
Author Topic: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)  (Read 59226 times)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2016, 05:42:02 pm »
Melons!  ;D

Or just put a wizard there, and you shall not pass!

Offline superschokokeks

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #31 on: April 21, 2016, 08:04:59 pm »
Difficulty 2
Enemies: Church
Duration: an hour
Setup: Took 10 Gals with me. Didn't know how many I could take with me. Wasn't clear enough. Afterthoughts: I could take more with me.
1 Ghost, 2 Witches, some Thieves. some maids, mainly daggers.

Tactic: each gal sweeped through rooms. Got punished for that stupidity. MC enemy and let him run into my daggers
After one gal died I slowly retreated. I found mainly money and the last thing I need is money, but I found a Shrine Maiden and took with me.

From what I got It said you get every equipment back after the mission, but things I didn't use and was in my transporter.. are gone.
So I think I reload. Maybe. have to take a better look at it and decide than. loosing zappers mainly hurts, but they aren't that good.
It seems all Items are lost, which I could take into the mansion.
Well.. I think I reload.

Next time, I only use ghost and just kill everyone.. I think thats easier.

Stamania is a problem and you should have enough things to fill up the bar.
I don't think thief outfit don't work very well. a lot  of penalities for carryspace. At least two or three gals for carrying.
And don't take gals with you with low bravery..

Was it fun?
Well.. Kinda.. If I was at early or mid game, It would be better maybe.
Things I need is rare and it's mostly frustrating if you find more and more stuff you don't need after hours of game time searching for two specific items (Decrypeded data and UAC weapon documents). I did this because of gems, but of course they aren't easy to find and they shouldn't. For me it wasn't really worth risking the life of my best gals for mainly "trash" and then loosing at the end more stuff than gaining..
So I'm the wrong guy to ask.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #32 on: April 21, 2016, 08:08:39 pm »
Sure you've lost them. To keep them, you need to kill all enemies, or manually transport your stuff from gal #1 spawn point to EZ. There's a warning about exactly that in mission description.

Offline superschokokeks

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #33 on: April 21, 2016, 08:33:01 pm »
" Speaking of which, try not to take anything not held by the gals, who knows where that extra stuff is going to end"
Wasn't clear enough to me.
I think it's my english, but the warning isn't highlighted enough to me

I read the mansion describtion a couple of times until a mission started (and I read it before the mission)
Then You have to think how to equip your gals and so on. You can easily forget that.

More likely my english is the biggest problem. bugs me a litte, because I understand nearly everything (I understand better english than I write in english..)

I suggest to have a  extra transporter + extra gals for mansion robbery. Should make things easier and it's less likely you overlook items, you don't use

Offline Cheshire

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #34 on: April 21, 2016, 09:00:45 pm »
" Speaking of which, try not to take anything not held by the gals, who knows where that extra stuff is going to end"
Wasn't clear enough to me.
I think it's my english, but the warning isn't highlighted enough to me

 Oh, that's what it means, I couldn't figure it when I read it first too...
 Maybe rephrase it something like:
 "Speaking of which, when preparing your vessel, try not to bring to the mansion anything the gals won't carry in their inventory, who knows where that extra stuff is going to end."

Offline bluberd

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #35 on: April 22, 2016, 09:39:15 am »
I have a question about Mansion Mission:
Do you always need to pick up all the interesting stuff from the floor and then go to evac LZ or when you kill everyone the mission ends like any other mission and you collect stuff from the ground automatically?
I am right now on my first mansion mission, after 40 turns it did begin to be hard - panic spiral and hard to find enemies. After 60 turns I visited _every single place on every level_, also blowing up the inacessible tower and getting in. Right now I am at 80 turns past, Gals, panicking, lost some valuable weapons - Laser/Gauss pistols which I did not planned to lose. The whole mission turned out to be nuisance, almost 3h of play time I could make more progress just by shooting UFOs.
Doing mansion mission as a snatch&grab scenario is hard with this game, cause the items are hard to find (so much you can do with this game engine) and the carrying space is so limited. So the only reasonable way is to kill everyone (assuming that you automatically collect everything at the end). But to kill everyone you need to find them. I remember old X-Com to have this problem, single enemy in a terror mission, just standing still somewhere in the corner. Case is the mansion missions maps a gigantic and even when you visited every single point it seems that enemies like to actively hide.
I will appreciate any help or hints.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2016, 10:53:37 am »
Yeah, if you kill everyone the mission should end normally, with everything recovered. You probably have some enemies left.

Offline superschokokeks

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #37 on: April 22, 2016, 10:55:46 am »
Don't try to kill everyone. This mission isn't design that way. I did it with 2 witches and ghost and took me 2-3h until I find the last one in a tower

You could focus only on the hidden towers. Take something with you that can break walls. Searching in the basemant is a pain.
At the towers you find good stuff.. + govt papers. You can break a wall at the roof and lie everything down at the evac zone.

Make your own shortcuts.

And at the basement you can find some neat stuff too. Hidden of course.
I don't want to spoil too much.

for the enemies. they have a pattern in their movement. I think. look for open doors and take a aye-phone with you

Offline yrizoud

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2016, 11:33:20 am »
If you're stuck for a long time, IMO it's perfectly OK to activate debug mode to locate the missing enemy.

Offline bluberd

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #39 on: April 22, 2016, 02:01:24 pm »
oh! a debug mode! :)
never tried that, I will look into it.
Motion detector - if I knew this mansion map is so huge I would take one or two or five...
EDIT: with a debug mode and trackAI I have found one enemy inside a room with no doors. bummer.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2016, 03:29:39 pm by bluberd »

Offline Cheshire

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #40 on: April 22, 2016, 02:36:08 pm »
I found that with a bit of experience, you end up knowing which types of rooms may contain enemies so you can relatively safely skip many (like the "attic" rooms except towers and exec chambers, or non-kitchen in the ground floor).

Offline Asheram

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #41 on: April 27, 2016, 10:35:57 am »
One of the few missions where having an Aye-Phone is absolutely necessary. Had to reload my first attempt because all my troops were getting paniced in the end.
And new players will have hell attempting to get into the "Mage Towers" if they haven't bought explosives or gauss pistols.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2016, 11:09:27 am »
New players will be worried about other stuff. Like getting massacred :) It ain't an entry-level mission. Plus, these walls should yield to shotgun/AP and Magnum rounds that can be found inside the Mansion.

Offline Asheram

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2016, 12:30:45 pm »
New players will be worried about other stuff. Like getting massacred :) It ain't an entry-level mission. Plus, these walls should yield to shotgun/AP and Magnum rounds that can be found inside the Mansion.
I will concede on that.

Offline new_civilian

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Re: Mansion Mission Reports (Please Contribute)
« Reply #44 on: April 27, 2016, 05:21:59 pm »
Aye had my first Mansion mission today. And did everything wrong  ;D

I read (too fast) over the briefing text and the forum thread and tried to use Reticulan lasguns (they are 1x2, so i thought, hey nice,  take those!)
I also ignored the hefty handicaps the thief armor has. My base also wasn't really prepared logistically.

So my setup was:

8 gals in thief outfit
8 shock'a'fist's
4 finely distilled rum
2 gauss pistols + a lot of ammo
6 reticulan lasguns with a lot of ammo
4 hellerium grenades (was a bit low on them)
some molotovs and poisongas grens
1 autoax to break through walls

no parrot.

I started the mission and woosh, my 6 lasguns were gone. My auto-ax, too  :o
Also my crew was placed somewhat unlucky, 7 gals in the main entry are, 1 in the room below the EZ.

Despite the lack of weaponry and decent medical supplies I started the mission.
The first few rooms contained only minor stuff like beer, cutlasses and other such things.
No resistance.
Then i entered a bigger 2-level room with seemingly noone inside...


As soon as i was inside doors opened all over the place and I was shot from all sides.

2 wounded, one panicked.

Still I manged to get out and even kill an enemy or two, healed my gals up and went on when...

Tada! "Monotone Wolf is under an evil spell"
Tada "Tight Diamond is going berzerk"

Killed the mind-controlled girl after she hurt 2 other gals, interestingly Tight Diamond then snapped out of her panic phase, maybe she was afraid of also getting shot  ;D

Anyway, I realized I was simply not prepared for this and tried to move towards the EZ. Easier said than done...

After a chase with a lot of shootings and a lucky escape i was trapped in some rooms without exit and used the gauss pistols (love them!) and the (for the fight) useless hellerium grenades to break through to the final stairs.

Some more mind attacks but i was lucky, only 1x short panic and I reached the EZ.

When I returned home I had lost 1 gal, 3 were wounded, two of them for a longer time. Score: 48?

Made ~48000 creds, the most expensive thing I found was some jewelry....  :-[

What really annoyed me was the fact that I had sold/scrapped several gauss pistols right before the mission appeared, also sold medi-kits because I had the fancy distilled rums. I knew I wasn't prepared and still went there...

At least I wasn't squad-wiped....  :D


Don't do the mission just because it's there. This one needs resources, planning and TIME. It took one hour real-time just to get my gals out, I can't imagine how long a full mission will take  :o

Thief armor? Forget it. The shock-a-fist is awesome but the -20 melee penalty makes them VERY unpredictable. And the 20 armor is nothing. And then the firing accuracy penalty... and and and

Really this armor IS useless, Dioxine, I think you hit it too hard with the nerf-hammer. Twice.  :D

Gauss pistols are your friends on that mission, they can sometimes even breach walls. Take  A LOT of ammo for them with you. 7 shots is nothing, especially if you don't hit at point-blank-range thanks to the Thief armor.

Use the guns from fallen enemies, even if they are crap (The UAC carbine is a joke lol)

grenades are difficult to use, BUT can breach walls (hellerium gren that is), that can safe your gals, it did for me.

Take a parrot with you to scout.

Take your time and prepare your gals. Let the mission pass if you are not ready. Ok so much from me.