I couldn't really use this, can't see what was changed. And I also needed to consider OXCE changes as this was for vanilla only. So I made my own version:
So you don't need my code anymore? That's a shame

But seriously, if you could provide me with some tutorial on how to make those Git patches or how to use Github properly, I would be very grateful. I have Github installed but I used it only to clone the repository. I don't know what else should I do with it to make everything
lege artis.
If we are talking about light, I have some idea for next experiment, but I need to earn some EXP and advance a level i coding first

The idea is:
1. Soldiers do not emit any light or this light is very weak.
2. Items have "flashlight" parameter, defined in ruleset . Such items, when hold in hand, emit a cone of light in front of soldier, not around him.
3. By setting flashlight value we can set the strength of light. This way we can have weapons with build in light (weak light), handheld flashlights (decent light source but blocking a hand slot) and some hi-tech, elerium powered super-light sources (maybe mounted on shoulders, if this is codeable)
4. Turning light off allows to hide from some species of aliens, that don't see good during the night. Turning it on makes soldier visible and exposed.
5. Shooting at target in darkness gives big penalty to accuracy (don't know if this is codeable, as I haven't looked at accuracy routines yet). So you should either illuminate the target or use weapon with night scope (another flag in ruleset) that would ignore this penalty)
6. Ultimate achievement would be learning the AI to use such light sources too.
That's the idea. Anyone tried that?