Author Topic: Re: The X-Com Files - 3.6: Exotic Energy  (Read 2643145 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5850 on: January 03, 2024, 05:50:51 pm »
Is it possible to update your current game to the new version or will stuff break?

Nothing should break, I only added and adjusted some stuff. Whenever such problems are possible, I mention them specifically, usually with a solution.

Of course, I am not infallible, so bugs can always happen.

Offline Akamashi

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5851 on: January 03, 2024, 06:04:01 pm »
No, not right now anyway.

No, although I'm considering something like that.

It is. :)

Aaaaaaand X-Com Files 3.2 has been released. Happy New Year, people! :)

- New missions: Den of Villainy (terrain by Brain_322), The Exorcism, Environmental Alert with Men in Black.
- New outfit: Clergy (most graphics by Dioxine).
- New unit: M.A.G.M.A. Representative.
- New item category: Religious Gear.
- New Ufopaedia articles and research tree adjustments.
- 4 new Caves maps (3 by Dioxine).
- New Junkfarm map (by Dioxine).
- More general enemy base destruction message.
- Increased Hovertanks' night vision range.
- Excluded Assault Suit, Power Suit, Flying Suit and Stormtrooper Armor from underwater missions.
- Gillman Hero gives Power Armor instead.
- Chasers have dodge.
- Overhauled civilians' dodge values.
- Position Markers now actually have anti-camouflage.
- MiB Commanders yield Personal Armor on research.
- Increased chances for Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate to 100%.
- Improved Car, Luxury Car and Van sprites (by 0xEBJC).
- Improved Fenrir, Werecat, Black Werecat and Shambler sprites (by ImpMontezuma).
- Improved Fat Tourist and Bikini Babe sprites (by Osobist).
- Improved Celatid paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
- Improved Mongorn Fist sprite (by Dioxine).
- Improved Colt Commando sprite (by Alex_D).
- Added description to the M.A.G.M.A. Chainsawbot Blade.
- Reclamation of Aether Laboratory map is bigger (to fit any craft).
- Hybrid convoys no longer travel on the globe.
- Bats are excluded from science-themed missions.
- Renamed Durathread Vest for dogs to Durathread Gear.
- MiB Commander drops Damaged Personal Armor.
- MiB Lunar Base awards Spacer.
- Enabled Osiron Goon Disguise article.
- Moved Scientist's Data Floppy from Vincent's pocket to a table.
- Fixed Trident capacity (from 14 to 15) and interior.
- Fixed Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing prerequisites.
- Fixed .308 cal Sniper Rifle's minimum range.
- Fixed Haunted Farm terrains.
- Fixed some cars' height.
- Fixed destroyed streetlight height.
- Fixed cult retaliations.
- Fixed UAC Aerospace Lab roof.
- Fixed Caves, Cargo Ship and CYBERPIPES walking sounds and SCANGs (by Dioxine).
- Fixed MiB Engineering Ship lift.
- Minor fixes.

As usual, many thanks to everyone who helped making this release richer: ImpMontezuma (better monster paperdolls), Osobist (better civilian sprites), 0xEBJC (better vehicle sprites), Mikkoi (better Celatid paperdoll), Alex D. (better weapon sprite), Dioxine (outfits, maps) and Brain_322 (nightclub terrain).
My respects

Online Meridian

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5852 on: January 03, 2024, 07:55:54 pm »
Was it really necessary to quote the whole original post to say 2 words?

Offline HelmetHair

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« Reply #5853 on: January 03, 2024, 08:49:42 pm »
I eagerly await your tales of managing aircraft with a garment hook. ;D

But, yeah, two-way swaps are not supported. Frankly, the whole 'craft transfer via flight' thing is borderline cheaty to me, since it also instantly transfers ground staff, fuel, supplies, logistics, soldiers on board and their logistics, etc. With zero cost, unlike base transfers. Meridian has a somewhat similar opinion.

But one can't deny the functionality is already mostly there, it's just the extra hangar and perhaps some 'ignoreInCraftEquip' flags that stand in the way.

 ;D ;D

Yes, I always wash my craft on delicate and line dry them before they get blown to pieces by plasma.... don't you!?!?!? :)

I have a different perspective on the craft. There are three abstractions on how the logistics chain of a particular are explained and how it coorelates to resources of money...

1. Rent - It is a dollar amount per month and you get to use the craft as you wish, as much as you want. The logistics are containerized and mobile with a phone call.

2. Buy- The craft is built by a third party. The airframe or chassis is purchased outright and logistics is handled completely by X-Com with all of the parts being globally available. You do whatever yoo want because you own the craft and can buy stuff easily.

3. Build- The craft is built by X-Com and mission critical logistics are handled exclusively by XCom logistics. You use the craft as you see fit knowing that the golden BB is real and all parts are as modular possible and utilize as much possible already available off the shelf components.

in otherwords, you are already paying for the cost of transfers of men and material by buying, renting, or building a craft and paying for it's fuel and maintence directly in a relational business relationship through those abstractions rather than a transactional one with the transfers from base to base abstracted UPS or merchant shipping.

As far as FEELING cheaty. Sure... totally agree on the logistical side of things. However, I believe you discounted something. By using a craft to move around cargo like that, you introduce the risk of having that craft be destroyed by enemy action on the geoscape. This is not the case with simple transfers and thus the transactional cost... invisble security lol!

My bases are set up in such a way as to be able to support each other in moving troops and their gear around to firefight specific situations. The logisitics  would not support a direct flight from the base of origin of the solider or craft, so a leap from approach sometimes has to happen. The three that situations where I've taken tacitcal advantage are briefly...

1. Aliens attempt a base raid on a listening post and interception base in an activity hot region. Beat them there with two full transports of dudes so instead of facing a few rookies they had over two dozen hard bitten veterans to contend with. Single turn victory rather than a protracted anxiety filled encounter.

2. Everyone one was really wounded at the only base close enough to directly respond to a high score penalty for despawn mission. The party copter visited a few choice bases on the way to assemble the scratch team and then went and smoked it, while the other team recovered.

3. Fighter skipping so that a ufo encounter may be over a period of a day or so and can close the noose and deploy a team to rip and run alien goodies.

Offline Juku121

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.1: Lights in The Sky
« Reply #5854 on: January 03, 2024, 09:22:39 pm »
I have a different perspective on the craft. There are three abstractions on how the logistics chain of a particular are explained and how it coorelates to resources of money...
My point isn't really so much about money rather than the 'last mile' logistics. Whoever you pay for the maintenance has to move shop, plus all the stuff and people on board who also have to have their admin moved half the world over. You can't just move the end point of your logistics pipeline whereever you wish for zero cost and a few hours of flight time. Modular or no, containerised or no, this stuff just doesn't happen with the snap of some fingers, as much as one might wish it did. All the more if you live in a bunker that's smack in the middle of the Amazon or some desert hellhole that hasn't even heard of UPS.

in otherwords, you are already paying for the cost of transfers of men and material by buying, renting, or building a craft...
Given I don't really use the transfer trick, I'm feeling mighty ripped off now. >:( :D These contractors sure made a sweet deal.

...transactional one with the transfers from base to base abstracted UPS or merchant shipping.
My headcanon is that transfers are still X-Com, or some external division of it, you just allocate some extra money to their budget when you give the shipping order. I kinda doubt a shadow org is just going to UPS their priceless alien plasma guns over. :) Maybe they piggy-back on commercial ventures, but with extra security and cover-up shenanigans.

By using a craft to move around cargo like that, you introduce the risk of having that craft be destroyed by enemy action on the geoscape. This is not the case with simple transfers and thus the transactional cost... invisble security lol!
Some crafts are undetectable to UFOs, and UFO aggression radii aren't that big, so most of the time it's just a feeling of security, not actual security. If that.

My bases are set up in such a way as to be able to support each other in moving troops and their gear around to firefight specific situations.
I mean, if it meant you could refuel at your bases a la MOO and derivatives, I wouldn't have much of a problem. Or even run defence missions and then return to the home base. But it's much more than just that.

Aliens attempt a base raid on a listening post and interception base in an activity hot region. Beat them there with two full transports of dudes so instead of facing a few rookies they had over two dozen hard bitten veterans to contend with.
Not sure this is actually an argument in favour, because that's using a questionable mechanic to substitute a quick fix for long-term planning of base defences and even building defence facilities altogether. That is, it just short-circuits a whole segment of Geoscape strategy. Basically, it's the 'doom stack' problem in X-Com flavour.

Everyone one was really wounded at the only base close enough to directly respond to a high score penalty for despawn mission. The party copter visited a few choice bases on the way to assemble the scratch team and then went and smoked it, while the other team recovered.
And that's similar, circumventing the wounded/sanity mechanic via logistics shenanigans. Not quite as bad and somewhat more realistic, though.

Fighter skipping so that a ufo encounter may be over a period of a day or so and can close the noose and deploy a team to rip and run alien goodies.
Not sure what this even means. Tracking a UFO via base-hopping and hoping it lands?

Anyway, I was a fan of early X-Com fanfiction, which mostly had well-defined teams in individual bases and placed quite some emphasis on setting up a local interception and transport network, not to mention nation-based friction between bases. And large lead-ups to multi-base raids on strategic targets. So maybe that biases me here, too, on top of the game design issues.

Edit: Anyway, this is all not particularly relevant since the functionality has been in the game forever, there's no way to turn it off, and I can't really begrudge others for interesting and clever applications of it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2024, 10:00:50 pm by Juku121 »

Offline Vakrug

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5855 on: January 04, 2024, 12:39:29 pm »
Aaaaaaand X-Com Files 3.2 has been released. Happy New Year, people! :)
Thanks, but...
Agreed, but the problem is bigger than just Kitsune. I plan to remodel the craft tech tree with various prerequisites, like I've done with Sectopods.
What about the progress on this important change promised some time ago? It is somewhat important for me and I hesitate to start a new campaign without it. (This is how sick I am of Kitsune!)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5856 on: January 04, 2024, 12:51:21 pm »
Thanks, but...What about the progress on this important change promised some time ago? It is somewhat important for me and I hesitate to start a new campaign without it. (This is how sick I am of Kitsune!)

Sorry, won't happen soon. Basically, I don't know how to approach this problem. What I think needs to be done is make a general tech tree, something like for making Sectopods, with individual technologies and engineering solutions which lead to specific crafts. And I'm not prepared for this, I know next to nothing about aviation and how it's supposed to develop in the future, so this is likely to take a while (if it ever happens).

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5857 on: January 05, 2024, 12:47:08 am »
Thanks for the new release.
Happy new year everyone. Love this place and love all of you, even the moaners and complainers (which includes myself). You guys are like a brotherhood to me for the greatest retro game ever made.

Offline cartman6x6

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5858 on: January 05, 2024, 12:49:21 am »
hiya, no sure is of a mod or something, but to try run the game with the new update just give me this error

Error for 'STR_ASSAULT_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.

Offline Stone Lake

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5859 on: January 05, 2024, 05:20:43 am »
hiya, no sure is of a mod or something, but to try run the game with the new update just give me this error
It's because of a mod. Arsenal Additions is broken, there's a fix in the corresponding topic.
Natasha Morozova's broken too, but IDK if anyone fixed that yet.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2024, 08:52:55 am by Stone Lake »

Offline psavola

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5860 on: January 05, 2024, 09:58:50 am »
SS you forgot to add the 3.2 release tag and put info there on github repo..

Offline Niewiem

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5861 on: January 05, 2024, 10:14:09 am »
It's because of a mod. Arsenal Additions is broken, there's a fix in the corresponding topic.
Natasha Morozova's broken too, but IDK if anyone fixed that yet.
Morozova mod has been updated on mod portsl by his author.

Offline Fiskun1

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5862 on: January 05, 2024, 02:43:55 pm »
- Position Markers now actually have anti-camouflage.

Thank you, now this item will be useful. I used to take him on missions as a distraction.
By the way, how many cells does its anti-camouflage ability affect?

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5863 on: January 05, 2024, 04:25:28 pm »
Thanks for the new release.
Happy new year everyone. Love this place and love all of you, even the moaners and complainers (which includes myself). You guys are like a brotherhood to me for the greatest retro game ever made.

High five, man! :)

SS you forgot to add the 3.2 release tag and put info there on github repo..

I added the tag, but didn't make a GitHub release. TBH, I didn't think people actually use it. Will fix now.

Thank you, now this item will be useful. I used to take him on missions as a distraction.
By the way, how many cells does its anti-camouflage ability affect?

Check the INFO section on the armour.

Offline theophilos

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Re: The X-Com Files - 3.2: The Colors of Sin
« Reply #5864 on: January 05, 2024, 10:51:33 pm »
Hey guys I'd like to update to new version , what is best way to do this without messing up my save? I'm not the best with computers ,

Do I need to somehow Uninstal everything and then reinstall, but keep my save separate then add it in? Or is it as simple as dragging and dropping the files a certain way and replace all?