Answering your PM publically:
So what I don't understand at the moment is if the rank of nodes affects AI patrol behavior? Do the navigators and leaders stick to their own nodes? Or is that only done through importance?

Section 1 Node Information:
Indexinfo and basic commands for copying nodes.
Section 2 Patrol Information:
Unit Type: What kind of unit is allowed to patrol along this node.
Possible Values:
Any, Flying, Flying Large, Large, Small
Any refers to all units.
Flying are 1x1 sized units which can fly.
Flying Large are 2x2 units which can fly.
Large refers to 2x2 sized units (usually Terrorunits)
Small refers to all 1x1 sized Units.
Possible Values: One - Ten
Indicates how strategically important this node is for aliens, which means they are more likely to walk into its direction and or stay near it.
Can be used to direct Aliens into specific sections of a Map module and "guard" it.
Attack Base:
Possible Values: One - Ten
Indicates to Aliens that this tile needs to be destroyed only be used for X-Com Base Defense Mission in Vanilla. (Hobbes uses these settings to guide Aliens towards X-Com position in his Defense Missions).
Section 3 Node Spawn Information:
Possible Values: 0: No Spawn - 10:Spawn
Indicates how high percentagewise this Node will be considered when aliens attempt to spawn.
10:Spawn Node garantees a alien will spawn on it (if enough aliens of the proper rank are avaible).
1:Spawn Node gives a 10 percent chance a alien of the proper Rank will spawn on it.
Higher Numbers are populated first.
Possible Values:
0:Civ-Scout - allows any Rank to spawn as long as it fits the Size setting
1:X-Com - will only spawn X-Com Units of appropriate Size
2:Soldier - will only spawn Alien of Soldier Rank
3:Navigator - will only spawn Alien of Navigator Rank
4:Leader/Commander - will only spawn a Alien of either Leader or Commander Rank
5:Engineer - Will only spawn a Alien of Engineer Rank
6:Misc1 - Terrorunit Spawn Slot, make sure you provide spawnpoints with proper Size settings and do not let 2x2 units spawn were they can not move from
7:Medic - will only spawn a Alien of Medic Rank
8:Misc2 - Terrorunit Spawn Slot, make sure you provide spawnpoints with proper Size settings and do not let 2x2 units spawn were they can not move from
Section 4 Node Link Information:
Maximum of 5 links to other nodes per node (so plan ahead, if in doubt add a additional node for e.g. going up/down etc..)
Link Description:
Possible Values:
All nodes on node index by numerical index number
Exit East - Links node to East Exit
Exit North - Links node to North Exit
Exit South - Links node to South Exit
Exit West - Links node to West Exit
Not Used
Linking a node towards a exit makes sure Alien find proper directions towards adjacent Map tiles and can do whatever they please there.
Possible Values:
Any, Flying, Flying Large, Large, Small
Indicates which size setting does the linked Node have.
It is important that these match or aliens will never attempt to patrol correctly!Dist: (Distance)
Holds the value for the calculated distance between 2 linked Nodes (usually gets filled automatically).
Probably used for calculating paths.
I hope this clears all questions in this regard

What's the cheaty wall shooting btw? Is that the rocket blast bug on corner sections I've heard about? Never actually used them before.
If you are referring towards
this effect. no that is not what i mean.
LOS LOFerrors also can happen if you have holes in your walls.