Aye had my first Mansion mission today. And did everything wrong

I read (too fast) over the briefing text and the forum thread and tried to use Reticulan lasguns (they are 1x2, so i thought, hey nice, take those!)
I also ignored the hefty handicaps the thief armor has. My base also wasn't really prepared logistically.
So my setup was:
8 gals in thief outfit
8 shock'a'fist's
4 finely distilled rum
2 gauss pistols + a lot of ammo
6 reticulan lasguns with a lot of ammo
4 hellerium grenades (was a bit low on them)
some molotovs and poisongas grens
1 autoax to break through walls
no parrot.
I started the mission and woosh, my 6 lasguns were gone. My auto-ax, too

Also my crew was placed somewhat unlucky, 7 gals in the main entry are, 1 in the room below the EZ.
Despite the lack of weaponry and decent medical supplies I started the mission.
The first few rooms contained only minor stuff like beer, cutlasses and other such things.
No resistance.
Then i entered a bigger 2-level room with seemingly noone inside...
As soon as i was inside doors opened all over the place and I was shot from all sides.
2 wounded, one panicked.
Still I manged to get out and even kill an enemy or two, healed my gals up and went on when...
Tada! "Monotone Wolf is under an evil spell"
Tada "Tight Diamond is going berzerk"
Killed the mind-controlled girl after she hurt 2 other gals, interestingly Tight Diamond then snapped out of her panic phase, maybe she was afraid of also getting shot

Anyway, I realized I was simply not prepared for this and tried to move towards the EZ. Easier said than done...
After a chase with a lot of shootings and a lucky escape i was trapped in some rooms without exit and used the gauss pistols (love them!) and the (for the fight) useless hellerium grenades to break through to the final stairs.
Some more mind attacks but i was lucky, only 1x short panic and I reached the EZ.
When I returned home I had lost 1 gal, 3 were wounded, two of them for a longer time. Score: 48?
Made ~48000 creds, the most expensive thing I found was some jewelry....

What really annoyed me was the fact that I had sold/scrapped several gauss pistols right before the mission appeared, also sold medi-kits because I had the fancy distilled rums. I knew I wasn't prepared and still went there...
At least I wasn't squad-wiped....

Don't do the mission just because it's there. This one needs resources, planning and TIME. It took one hour real-time just to get my gals out, I can't imagine how long a full mission will take

Thief armor? Forget it. The shock-a-fist is awesome but the -20 melee penalty makes them VERY unpredictable. And the 20 armor is nothing. And then the firing accuracy penalty... and and and
Really this armor IS useless, Dioxine, I think you hit it too hard with the nerf-hammer. Twice.

Gauss pistols are your friends on that mission, they can sometimes even breach walls. Take A LOT of ammo for them with you. 7 shots is nothing, especially if you don't hit at point-blank-range thanks to the Thief armor.
Use the guns from fallen enemies, even if they are crap (The UAC carbine is a joke lol)
grenades are difficult to use, BUT can breach walls (hellerium gren that is), that can safe your gals, it did for me.
Take a parrot with you to scout.
Take your time and prepare your gals. Let the mission pass if you are not ready. Ok so much from me.