Fair enough! It's funny how the availability of guides and wikis on the web has taken out our willingness to experiment in games, which is exactly why I play Piratez (I don't know everything! it's like discovering XCom again!

), even though I still get annoyed when I don't know everything..!
So I think I am done with my Mansion prep. I'm putting it up here for a "critique". Random notes:
1- I am in June of year 1, so quite low tech
2- I try to avoid the wiki or fishing in the ruleset, so some things are unknown (like what maid outfit does)..
3 - The mansion site remains around for a while, which is great as you get to actually prepare for it. That increases the feeling of "something big"
4 - From my quick tests, the new vision code helps A LOT with performance
5 - I use the advanced motion scanner. In a mansion, that thing is gonna be AWESOME (but given the 10 levels, it's probably going to paint blip boxes
My preparation:
Step 1: gather all pistols in main base (I don't use them much generally, they were in the training or storage bases)
Step 2: all brainers on thieving gear (It's made for Mansion missions, better get it before going!)
Step 3: Pipes, barbed or normal daggers?
Pipes are better damage than either daggers provided your strength is greater than half your melee. Since strength is much easier to train, that's the case for pretty much everyone on my crew. Pipes galores! (and you might stun something accidentally once in a while, yay!)
Step 4: Ranged weapons:
good Throwing > Fuso or ninja?
=> Fuso for >60T
=> Ninja for >50T and no armor
I never use ninja stars, but in this case, it looks worth it: 16 shots for 2x1, compared to 5 with knives, and similar damage/TUs on low armor targets.
Otherwise, which pistol?
Clockwork: 29, 50%/28% & 3 shots -> 50% of 2-3 hits at 100 Firing = for better damage on low armors than any pistol I have. Fast unloads so pretty manoeuvrable. Annoying reloads and small clips.
Magnum/Chem: 44, 65%/35% & 95%/45% -> armor sniper, only got a few...
Eagle: 37, 50%/20% & 80%/36% -> good accuracy, decent damage
SMG/Chem: 24, 40%/24% & 45%/18% & 60%/30% & 4 shots -> Up close damage and armor reductionStep 5: Fistycuffs or handles?
If half your strength + a quarter of your melee is more than 40% (2/5) of your bravery, take fistycuffs. Handles are great for not risking to kill VIPs though.. So basically take some of each depending on bravery... Nothing new...
Step 6: Get thieving armor (yay!)
=> Works for throwing gals! (knives, bombs, ninja stars, etc. Lots of space for loot and throwables)
Step 7: RESEARCH!!
Concentrate brainers on:
- Poisons & Acids (Acid Flasks!)
- Chem grenade (for chem munitions...)
- Chem munitions (for SMG & Magnum Acid, see above)
Step 8: Random spartan crash recovery with newb team on skyranger (SO SLOW..!)
(Meaning: try and keep your best gals healthy while prepping to get the A team in the mission!)
Step 7: What to trow?
Mostly black fire bombs, some acid flasks on great throwers, and frag grenades for longer range fights
Step 8: Other stuff?
- Aye-phones
- Small medipacks (5 heals in 1x1 slot)
- First aid kits (not as good, but buyable...)
- Vodka (for VIPs)
- Rum (for gals! great to self-medicate if isolated)
Step 9: Crew
- No "sniper" (high F, no R) since close quarters
- No parrots: Need to kill and carry loot
- Close quarters mean reactions is key
Step 10: Roles:
High Throwing: Thieves (lots of throwing stuff)
High Firing and Reactions: Cover fire (Magnums & Clockwork, Akimbo style)
High Melee and Reactions: Frontlines (Pipes/Daggers + SMG)