armor soon...)

Our research up to March 25th unlocked several areas, including utilizing Alien Alloys to upgrade our standard armament. I decided to go with ammo first, and then armor and aircraft. We will see how long it takes.

Our second terror mission involved the grays. I hate the grays. They brought along buddies as well, which seem relatively well armored. Our advanced weaponry was still able to take them down, with medium effort.

Our Production base in Antarctica is halfway operational and starting to add to our income. We were able to start working on a base in South America.

The main instigators of March was a new alien: Chtonites. They seem to be more armored than Grays or Hybrids, but they can't fly like the floaters. We ran across them in two missions in South Africa where our AWAC was patrolling. Reaver took some damage and had to be patched up later. That is when they struck a city. We lost a soldier, but found the Chtonites nothing to write home about. Their accompanied unit appears to be a big blob of molten rock that...eats people. Regular ammunition proved ineffective, but explosives worked well. Their undersides appear to be particularly soft, as our grenades did a large amount of damage.

I hope to have all of the alien alloy technology unwrapped by the end of April. If our scientists can be believed, we will have advanced aircraft, interceptors, armor, bullets and melee weaponry. They will probably want to research the new alien first, however.  Once that is finished we can take a look at some of the strange equipment we keep finding on their craft.

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #33 on: May 25, 2018, 04:58:51 pm »
This playthrough is over. My .sav somehow got deleted in the middle of the game. Could not save in the backup mode or whatever it switched to. Decided for a clean reinstall.

Edit: Now that I've done a clean install I'm starting over. I'll post missions once I get myself caught up research-wise.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 05:54:32 pm by Wimples »

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #34 on: June 07, 2018, 02:27:15 am »
Sad to hear. Well I had fun!  8)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2018, 11:16:27 am »
Sorry to sound harsh, but having just one save for a campaign is just begging for trouble.
No idea why you people do this, it should be obvious to everyone...

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #36 on: June 10, 2018, 01:11:44 am »
I keep one save in most games without problem, but I maintain 3-4 in X-Com. So far in OXC I haven't needed them, but the memories of the past which drove me to this point remain.

A few games actually prevent me from keeping backup saves, or make it difficult. Pokémon, FTL: Faster Than Light, Minecraft...

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2018, 03:25:50 pm »
Sad to hear. Well I had fun!  8)

We will try again soon. I'm going through a bit of a transition in life at the moment.

Sorry to sound harsh, but having just one save for a campaign is just begging for trouble.
No idea why you people do this, it should be obvious to everyone...

Noted. I learned my lesson.

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Don't Bring a Tank to a Swordfiight
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2018, 12:44:27 am »
So I had to start over. It is now August in the game. We're about 30 missions in, roughly.

A 50 scientist count really starts dragging out after awhile. We just now were able to research Elerium, and are starting on larger Gauss weaponry. We have encountered Cthonites, Anthropods, Sectoids (lots and lots of Sectoids....), Floaters, Reptoids, Snakemen and now the MIA. We have radar and troop coverage in the Northern Hemisphere and South America, where the Sectoids seem to live.

The Sectoids took over South America, and we lost Brazil. They then took over South America again twice more, but forgot to build bases the final two times.  A daring base raid allowed us to capture Commanders, Leaders, Medics, Navigators, Soldiers and 0 Engineers. We caught a Snakeman Engineer later, so our research is pretty much set for the next year. The order goes like this:

Alien Soldier -> Unlocked Research -> Navigator -> Unlocked Research, Engineer, Leader, Commander, etc. I figure we'll be done with the Navigator and mid-game aircraft by the end of August. We might get Gauss and Laser tech by the end of September. Then it's on to whatever order of advanced tech the leaders and commanders unlock.

After Action Report: Don't bring a tank to a swordfight.

We've been at the same tech level for three months. Inroads into alien power sources and elerium have yielded little results, and our paltry team of scientists is growing frustrated by the day. The world now worships the aliens, so recruiting more scientists is impossible. Fortunately, alien alloy tech has allowed us to overcome everything we have faced so far. Anything super-tough fell to our large rockets and heavy explosives.

We received reports of a terror attack in North Africa, and quickly flew across the sea to intercept. What we found waiting for us was not aliens, however, but humans. Their armor was similar to ours, except they lacked the ability to fly. We quickly used that to our advantage, popping up over buildings and fragging most of them with grenades. Their weaponry included weaponized laser technology attached to heavy weapons platforms, and gauss rifles. I'm curious how their technology is on par or more advanced than ours, but we were not able to capture anyone alive to interrogate. Our gauss research has yet to yield anything small enough to carry onto the battlefield.

We ran into a problem with their placement of tanks. It seems like they built the tanks in place inside buildings too small for them to escape. Two were found in a stable, one in a farm house, and the other in a small warehouse. The stables was destroyed from explosives, and those two tanks were felled by well placed high explosive charges.

The other two were very limited in mobility, and a couple of our soldiers, Reaver and Starving Poet, decided to see if Alloy Swords were able to puncture the armor of a tank. Their daring experiment proved a success, and we felled the last two tanks via sword. If we run into armored targets in the future, we can rest assured that simply walking up to them and hitting them with swords is the way to go!

End Report.

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2018, 07:51:15 pm »
It is now the end of September. Who knew that Gauss Defenses and Gauss Cannon would take 25 days to research? And the Ironfist, Thunderstorm and the other craft would take 25 days? We are now at Alien Laser Rifle, with Origins and alien Navigator afterwards.

AAR: 9/30/2018

August was a month of activity in South Africa. September was a month of activity in the Arctic (Cthonites), North America (Sectoids and MiB), and the monthly Sectoid Parade in South America.

The Sectoids, for who knows what reasons, have decided to perform what appears to be infiltration missions in S. America. Brazil folded several months ago, but that does not stop them from doing it again and again each month. We have now dubbed it the Sectoid Parade. It involves several small ships, a supply ship, terror ship and two Battleships. They make a big show around the continent, land and then take off. We get our choice of what ships to assault, and it ends with free loot every time.

More unnerving are the activities in N. America by the MiB. They started sending in their larger ships on missions, and our alloy tech is slow to take down their armored soldiers. The Tac Sniper Rifle does well, as does explosives, but alloy rifle and shotgun rounds are becoming less effective.  Our main team has amazingly high reactions and shooting accuracy, so this has not been a problem. Our second team is not quite as fortunate. We're getting close to losing troops, and I fear what will happen if they go through another tech advance before we are able to catch up...

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2018, 09:58:18 pm »
Break through!

November Report:

We were finally able to upgrade our weaponry with the addition of laser tanks and gauss rifles. Gauss gives us a major damage boost against the alien threat, and the breakthrough came after interrogating an Alien Engineer. Our scientists are excited to get their hands on more Engineers, and we have a whole lot of them in holding tanks.

We ran into a new type of alien which proved incredibly resistant to any armor piercing weaponry we had: Gazers. The infiltrated India, which became the second country lost in the war. Their heavy armor proved effective against our alloy bullets, and the gauss weaponry was not much more effective.

Ironically enough, alloy swords were incredibly effective, providing we could get close. Fortunately, Gazers are slow and stupid, often facing the wrong way. We took out the base in late November.

We are waiting the November edition of the Sectoid Parade, but are currently battling on multiple fronts.

1. In Central Asia we have floaters patrolling the area, most likely due to us shooting down their aircraft. We now have a stock pile of grav modules.

2. In South America the Sectoids are also patrolling in an attempt to locate our base.

3. We have had what we think are Hybrid convoys in Australia, too far for us to reach before they disband. The hybrid is a recently new enemy we face, and their use of human weaponry and methods is disturbing.

It is now December, and our scientists are busy researched handheld laser weaponry. We expect to interrogate more engineers and navigators afterwards in search of how the alien technology works. Maybe we can start using their own weapons against them.


Private Reaver:
Maxed: Health, Time Units, Stamina and strength.
Missions: 44, Kills: 63

Reactions: 97
Firing Acc: 96
Throwing Acc: 78
Melee Acc: 81

Favorite weapon is a shotgun, followed by Alloy Sword

Starving Poet:
Maxed: Health, TU, Stamina, Strength
Missions: 37, Kills: 28

Reactions: 78
Firing Acc: 94
Throwing Acc: 81
Melee Acc: 59

We are on UFO 173 starting in December.

Personal Notes:
Reaction training works best after you can fly and sit behind UFO doors. Otherwise, take advantage of Silacoids and their slow reactions to get a boost. Once you are in the 60s and have enough accuracy to snap shot a shotgun at 80% or greater, you can start camping outside the door of slower reacting aliens. This is NOT recommended against Gazers. They take a bunch of shots to go down.
Everything I have fought so far is vulnerable to high explosives and large rockets. Ethereals, Mutons, Chrysallids, Cerebreal and Waspites have not come on the scene yet.

Alloy swords are a great equalizer against armored targets

Offline Wimples

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #41 on: July 19, 2018, 08:41:21 pm »
Sorry, ladies and gentlemen.

I made a grave error in only assigning 50 scientists to this playthrough. I made it to February of 2000 and hadn't even made it to interrogating anything beyond an engineer. Simply put, I got bored. I think I was at UFO 400 or something.

If anyone wants to try, I recommend 75 or 100 scientists just to avoid the drain.

I may try again with a slightly less psychotic set of rules.

Offline The Reaver of Darkness

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Re: Behind the Eight-Ball Playthrough
« Reply #42 on: July 20, 2018, 04:42:46 am »
Consider which mods you are using and how they change things. 50 scientists is a good amount for vanilla, because the science was too easy. But many modders recognize this and change the science such that it is not so easy to get too many scientists. In those mods, you would be expected to continue hiring more scientists as you gain the resources to do so.