So, what's the deal with Chupacabras? They used to die almost guaranteed in a single shot, yet now the damn things are STILL running from all the way across the screen, killing my agents instantly turn 2, despite 360-degree automatic covering fire, except now it doesnt even take multiple of the things.
Like, there's no fear of them here, no nothing, just line up my best soldiers and watch the least fun enemy I've seen in the game knock them over.
If a civvie mission is chupacabras we just evac instantly because even if somehow we were to beat the creatures which can move like 20 tiles, shrug off auto fire, and make enough attacks on an armored agent to instakill him, we lose points for each of the braindead citizens they murder offscreen. Its tactically more sound to just evac immediately because a rating of 0 is better than what you're going to get with 30 dead civvies.
Is there some tactic to fighting these, or are they just the bullshit "Now your best team are dead they had no chance whatsoever and no play by you could have changed this in the slightest except for running away turn 1 before you ever saw a foe" enemy they seem to be.
edit: I just lost two sergeants on the same turn to the same one, it spawned behind a tree in such a way that nobody could see it, nobody even got a reaction shot because all the TU had been spent mowing down the ones who were in murder range who COULD be seen.
edit edit: save scummed to set up a killzone to get that turn 2 murder one, he walked straight across two agents fields of view who had near-full TU, neither fired a shot, and casually executed my sniper