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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #210 on: August 15, 2016, 07:51:41 pm »
Hey just gived a brief try to the 0.2.4 and the mod is amazing!!! But still kinda buggy as alphas are
Some suggestions:

1) I've seen we got a beretta92fs! How about to use also the m12? The current uzi seems actually more an ingram mac-10, i made a model for it; as well as the aforementioned m12, you can find them here May also use the one featured in the Xeno Operations mid by Xops, very very well made :)

2) use the ak47 and the rcf carabine, and the heavy shtgun featured in x-piraez (the second as m-16, the third as mossberg shotgun?)

3) as soon i entered a cult activit site, game crashed.  it's an .exe crashed, the same already reported in x-piratez 0.99A1 so it's not stricltly mod-depending. save, dump and file save attached.

4) the APC alike startin vehicle has too few fuel capacity!! How abut to increase a bit?

5) the car in the hangar map screen need to be a bit bigger and centered

6) some stuff form final mod pack is to be expected?

7) very basic weapons such uzi should not be researched. Instead may be replaced by a caws shotgun, and somo less common, which player may have acces after completed the non conventional weapons topic

edit: addictions  :o
Edit: sry the save file attached has a wrong name, it' the 0.2.4 instead
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 08:22:58 pm by niculinux »


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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #211 on: August 15, 2016, 07:55:27 pm »
...and some screenies bug related  :'(

a couple of more hints:
* standard outfit should not feature a backpack. May have a shoulder holster, along the "belted" one?
* the actual colt .45 seems more a desert eagle, why not modify it, for instnce, shrten the barrel or a more overall slim shape.

Edit: typos
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 08:25:31 pm by niculinux »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #212 on: August 15, 2016, 08:24:38 pm »
1) I've seen we got a beretta92fs! How aoubt to use also the m12? as for uzi i made a model, as well as the aforementioned m12, you can find them here

2) use the ak47 and the rcf carabine, and the heavy shtgun featured in x-piraez (the second as m-16, the third as mossberg shotgun?)

More guns are being added gradually, when possible and if they make sense.

3) as soon i entered a cult activit site, game crashed.  it's an .exe crashed, the same already reported in x-piratez 0.99A1 so it's not stricltly mod-depending. save, dump and file save attached.

Sorry, but I can't reproduce it. I had a cult activity site, went there, it loaded.
How about disabling all other mods? Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons is already included and Limit_Craft_Item_Capacities won't do much with new designs. They may cause conflicts.

4) the APC alike startin vehicle has too few fuel capacity!! How abut to increase a bit?

And make it the default vehicle? Nope! The Mudranger is for special purposes only, unless you are smart enough to use it anyway.

5) the car in the hangar map screen need to be a bit bigger and centered

It's a Ford, not a Mud Monster. :P
And I could centre it, but it's better like it is now, trust me.

6) some stuff form final mod pack is to be expected?

ALL OF IT is to be expected, and way more.

edit: addictions  :o

Eh? You addicted already? :)

...and some screenies bug related  :'(

Right, a missing string. Thanks.

* standard outft should not feature a backpack. Ma have a shoulder holster alond the "below" one

It will be done at some point.

* the colt .45 actually seems more a desert eagle, why not modify it, for instnce, shrten the barrel or a more overall slim shape

Maybe at some point.


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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #213 on: August 15, 2016, 08:31:57 pm »
No did not meant to make the Mudranger as default vehicle, but seems it's not supposed an early vehicle, aftet some figuring out..;)

As for the about to teplace it with a van, with 4 crew capacity? Like in those movies involving the FBI 8) ;D. Please i really wish it would not have to be researched..hey made some edit in the previous posts sry.

Edit: and i also like the new battlescape music!!! A new one for the geoscape is planned i guess if not, maybe ask gifty for the one he realizrd for TFTD to be "embedded?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2016, 08:41:42 pm by niculinux »

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #214 on: August 15, 2016, 09:57:11 pm »
The Colt. 45 actually does look closer to a M1911 than to a Desert Eagle, plus it is such a classy weapon. That's just my thought. Mod is going great though! Super excited to see more content (and hopefully some more urban maps!)


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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #215 on: August 16, 2016, 12:43:47 am »

It's not really ready yet. Actually, I'd say it's more of a demo than a full version. I have maybe 20% of things done, hence the 0.2 number. Still, it's playable and offers a lot of new content already.

I think about it in terms of "arcs", like in TV series: what you see is (grossly undertested) Season 1, where you are placed in the new setting and some shit is going down immediately. Further seasons will be released when they're ready

So as of now 0.2.4 i guess the mod is not beatable or am i wrong? Plus, i reallt wish there will be full linux compatibility, as fir the casecsentivitiness thing, and of course a precompiled binary executable...

..also i've read here and thrre the whole thread and i like the conpiracy/illuminati setting! One last request: please may be the current magnum sprite - which is wuite blue actually - with the one made by yizroud?

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #216 on: August 16, 2016, 12:45:23 am »
So as of now 0.2.4 i guess the mod is not beatable or am i wrong?

It is beatable, just not very rich yet. Plus advancing is probably gonna be harder than later.

One last request: please may be the current magnum sprite - which is wuite blue actually - with the one made by yizroud?

I don't know... Yrizoud's magnum is great, but a bit too much like other pistols...


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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #217 on: August 16, 2016, 10:50:18 am »
Aain in the 0.2.4, during a cultis activist raid missionafter i ended my turn gae hanged displaying th "Hidden movement" screen and i had only to exit. Saved game attached. openxcom log file says, in the very last lines:

Code: [Select]
[16-08-2016 09:41:02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_6M0.SPK
[16-08-2016 09:41:02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_15M0.SPK
[16-08-2016 09:41:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[16-08-2016 09:41:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK

1) some agentes missing their flags when displayed in the

2) agents stat screen and the one regarding the memorial after a battle have paledde messed

3) xcom should not be aware of the "EXALT sect"? I think before they are investigaated (researched) should be labbeled as "fanatic cultist"

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #218 on: August 16, 2016, 11:01:03 am »
Aain in the 0.2.4, during a cultis activist raid missionafter i ended my turn gae hanged displaying th "Hidden movement" screen and i had only to exit. Saved game attached. openxcom log file says, in the very last lines:

Code: [Select]
[16-08-2016 09:41:02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_6M0.SPK
[16-08-2016 09:41:02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_15M0.SPK
[16-08-2016 09:41:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[16-08-2016 09:41:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK

OK, I'll check when I get home.

1) some agentes missing their flags when displayed in the

I know, and it's baffling me... I need to consult Meridian.

2) agents stat screen and the one regarding the memorial after a battle have paledde messed

Hmm... I can't remember this happening, but I'll keep an eye on it.

3) xcom should not be aware of the "EXALT sect"? I think before they are investigaated (researched) should be labbeled as "fanatic cultist"

And how do I do this? :)

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #219 on: August 16, 2016, 05:17:00 pm »

First, I'd like to thank Solarius for all the effort he's put into this mod (and maintaining the FMP). I don't think I can go back to regular X-Com after experiencing his work.

Now, I've had several weeks of fun playing and modifying (way too much modifying, in fact) the X-Com Files to suit my own tastes, and I think I'm nearing a point of repletion where I'm going to drop the game, at least for a while. Happens to most games I play, unfortunately, but I usually come back to the good ones in a couple of years.

But I've done quite a bit of ground work that may be of interest to Solarius and possibly other modders, so I'm asking whether there's any interest in me sharing my RAW changes (as in, I don't have the time or inclination to support or extensively document anything) to X-Com Files? If you know how to use file comparison software, most of my changes can be easily found and incorporated (if they make sense and you like them, that is).

So you don't buy a pig in a poke (or cat in a sack in the case of Solarius, I think), I'll give you a partial list of changes:
  • all HWPs have two weapons, a cannon or rocket launcher and corresponding automatic weapon,
  • there's a line of alloy HWPs to go with Personal Armor,
  • different armors and HWPs have different icons in the craft equip screen a la Piratez,
  • an overhaul of faction and alien equipment (everyone has somewhat standardized loadouts) + some YML "copy-paste" to avoid mind-numbing repetitions,
  • several corrections and additions in the UFOPedia articles,
  • a couple of changes to psionics: there's now a dedicated psionic armor, an upgraded X-Com "flame glove" and three tiers of Psi-Amps,
  • somewhat more fleshed out weapon families, including a second tier of most explosives (Fusion land mine, extra-powerful smoke grenades etc), a full family of dart weapons, various types of grenade launchers (and a mortar) instead of the HC and AC, and so on,
  • a biowarfare program piggybacked on the dart weapons, including a chemical warhead for most explosive-style weapons (rockets, grenade launchers, hand grenades),
  • several tiers of agents, starting with the usual types and going through SF specialists with higher minimum stats and two or three slightly raised maximums to Psi-soldiers (same, but focus on the two psi-stats),
  • severely limited funding (you start with 1M and grow from there),
  • more nations and cities (mostly from the Improved Nations mod),
  • a number of new facilities, mostly 2x2 (a global radar, 250-engineer workshop, etc) and stolen/modified from XOps,
  • Alien Containment is delayed after Alien Biology and terrestrial enemies take up storage space instead of containment cells (there's a bug/feature that makes interrogations require 1 space in the Alien Containment, no matter whether the critter itself does, so it's not perfect),
  • the Gym is restyled as a psionic training facility (and thus delayed to the later stages of the game), since daily stat growths are quite ... astronomical,
  • fully recolored corpses for the recolored aliens (Snakemen in particular),
  • psionics (including higher-tier Psi-Amps, psi-armor, psionic 'gym' and the like) is tiered behind five prerequisites, unlocked by capturing and interrogating successive tiers of psionic aliens (Sectoid -> Cerebral -> Ethereal -> high-ranking Ethereals -> Ethereal Order),
  • doubled research times,
  • the appearance of alien races is spread over a two-year period, with usually three months allocated to a new arrival, but that's far from ironclad, and works well enough due to the increased research times, all the new terrestrial tech to unlock and lowered council funding,
  • MiB and hybrids use the same 'terror' mission model as the cultists, instead of the fake UFOs they used to travel in,
  • a balance pass at aircraft, featuring an implementation of the embryonic non-weapon equipment in Solarius's files (so you can put an improved radar suite on the Skywarden or reinforce the airframe of the Raven even further with alloys) and more,
  • all Hybrid installations (not convoys), cult bases and HQ's and every EXALT mission is now an infiltration mission; you haven't experienced true pain unless you've gone through a dozen ninjas using only leather attire, handguns and SMGs;
  • a solution to the 'Major League Baseball pitchers' problem: everyone has severely limited strength (soldiers top out at 30+x, with x depending on the blessings of the RNG), but all armors grant you up to 50 'free' weight points, so grenade ranges are much more realistic now,
  • a slight change to inventory: backpack is 3x4, and belt is 2x2 + 1 + 1x2, but you can no longer use shoulders or left leg for 2x1 items (right leg still works),
  • and more, including quite probably a number of bugs I haven't caught, since I've only made it to July 1999 so far.


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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #220 on: August 16, 2016, 05:31:20 pm »
And how do I do this? :)

Don't know, they should appear in the research screen as "cultist activist" (same as you hover the mouse over their stunned body in battlescape).

Once researched they tell you about their sect, hey thete may be ave different sprites for different organizations don't know if more than one is planned.. :o ;D

I may try this mod again later, when it hits 0.3, hopefully having time. Bye for now!!
« Last Edit: August 16, 2016, 09:18:26 pm by niculinux »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #221 on: August 16, 2016, 05:49:07 pm »
Hello Juku, thanks for the input!

Yes, I am mostly aware how, well, alpha the mod is. I think I'm at least a year away from actually beginning to smoothing things up. Therefore all feedback is critical.

Let me address each point separately.

all HWPs have two weapons, a cannon or rocket launcher and corresponding automatic weapon,

Yes, or possibly something else, like a motion scanner. I haven't tackled it much yet.

there's a line of alloy HWPs to go with Personal Armor,

Maybe. The problem is that it would effectively double the amount of HWPs in the game, making all lists even more exceedingly long. I don't really know what to do.

different armors and HWPs have different icons in the craft equip screen a la Piratez,

Will certainly happen at some point.

an overhaul of faction and alien equipment (everyone has somewhat standardized loadouts) + some YML "copy-paste" to avoid mind-numbing repetitions,

I'm not sure what you mean. I'm trying to assign (mostly) separate armories to various factions already.

several corrections and additions in the UFOPedia articles,

Yeah, well... I'm trying :)

a couple of changes to psionics: there's now a dedicated psionic armor, an upgraded X-Com "flame glove" and three tiers of Psi-Amps,

I'm not really crazy about psi armours at the moment, because how would they help? The theory is pretty vague. There is a link between psionics and technology, as proven by the existence of the Psi-Amp, but I'd need a good theoretical base first.
Nevertheless, I'm certainly up for discussion.

somewhat more fleshed out weapon families, including a second tier of most explosives (Fusion land mine, extra-powerful smoke grenades etc), a full family of dart weapons, various types of grenade launchers (and a mortar) instead of the HC and AC, and so on,

Possibly. It's a matter of only adding weapons that are at least a little different, otherwise it's a endless gun porn hell (if there is something like a porn hell).
Some suggestions would be appreciated.

a biowarfare program piggybacked on the dart weapons, including a chemical warhead for most explosive-style weapons (rockets, grenade launchers, hand grenades),

Would be nice, but I'm postponing such ideas for now because 1) I'm doing other stuff, 2) I'm hoping for some engine improvements to better reflect such weapons.

several tiers of agents, starting with the usual types and going through SF specialists with higher minimum stats and two or three slightly raised maximums to Psi-soldiers (same, but focus on the two psi-stats),

But this is already happening, your agent starts as a nobody and advances to an almost godlike status. :)
I understand you would like tiers of agents to recruit, but I'm not sure why.

severely limited funding (you start with 1M and grow from there),

I'm hoping to balance it better.

more nations and cities (mostly from the Improved Nations mod),

It's already somewhat improved. Drawing borders is a bitch though, and such mods merge poorly.

a number of new facilities, mostly 2x2 (a global radar, 250-engineer workshop, etc) and stolen/modified from XOps,

Possibly, with time.

Alien Containment is delayed after Alien Biology and terrestrial enemies take up storage space instead of containment cells (there's a bug/feature that makes interrogations require 1 space in the Alien Containment, no matter whether the critter itself does, so it's not perfect),

If the code allows, sure. Ideally I'd like three types of "prison": for aliens, for humans and for animal-like creatures.

the Gym is restyled as a psionic training facility (and thus delayed to the later stages of the game), since daily stat growths are quite ... astronomical,

Maybe I'll make it a bit weaker. Not an easy decision.

fully recolored corpses for the recolored aliens (Snakemen in particular),

When I got to the smoothing phase I mentioned. :)

psionics (including higher-tier Psi-Amps, psi-armor, psionic 'gym' and the like) is tiered behind five prerequisites, unlocked by capturing and interrogating successive tiers of psionic aliens (Sectoid -> Cerebral -> Ethereal -> high-ranking Ethereals -> Ethereal Order),

There are also other psionic beings in the mod, so I wouldn't just go there yet. But yes, I plan to have several distinct branches of psionics, from different sources and with various effects. (More or less the Piratez way.)

doubled research times,

Maybe for later techs.

the appearance of alien races is spread over a two-year period, with usually three months allocated to a new arrival, but that's far from ironclad, and works well enough due to the increased research times, all the new terrestrial tech to unlock and lowered council funding,

Possibly. It depends on how it's balanced against other elements of the game. For now, I just think it's too early, since most factions and arcs aren't in the game yet.

MiB and hybrids use the same 'terror' mission model as the cultists, instead of the fake UFOs they used to travel in,

Yes, it's planned. The current implementation is from a long ago when it wasn't possible.

a balance pass at aircraft, featuring an implementation of the embryonic non-weapon equipment in Solarius's files (so you can put an improved radar suite on the Skywarden or reinforce the airframe of the Raven even further with alloys) and more,

Yeah, I have a number of craft mods half-coded in already.

all Hybrid installations (not convoys), cult bases and HQ's and every EXALT mission is now an infiltration mission; you haven't experienced true pain unless you've gone through a dozen ninjas using only leather attire, handguns and SMGs;

I think it's going too far, most players wouldn't want that. But I promise there will be more infilration missions, mostly related to The Syndicate (an evil corporation to be introduced when I'm done with the Cyberweb).

a solution to the 'Major League Baseball pitchers' problem: everyone has severely limited strength (soldiers top out at 30+x, with x depending on the blessings of the RNG), but all armors grant you up to 50 'free' weight points, so grenade ranges are much more realistic now,

That's a bit hackish and would be confusing for many players. I'd rather tweak the grenades themselves.

a slight change to inventory: backpack is 3x4, and belt is 2x2 + 1 + 1x2, but you can no longer use shoulders or left leg for 2x1 items (right leg still works),

It will depend on armour worn.

and more, including quite probably a number of bugs I haven't caught, since I've only made it to July 1999 so far.

Many thanks!

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #222 on: August 16, 2016, 05:58:59 pm »
...I'm asking whether there's any interest in me sharing my RAW changes (as in, I don't have the time or inclination to support or extensively document anything) to X-Com Files?

I think, Juku121, that many of the things you have mentioned are interesting and useful.  Please post a .zip of your modded version for others to examine. :)  Thanks!

Online Meridian

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #223 on: August 17, 2016, 10:16:26 am »
I know, and it's baffling me... I need to consult Meridian.

You have 66 nationalities instead of 33 :)

Delete or comment out these lines in "soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul"

Code: [Select]
      - SoldierName/

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 0.4.2 alpha: Going Postal
« Reply #224 on: August 17, 2016, 10:58:55 am »
You have 66 nationalities instead of 33 :)

Delete or comment out these lines in "soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul"

Code: [Select]
      - SoldierName/

Lol, thanks :)