I'd prefer shortcuts that instantly bring up the targeting cursor.
So in OpenXcom, a button to cycle through the fire modes. That's probably a lot more complicated to implement, though.
Yeah, a "targeting" key would be great. Hit it once and it starts with a targeting reticle of first available action. "Aimed" gets displayed above or below the reticle. Hit it again, and it cycles through to "Snap", "Auto," etc.
Just use the Q and E keys which already open the dialogue. Maybe Control Q for target with Right hand, Control E for Target with Left, etc.
All of these would be enabled with an Option in Battlescape: "Advanced Targeting Keys" or some such.
And yes, I do use keyboard shortcuts with my Left hand, and mouse with the right. I use "C" for center on selected unit. The numbers to flip through visible enemies, Q and E for hand item menus, Tab to cycle units, W to finish with the unit till next turn.