I want to change how many alien alloys or elerium I get back from a mission. I know that each elerium unit is recovered for 50 elerium, and each alien alloy tile (on a UFO) is recovered for 1/10th of an alien alloy. How do I edit these values, say, to make power sources give 25 elerium, and alien alloy tiles recover for 1/5th of an alien alloy?
Those are easy to accomplish task, first since it is easier Elerium-115
Create file called vars.rul, insert:
alienFuel: [STR_ELERIUM_115, 25]
Controlling the amount of Alien Alloys from UFO Recoveries is currently not such a easy task.
You currently can not increase the amount of Alioen Alloys from UFO's without adding additional tiles.
The divisor of 1/10th is a fixed constant. Nevertheless, you can actually reduce the amount of Alien Alloys.
See attached modified U_EXT02 files.
What i did was to remove the Alien Alloys Special ability from one of the most used Groundtiles, which results in a average reduction of ~36% in alien Alloys recovered.
It would be much much easier, to just have a variable like for the Elerium-115 to influence this, and then also increases would be easily possible.