I want to mod in a new gun, and I was thinking about properties that would make it interesting gameplay wise. What I came up with was a gun that ignores armour, but does low damage. On top of that, I want it to reduce time units of the target on hit, to sort of disable the target. This is for preventing reaction fire. If the TUs go to a negative value, I would like this value to be subtracted from the TUs of the next round, so the target is possibly disabled on his turn, too. And I want to make the shot arcing, but that is easy.
Gameplay wise, I imagine this weapon to be used by xcom as a special case for tough, dangerous targets. By ignoring armor, I can make it deal constant low damage to every enemy (say 10-20), especially heavy armored ones. Each hit would burn about 20 TUs on the target. By disabling the target with concentrated fire, the low damage doesn't make it impractical to use, because you are not dead the next round. The amount of damage to different targets can be controlled by adjusting the damage resistance variable of the armour. This way, I can introduce a weapon in the early game that can damage tough stuff without one-hit-killing everything else. Also, higher tech weapons won't be obsolete, because they deal more damage. In alien hands, it can be a weapon that does not one-hit-kill in the early game without beeing harmless to tanks and power armour.
The story of the weapon is that I saw this picture in the TFTD gamefiles:

I realized it is the gun of the Deep One, which they probably didn't implement because terror units can't have items.

The ufopaedia says Deep Ones use an electric discharge as weapon. So I will call the gun Electroblaster, and it shoots blobs of electrocuting gel. The electric dischage ignores armour and disables the target. It is especially dangerous to mechanical things like tanks, so be careful with them.
Sooo.... how do I get the properties of this gun into the game? Can someone help me with this? I did not play Piratez yet, so I don't know if extended has the functionality I am looking for.
Edit: Next problem - if I manage to mod this weapon into the game, I would like to give it to the Deep One of course. Any ideas how I can give one terror unit a weapon, without breaking the other terror units?