There are still some minor bugs : the storage is no more broken, but some smaller items (say grenades - 1 field) do not get properly placed in front. When trying to place something there, spot refuses to accept it. Similary there is 2*3 spot unreachable in place of previous distortion.
Right now, i am doing this from vessel screen, so this can be removed by reopening inventory, but that wont be avalible from pre-mission equipment screen very likely.
I will look into it. It may take a few days.
Also, new version is up.
+ Added support for
avatar display in battlescape UI
How it works:
1. if you provide custom background for avatar (id = "AvatarBackground"), then this custom background will be rendered instead of rank and on top of that the avatar (=a section of paperdoll for armor "NONE")
If this is not specified, nothing happens, game works as before.
2. additionally, if you provide tiny rank icons (size 7x7, id = "TinyRanks"), then these will be displayed after the name
Example of ruleset:
- type: AvatarBackground
singleImage: true
0: Resources/UI/avatar-background.png
- type: TinyRanks
width: 42
height: 7
subX: 7
subY: 7
0: Resources/UI/tiny-ranks.png
Attached is an example mod ... the graphics need to be completely reworked by a skilled artist ... and a screenshot how would it look like.
Feel free to experiment and share your work and thoughts with others.