Hey Blank, looks absolutely gorgeous! Seriously thinking of implementing this. Upon testing, however, I couldn't fail to notice game crashes when attempting to view UFOpedia articles for the new facilities. Reason being TFTD doesn't draw pedia images from respective strings (item, facility, whatever) as does UFO/EU: TFTD pedia entries actually requires their own custom-made images.
So I thought I'd offer a hand!
Alas, can't manage to have images work. And there's nothing... Nevermind, figured it out!

Reason why there's no matching background is because I have no way of extracting new facility's image in any TFTD-friendly format. If I take a snapshot from a Base Defense mission and then edit the pic into the UFOpedia entry (already tried) the image will be messed up in-game later. And converting it to TFTD palette using Falco's tool won't cut it either. So I had to use the "closest" approximation: Living Quarters, General Stores and Air-Lock.
Should prevent UFOpedia crashes from trying to access these pedia articles (while also making them actually readable now), at least!

Corridors were given a single pedia article as I felt two separate pages were unnecessary. Text was added to indicate there's 2 types of Corridors, however. If anyone wants separate entries, should be easy enough to do.
I'm attaching fix below, Blank. Do with it as you like!