ok , isent a email to the website for TTS asking about there images, i got no response. To save there being any issues with using someone elses art ( other than the original game art) i think i will do the alien ones myself, it wont take to long as i have good background images for them . I will also do the same thing for TFTD images as i cant be the only person who wants to bring the aquatoids into UFO

Doing the civilian ones i want is a little harder. First i tried drawing them from scratch and realised i dont have the talent , so plan B was to scale there battle sprite , touch it up use that.
Last night i did a quick test, now i have a general shape and colour i may be able to add some nice details without having to draw from scratch. I have been looking for a pixel artist to help from opengameart.org but so far no one has volunteered ;(
Basically i will use these in my games ( one day) as place holders until someone more talent shows up to support the site.