Hi, I just recently downloaded the newest version of openxcom XCOM files and every time I start a mission with alien agents the game crashes. I have tried to remove certain mods and see if that is what's causing the issue that didn't work. So I tried to uninstall and reinstall the program that didn't work so I was wondering if there's a patch out there that I don't know about for this issue.
No, there are no known bugs of this calibre. Either you have installed the game incorrectly, or you are using other mods which are causing a conflict.
And I don't think there are many mods which would be compatible with X-Com Files at all. It's possible, but the chances are low.
I found this Mod by watching Yogscast Ben & Lewis. It got me interested in reinstalling OpenXcom again. I have been really enjoying this and I am about to start my second playthough.
Thanks a lot! Always a great pleasure to hear such praise, especially from a new player.
My only issue with the mod is the amount of enemies on some custom maps. The Apocalypse cult ones in particular. I played on the easiest difficulty to experience as much of the new content as possible without the harsh curve the vanilla game can be.
Those missions such as the gathering in the woods has 20+ units all surrounding starting location. Simply put those missions are just worth doing. At the tech level which they appear they are just not worth the guaranteed loss of agents.
What difficulty are you playing on?
I don't recall these missions being particularly challenging.
Which leads me to my second concern. The locking of progression behind destruction of one of the Cults. This one fact is why I am having to restart my game. I took too long to capture the needed get to the upper tiers of the Cult missions and it became 1999. Once the invasion began almost of of the Cult missions stop appearing. Simply ending any chance to unlock Promotion III.
There is no relation at all between the game time and spawning cult missions. You can continue into 1999 as normal. Therefore your premise is entirely false.
What would be nice is to have a second way to unlock Promotion III using an alien unlocked tech. That way there is not a hard end to the game if you take too long.
There is no need for that, and it wouldn't make much sense. Terminating one cult isn't really that hard with Promotion II equipment.
Technically, you can open it via operations with the under-dark / syndicate , but yes, getting promotion 3 is STILL a rediculous challenge to those who aren't professionals at x-com.
Honestly I think a massive issue with xcom files is that solairus balances this for high end players at mid end difficulties, and last I checked, super human isn't taken as a serious option by solair (at least, last time I asked about it)
Of course it isn't a "serious" option, it's an option for masochists and other psychos. That's why it's the highest difficulty... This is how most computer games work, you know.
Lastly, I know some people will complain the game is "too easy", but I think these people are also some of the MUCH higher end players who meta the living hell out of the game : which is difficult in games like this, because normal players might find decent balance, but decent balance might come across as "too easy" for players who min max every element, and carefully calculate almost all decisions.
This is why we have difficulty levels!!!
I've even seen a handful of streamers on twitch who, despite LOVING the content in XCF, end up ditching it on lower difficulties because of issues with research, and difficulties moving forward...and even with the changes a while ago to promotion 3, it still takes going through a long arc of missions in 2 years to just BEGIN to unlock equipment that is extremely necessary to even begin to fight aliens, and if you hit the invasion before that, you are essentially completely screwed : I think this particular element needs more forgiveness for less skilled player, because my last playthrough also had to be trashed for that reason.
I also watch streams... People playing on Superhuman and still doing fine. If anything, I think the mod is too easy at this point.
If I might make a suggestion? Perhaps make promotion 3 unlocked from destroying a cult, and, to reward more savy players, maybe have missions that reward getting promotion 3 early, like being able to shoot down hybrid / MIB ships, to get the jump on such missions pre invasion... Its not fun having such a time limit to get the CORRECT order of research to go quickly, and its a pretty lengthy process to get promotion 3.
FFS, there is no "time limit" or any silliness like that. Please stop spreading paranoia. You make X-Com Files look like some insanely hard SNES game, while in fact it's pretty forgiving. Unless you insist on winning every battle ever, then it becomes really hard, and rightly so.
Alternatively, another year might be useful to deal with syndicate, underdark, ect...
No, there is more than enough time. I've seen Dioxine finishing off Red Dawn in like 6 months...

Admittedly Dioxine is a top player (he did it with a goddamn helicopter and 6 people), but there is much more time until 1999. And even if you're late, it doesn't really change anything.
UNRELATED question, will some of the engine improvements (CQC, punching, spotter sniper, hunterkiller, ECT) Be ported into FMP? I know XCF essentially has FMP, but sometimes i'd rather not be arsed with the roll up to promotion 3, especially with it being such a headache... Not to mention these effects in general are amazing, but XCF has one hell of a curve, that some people aren't ready for.
No, FMP is for vanilla OpenXCom, so no OXCE features will be used.
When is the next version of the mod expected?
I stopped the game because of problems with some maps and I hope to fix it in the next version.
Thanks for the cool game! 
The next version shouldn't be far away (maybe this weekend), but what map problems do you mean? It sounds like a serious issue and I am completely unaware of it. The exception being Railyard, which sometimes creates impassable maps on "Arrest the suspects" missions - this will be fixed.
Well...I gotta say fists make cultists, particularly the red dawn ganger, INCREDIBLY dangerous compared to before : just had a squad wipe over tazing a ganger down, taking him to the car, him waking, dodging all swings with flashlights and fists, before beating up one of my guys, grabbing his gun, and killing the other...
However, I wouldn't say that a prisoner waking up, beating up armed guards and taking their weapons counts as "incredibly dangerous"... The guards are simply incompetent.

Prisoners should be guarded, eh?
Speaking of which, do "surrendered" cultists not use fists?
No idea XD They should.