You can't go bankrupt if you invest.
Runts literally print money.
My save at the start of feb 2602, month behind you:
800 runts making simple grog do 12.8M per month, my maintenance of all bases combined is 8M.
every base has 3 extractors + workshop + still + some hangars
Brainers are crucial:
"research score" is taken from the save game, it's what brainers generate when they complete research.
Couple point:
1. You can see on the graph exact moment where I got interceptors, my score went by +5k.
I had full lab in the second month, it took me 8 months to get there.
You have half the lab, it would take you 16 months. Simple math.
2. Fully staffed lab generates more score than a bunch of hands doing every mission. Like, my Jan score - 12k from brainers, 4k from hands. and 12k score from brainers = 4 millions of infamy money.
Where you can improve tactically:
It's comparison between how you play and what I did with your savegame.
Drifter stunned with a shotgun didn't die because I use rubber bullets.
1 point of infamy gives $333 at the end of the month.
In the trade guild warehouse you didn't get 100 points from captures = you will not get 33k bonus at the end of the month
Temple of Sirius briefing literally says that you get a penalty for killing civvies. And you go and kill them. -40 points. You lose the game when you get negative points. You could get 200+ infamy there, you lost 40. 280 difference*333= 90k loss. Priest you killed worth 60k alive and 2k dead.