
Author Topic: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings  (Read 9754 times)

Offline Arthanor

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[Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« on: November 06, 2015, 05:08:38 pm »
A while ago, we had a discussion about the gals stats and what is good enough to stand out. I use a fairly extensive statstring system, to try to avoid ending up with too many letters added to my soldiers. The mod first tries to sorts gals in one of 5 categories, based on TU, Firing, Melee and Reactions (in that order). These are all-rounder qualifiers.

A - Awesome gal (85/70/90/65)
a - almost the best (80/62/80/60)
B - Better than most (75/58/70/55)
b - balanced soldier (70/55/65/50)
D - detritus: good at nothing (-70/-52/-60/-45)

Then letters are assigned for outstanding stats as well, with a quirk that a B "grade" or better gal doesn't get lowercase letters, and an A "grade" gal only gets the capital letters for extra awesome stats.

F/f: Fighty for good melee accuracy (AF: 100, F: 90, f: 70)
M/m: Markswoman for good firing (AM: 85, M: 75, m: 58)
Q/q: Quick gal for high TU and Stam (AQ: 95/85, Q: 85/75, 66/66)
R/r: Reactive gal for high reactions (AR: 75, R: 65, r: 60)

There is a marker for weaklings, "w" for less than 30 str. There's no marker for strong, since 30+ is strong enough.

For voodoo, you get V/v/+/-/x/X for 55/50/40/30/20/-20 voodoo strength, once you have done the proper research.

Let me know if you find it useful and if you think something should be tweaked. I'm already thinking of increasing some of the A special stats, as I have some gals that are accumulating too many. Otherwise, it seems to work pretty well.

Offline Axebeard

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2015, 07:42:05 pm »
I'll use this next game I play, sounds great.

Offline Axebeard

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2015, 04:28:55 am »
I just realized there's no marker for Bravery (c for Coward, B is taken.... so something for Brave?). I pay attention to it because Billhooks kick ass with Brave gals.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2015, 05:40:16 am »
Good point on the billhooks, and bravery is more important now with combat stress (ex.: you might want to take a braver crew for long missions, panicking while looking for the last dude is really annoying).

c for coward works well, maybe s and S for steadfast? or g/G for gutsy? or h/H for heroic? I think I like S the most, if that's not too confusing for people used to it meaning strong. I could change b/B into something else too to free that up, but A/B grade works quite well, so I don't know what..

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2015, 10:53:43 am »
How about I as "Ice cold, baby"? :D

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2015, 06:33:19 pm »
haha that could work too. Hum.. which to pick..?

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2015, 08:12:39 pm »
Well, I found a bug in the mod and decided it was more than time I updated it. So here it is!

- Fixed a bug with awesome gals. Had a "aaaa+" gal, that looked a bit suspicious. Upon re-evaluation, she got an "a+", which most would agree is still pretty good ;)

- Added a new rank: Legend (Lgnd) for gals that are beyond awesome. Great TU/Firing/Melee/Reactions/Voodoo Power, they have it all. This should remove the AFMRQV stupid statstring for gals that manage to survive and get crazy good.

- Bumped up the requirements for most letters, especially the "AF/AM/AQ/AR" ones. If you're awesome, you have to be really awesome to stand out. The "A" qualifiers are set at the level which grants "Lgnd", so if you have a gal with "AF", you know she's already a legend level fighter. If you train her other stats, eventually she will be a legend. Also helps with the good gals spamming letters.

- Added "C" and "c" for Cowards. "C" for less than 25 bravery, "c" for less than 50. At 50, combat stress will keep you around 50 morale, which is the point where you really don't need to worry anymore.

- Added "P" and "p" for Practitioners of the (Dark) arts, ie psiSkill, to quickly see who it is worth giving that fancy witch outfit to.

I'm thinking of adding new "classes" for warriors (FQR) and commandos (MQR). Since I don't do cross-training much, I end up with a lot of those, which are one accuracy away from going up the b/B/a/A/Lgnd tree.

Problem is, if you assign more than one letter (ex.: Lgnd), you don't get following letters. So it would be impossible to get "WarC+" for a warrior that's also cowardly but has decent voodoo power. And I don't want "C+War" (plus that would force me to reorganize the order of everything, or add a LOT of conditions, which I don't want to do either). So it'd have to be "WC+", but that also means weak.. so.. "KC+" for Knight/Knify? "SC+" for Stabby? Same goes for the commandos: Can't do "CmdC+", nor "CC+"...
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 08:45:11 pm by Arthanor »


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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2015, 08:49:52 pm »
Fine! But personally i don't like execessive barin working remembering all these letters..i prefer the inventory stats provided, and browsing the gsl individually in the inventory. The actual inventory stats activable as an option in openxcom. By now only two are avaiable, reactions and firing accuracy, hope to see at least other 3 or 4...that feature was suggested, if remembre correctly..

edit: typos

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2015, 09:23:47 pm »
Yeah, it depends on people. I used not to care, then I got around playing and making my own strings (so they make sense to me, it's no chore to remember) and I really like it.

I make my crews out of a very specific mix of gals (4 boarders, 2 close range support, 2 scouts, 2 close range heavy support, 5 mid-range support, 1 mid/long range super heavy support, 2 long range heavy support), who all need specific stats balance to be assigned specific roles/armor/weapons combinations. I am a organizer/micro-manager.

It's relatively straightforward in vanilla (all you care about are TUs, Firing Accuracy and Reactions. Str after ~30 doesn't really matter, melee and bravery don't matter at all) and every one gets the same armor since there are so few. But in Piratez.. that doesn't work and the inventory stats are not nearly enough for me!

Offline Axebeard

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2015, 09:54:56 am »
I was using this mod until I realized you can see their stats in the inventory screen. I still keep it on, just to remind me who has what during battle though.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [Mod]Piratez - Statstrings
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2015, 04:44:37 pm »
Yeah, it's especially good in battle. Need a trick shot? Find the "M" gal who can do it! Have an easy kill? Need to run back for more ammo? Find the rookie!