
Author Topic: Difficulty Question  (Read 6127 times)

Offline superschokokeks

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Difficulty Question
« on: April 08, 2016, 08:38:52 am »
I played at the first difficulty settings and it was fine. From times to times a bid too easy

For this playthrough I started with 2 and.. wow

Is it supposed to be so much harder? Most of the unit take A LOT MORE hits than before. If I could I would throw stones at them and anything which is lying around.
I attacked several Bandits UFOS and barely did it. "Okay. Then I shouldn't attack them" I was thinking. Next two terror missions wasn't a cake walk at all. Second and third month they had already laser weapons and I encounternd the marsec troop with their .. nice armor and interesting "tanks"(which ambushed me). Even when I grabbed their Lasguns and shoot them in the face with it, it took a couple of hits (and my luck generated a map with explosiv pipes, where everything that can goes wrong, gone wrong, like autofire hit a pipe and after the next few exploding things my gals where on fire.)

Next few thing I noticed that the enemies throw a lot more of grenades to the point where's nearly impossible to avoid it( for example a enemy right in front of your ship. You can't really run away. If you shoot, your gals could die or He doesn't and throw a grenade in the next round anyway). From what I read it seems it's an "issue" with openxcom

Still I'm posting that here because this game cranked everything up to eleven. I know It is supposed to be hard but.. that jump from difficulty one to two? Bit harsh

I mean even that bandit-group are more or less the same mutants than you are and they can eat more hits than your lovely gals.

I don't really get how the difficulty changes stuff. I mean It could be possible, that my gals just bad at shooting and hit them everytime in the foot or I have really really bad luck and encounter some shit, that isn't normal.

So I like to hear some words to it. Will be there any adjusments? or Do have I "git gud" basically?

I read the beginners at this forum and still I struggle hard. So I'm glad to hear some tips

p.s will be ever a improvment for the civs? It isn't funny anymore, that they play Super Mario and jump at my gals head from above and make them unconscious. Maybe it should be that way.. I don't know any xcom game with civ that care about their life ("Hello Alien, why are you shooting at my friend?". "Hi strange soldiers ! come to me ! I'm over here! right next to a friendly chrysalid who wants to hug me! isn't he cute, is he?")

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Difficulty Question
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2016, 09:26:20 am »
Is it supposed to be so much harder? Most of the unit take A LOT MORE hits than before. If I could I would throw stones at them and anything which is lying around.

Yes. The first difficulty level halves all enemies' armour (among other things), it's practically a cheat. Second difficulty level is the first one with non-crippled foes.

I attacked several Bandits UFOS and barely did it. "Okay. Then I shouldn't attack them" I was thinking. Next two terror missions wasn't a cake walk at all. Second and third month they had already laser weapons and I encounternd the marsec troop with their .. nice armor and interesting "tanks"(which ambushed me). Even when I grabbed their Lasguns and shoot them in the face with it, it took a couple of hits (and my luck generated a map with explosiv pipes, where everything that can goes wrong, gone wrong, like autofire hit a pipe and after the next few exploding things my gals where on fire.)

Early terrors are hard! No shame in retreating, I usually do before I get better stuff.

Next few thing I noticed that the enemies throw a lot more of grenades to the point where's nearly impossible to avoid it( for example a enemy right in front of your ship. You can't really run away. If you shoot, your gals could die or He doesn't and throw a grenade in the next round anyway). From what I read it seems it's an "issue" with openxcom

Well what else should the enemy do, cut their own wrists and die? :) But you're not helpless: let your first gal prime a smoke grenade for 0 turns and drop it on the ground (not throw!). This will create a cloud of smoke before the enemy turn, hopefully preventing them from attacking you. If you can, throw in more grenades from the back.

I don't really get how the difficulty changes stuff.

It's explained here and should fully apply to Piratez:

I mean It could be possible, that my gals just bad at shooting and hit them everytime in the foot or I have really really bad luck and encounter some shit, that isn't normal.

Hard to say without seeing you play. I recommend watching some LPs to see how other people play. Prominent X-piratez LPers are Meridian and Draco Griffin, also Ivan Dogovich but for an older version.

p.s will be ever a improvment for the civs? It isn't funny anymore, that they play Super Mario and jump at my gals head from above and make them unconscious. Maybe it should be that way.. I don't know any xcom game with civ that care about their life ("Hello Alien, why are you shooting at my friend?". "Hi strange soldiers ! come to me ! I'm over here! right next to a friendly chrysalid who wants to hug me! isn't he cute, is he?")

It's an ages old issue which everyone hopes will be resolved :) Maybe someday.

Offline superschokokeks

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Re: Difficulty Question
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2016, 09:34:56 am »
Oh.. now I'm playing the real game for real women and not that soft one for baby-men.

That explains a lot. I'm a male. that's why I'm struggleling.

Jokes besides.

Thank you for your long answer.
I'll keep that in mind. I started to watch meridian. He looks somewhat competent about what he's doing.

It could be the fact I'm a bad x-com player, but I finsihed vanilla... (with savescumming..)
So I have to learn to survive like my gals have to.
Well then, start to grow some boobs and stop complaining.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Difficulty Question
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2016, 10:15:00 am »
Go captain, go captain, go!

Offline Boltgun

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Re: Difficulty Question
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2016, 11:06:32 am »
You go, gal.

I all seriousness, what changed in Piratez is that the starter guns are useless against armor, except boarding guns, blunderbusses or cannons but they require lots of strength. In case of doubt, black powder bombs will be your best weapon until you can upgrade. Use them without moderation.

Do not hesitate to abort missions too, you can handle the point loss.

And lastly, researching the enemy to figure what's the best damage type to use is a good idea. Armors aren't so tough if you use flamethrowers.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Difficulty Question
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2016, 11:22:59 am »
In case of doubt, black powder bombs axes and cutlasses will be your best weapon until you can upgrade

Here's another possibility. ;)