Great pic, yeah. I'd read this one!
Good call with the Silacoid weapon, it was a bit silly. I nerfed it a little. And it was done literally in the last minute, because
X-Com Files version 0.6 has been released.
- Updated the mod to OXCE+ version 3.7.
- Mission sites now despawn even when targeted by a craft.
- Added descriptions for mission markers.
- Increased penalty for firing two-handed weapons with one hand.
- Finished Syndicate arc.
- Added Luxury Car.
- Added weapons: M60, FN Minimi, SWD, PKM, SKS, VSS Vintorez, M83 Barett, Mauser, AKSU-74, QBU-88, FAMAS, FN P-90, Mac 10, Wildey, Bolt Action Rifle (all big sprites and stats by Dioxine), PSG-1, Smith & Wesson 610, Blackops Magnum, Sniper Rifle (classic), Pulse Rifle (sound by Demidekidasu), Pulse SMG, Pulse LMG, EMP Grenade.
- Added Advanced Healing Spray.
- Added extracting blood plasma from living things.
- Added missions: EXALT Liquidation, Syndicate Reactor Raid, Syndicate Assassination, Abandoned Syndicate Lab, Syndicate Secret Archives Raid (terrain by Hobbes), Syndicate Data Seizure, Syndicate CEO Arrest, Syndicate HQ, Blood Moon, Black Moon, Soul Harvest, Hybrid Purge, Gang War, Black Lotus Party, Jarhead Terror and Jarhead Factory.
- Added units: Megaworm (by Robin), Abomination (by XOps), Jarhead (by XOps), Black Lotus Footman, Black Lotus Mandarin, Church of Dagon Supporter, Syndicate Security Captain, Syndicate Supersoldier, Syndicate Walker, Syndicate CEO, Armoured Car, Snakeman Beastmaster, White Werewolf, Black Werecat, M.A.G.M.A. Minitank, various civilians (mostly armed security and such).
- Increased Sectoid armour (proportionally to their psi).
- Increased Silacoid fireball TU cost.
- Agents now receive salaries by rank (Rookie: $15000, Chief Agent: $85000).
- Rebalanced most weapons.
- Cleaned up and fixed all armours (stamina recovery, dodge etc.).
- Arasaka 3000 is more expensive and less available.
- Increased accuracy on all miniguns.
- Durathread is cheaper.
- Dogs have NV of 15.
- Streamlined Red Dawn spawns with the new random member engine.
- Added some new blocks for Farm (tractor by Bullet Designer) and Cyberweb Lair.
- Added Scarab craft for Syndicate.
- Added Secret Files.
- Added Dossiers: Gertrude Ellison, Natalya Sernovich, Tyvarius Stienburg, Thomas Erickson, Anthony Barker, Drako Aldramier, CHAD (all by Mumble), Piotr Wiśniewski (by The Reaver of Darkness), Gunter Meyer (by The Think Tank), Purple Lilly (by Dioxine) and Taman Shud (with help from ssfsx17).
- Making ammo for BlackOps weapons now requires blackmailing them first.
- Added random loot to cult bases.
- Added Monstrous Tooth to cave junk.
- Strange Life Form events can now be ended with suficient research.
- Small fixes to cultist loadouts.
- Modified tech levels.
- Laboratory is more expensive.
- New Synthsuit graphics (by Nord).
- Blasters are red.
- Added custom pictures to many natural weapons.
- Improved inventory TU costs.
- Bigger monster missions start appearing a bit later.
- Some Ufopaedia pictures converted to custom palettes.
- Fixed overly expensive Shadowbat.
- Fixed (hopefully) cave terrain.
- Fixed some routes.
- Fixed mixed races.
- Various minor fixes.
Like any 0.X version, this one is more beta than usual, so please report any bugs. And other stuff too, also good one!
EDIT: Don't forget to replace all the files (including Standard and Common folders, the .exe etc.), not just the mod.