
Author Topic: Bugs & Crash Reports  (Read 1920351 times)

Offline Bartojan

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #855 on: August 08, 2016, 04:32:33 pm »
I have been awarded medal Idol for stunning one ghoul 3 times with one gal and capturing it, instead for capturing 3 enemies per one mission.
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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #856 on: August 08, 2016, 06:02:25 pm »
Paying a bit more attenction i've noticed some kind of incongruence: in the option screen (in the advanced window) the option spend items after research says about the live aliens (i think it may apply also to enemies in xpiratez) once they're "researched" should return in the prison therefore avaiable, in extended piratez righr now when you research the lab its description says that research items will be destroyed; now this should apply only to objects and not enemies? Currently the latters are treated as items, once player research they are "spended" and disappear from the prison. Once slavery is researched it says ta to enslave a prisoner must be interrogated (researched) first but once you do that he is gone!!  Is this a bug or a missing feature?

edit: screenshts attached

edit 2: also the research tree may need some doube-checking, since in he beginning i've neer retrived a spraygun, but the entry in he bootypedia is displayed also if contract: merchants is not researched yet and it's marked with [BUY] though it does not appea in the black market.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 07:33:56 pm by niculinux »

Offline UnholyAngel

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #857 on: August 08, 2016, 06:56:17 pm »
Got crash to desktop when one of my gals in Annihilator suit got killed.

The exe version is 2016-07-31-OpenXcomExPlus32.

I've attached a screen shot of the error message and the openxcom.log
I can't attach a crash dump for some reason.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #858 on: August 08, 2016, 07:14:54 pm »
Got crash to desktop when one of my gals in Annihilator suit got killed.

The exe version is 2016-07-31-OpenXcomExPlus32.

I've attached a screen shot of the error message and the openxcom.log
I can't attach a crash dump for some reason.

This looks like it might be a problem with the Alt-Corpse mod.  Are you running that mod as well as Piratez?

Edit: Bug fix posted in the Alt-Corpse Thread here:,4424.msg68818.html#msg68818
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 07:27:48 pm by ivandogovich »

Offline khade

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #859 on: August 08, 2016, 09:01:33 pm »
I believe the researching of prisoners is working as intended, the slavery bit just means you need to have that type of enemy researched, before you can enslave them, rob them, or interrogate them.

The spraygun is buyable, when you've got the right black market research done, the gals just know about it before that.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #860 on: August 08, 2016, 09:09:56 pm »
Once slavery is researched it says ta to enslave a prisoner must be interrogated (researched) first but once you do that he is gone!!  Is this a bug or a missing feature?

Use your brain. If the interrogated guy didn't dissapear, you could milk a single one for all the random tech this type of enemy might know, which might be 30 or more.


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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #861 on: August 08, 2016, 09:10:58 pm »
I believe the researching of prisoners is working as intended, the slavery bit just means you need to have that type of enemy researched, before you can enslave them, rob them, or interrogate them.

Yes, but if you keep researching them they will tell about some other stuff...guess it's up to the player make a good choice. Peraphs is intended, you see, can have everything fom life? :)

The spraygun is buyable, when you've got the right black market research done, the gals just know about it before that.

My oversight. But till some problem with research tree because jus reerched Animal Tamin and it appeared agin in the research projects.

Edit: @Dioxine, as for prisoneers, I checked and once researced and it disappared. It happened with altar boy andvsharp guy. If anyone can confirm the contrary, am i wrong probably?
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 09:20:06 pm by niculinux »

Offline khade

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #862 on: August 08, 2016, 09:30:29 pm »
Just find another altar boy and interview him.  Or convince him he wants to assist at the base, or steal everything he's carrying and sell him back, or just ransom him, he's easy.  First is likely scary, second is something he's probably dreamed about, third sucks a lot, and fourth gets him right back where he started.

Offline Meridian

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #863 on: August 08, 2016, 09:41:26 pm »
Edit: @Dioxine, as for prisoneers, I checked and once researced and it disappared. It happened with altar boy andvsharp guy. If anyone can confirm the contrary, am i wrong probably?

What are we even discussing here?
It worked like that since the beginning in vanilla and in all mods including piratez as well... there is nothing to confirm, it is like that and will always remain like that, end of the story.


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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #864 on: August 08, 2016, 10:13:18 pm »
Use your brain. If the interrogated guy didn't dissapear, you could milk a single one for all the random tech this type of enemy might know, which might be 30 or more.

I know but i'd like that in the game, once you interrogate him, then would be possible ether rob or ransom him, maybeca message would notice the player he is in prison again. :-/ i wished research spent item rule were only for objects, not enemies. Lastly, i wonder if a modification to xpiratez executable may lead to this, otherwise, nevermind sorry fir annoyance

Offline khade

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #865 on: August 08, 2016, 10:43:49 pm »
I'd say don't worry about it, all you can do is ask, especially when something doesn't make sense to you.

That said, it is actually a question of what is worth more to you right then, research (which gives points and information), slaves (who can give more storage space and currently appear to give positive cashflow), ransoming (cash now), or robbery(phat loot and half the ransom in credits).

Offline Surrealistik

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #866 on: August 08, 2016, 11:13:55 pm »
Use your brain. If the interrogated guy didn't dissapear, you could milk a single one for all the random tech this type of enemy might know, which might be 30 or more.

I think it makes sense to rob him automatically afterwords; why let the interrogated guy keep his stuff? Is the promise of keeping your stuff the good cop to the bad cop of systemic torture? There's still an opportunity cost in precious Brainer time, so it's not like robbery via Interrogation obviates the point of robbery via Runts.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #867 on: August 09, 2016, 12:57:56 am »
You've got to stop and think about XPiratez as part of XCom. It's almost an entirely different game, but not quite. Doing things to prisoners always makes them disappear. It is no different for XPiratez since it is build on XCom.

Either the prisoner dies or gets released as part of the bargain, but after one interrogation, they're gone. Otherwise you could milk them for all their random topic (especially bad for high rank enemies). Interrogating a certain unit will enable robbing/enslaving/taming of that unit type. That specific unit disappeared, but interrogating it told the runts how to "process" subsequent ones, once you catch them. This enables the robbery and slavery manufacturing projects.

In your specific case, you interrogated an altar boy and he told you about stuff in exchange for his freedom (because the gals felt like being nice for the poor little dude after the handling). While interacting with him, you've learned how to convinced altar boys to serve you as squires, so the next time you catch one, you can enslave him. That doesn't make a slave out of the first one, since he was released, but you can enslave the next one. Or just rob him, since now you know what kind of valuables the kid has in his possession.

Offline khade

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #868 on: August 09, 2016, 01:28:06 am »
Incidentally, this reminds me of something that is likely a bug: researching a prisoner type multiple times gives the can now enslave and rob message each time, or at least more than once, at least for me, should be up to date.  I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to give that message more than once.

Offline UnholyAngel

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #869 on: August 09, 2016, 02:25:28 am »
This looks like it might be a problem with the Alt-Corpse mod.  Are you running that mod as well as Piratez?

Edit: Bug fix posted in the Alt-Corpse Thread here:,4424.msg68818.html#msg68818
Yes, I do use Alt-Corpse, and your new rule fixes the problem.