Author Topic: Bugs & Crash Reports  (Read 1920732 times)

Offline Vansi

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2730 on: September 15, 2018, 11:47:28 pm »
Another bug from 99J2, well, because Reticulans still didn't arrived and last they have been seen in pub on Alpha Centauri. I wanted report this bug earlier, but kinda forgot about it.
So, in certain ship types, like Blowfish or Megapol Dropship there are folding chairs, and when you stand on tile with that folding chair, you can't interact with anybody else. Melee atacks don't work, and if I recall correctly also healing and giving water to someone else don't work. And target of action like using canteen on someone else will be redirected to gal holding canteen. Savefile from Dropship attached.           

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2731 on: September 16, 2018, 12:53:19 am »
Well that is how engine works. Other options are either making these chairs immaterial, or impassable, and I don't like either.

Offline Vansi

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2732 on: September 16, 2018, 01:31:52 am »
That is very strange. As I remember there is no such thing like folding chairs in vanilla game. Why adding to the Open Xcom feature that adds nothing to the game, but is impeding your abilities? 

And you didn't hesitated to add to ground level of Zeppelin impassable chairs and decorative stuff that looks like ventilation grill, they are narrowing central section to 2 tile width. I needed to remove them with pickaxe in order to gain some maneuevering space. 
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 01:50:14 am by Vansi »

Offline BBHood217

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2733 on: September 16, 2018, 01:47:08 am »
I am not sure if it is a bug, but I can interrogate the freak gal I got from research, but she wouldn't give me anything for doing so.

Actually, you will get something out of researching that freak gal.  It's just not research tech, which is why it doesn't show up in the tech tree viewer.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2734 on: September 16, 2018, 02:33:53 am »
That is very strange. As I remember there is no such thing like folding chairs in vanilla game. Why adding to the Open Xcom feature that adds nothing to the game, but is impeding your abilities? 

Neither do I remember any half-naked mutant ladies in vanilla... As for the chair issue, I was blissfully unaware of its existence, I just wanted to have folded chairs in my ships. Would you rather sit on the floor? :) And what would walking into chairs even accomplish? And if something impedes me in xcom, I destroy it, what's more there is supposed to be to it?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2018, 02:36:04 am by Dioxine »

Offline Vansi

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2735 on: September 16, 2018, 03:03:28 am »
As for the chair issue, I was blissfully unaware of its existence, I just wanted to have folded chairs in my ships. Would you rather sit on the floor? :)

Yup, folding chairs are cool. But how about some consistent design and putting folding chairs into ground level of Zeppelin, to replace impassable chairs & stuff there ?   

And what would walking into chairs even accomplish?
Believe or not, but sometimes it very good spot to attack your enemies by surprise.  ;)

And one more question from 99J2. Is it normal that in base defense enemies are spawning in summoning circle 2 buildings away from elevator? In that base there is no hangars, only elevator, and in previous attack when SC wasn't build yet, enemies spawned only in elevator.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2736 on: September 16, 2018, 03:33:23 am »
Summoning Circles are a valid spawn location for enemy units, yes.

Also:  Reporting bugs for 99J2 is kinda irrelevent as the mod is on 99J6b right now.  Many J2 bugs have already been addressed.

Offline Vansi

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2737 on: September 16, 2018, 03:41:56 am »
Ok, thanks for info. :) But is it valid spawning place for my units as well ? Both my and enemy unit suppose to spawn in the very same room?

And, yes, I know that 99J2 is "ancient". I will try to upgrade, soon, I promise.     

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2738 on: September 16, 2018, 04:40:33 am »
Yup, folding chairs are cool. But how about some consistent design and putting folding chairs into ground level of Zeppelin, to replace impassable chairs & stuff there ?   

What inconsistency? Zeppelin doesn't need folding chairs. Is the fact that I use both folding and non-folding chairs a crime now?

Believe or not, but sometimes it very good spot to attack your enemies by surprise.  ;)

Yeah I figured only a camper would find such a thing... (since you admit it yourself...).  You won't like J6 at all, that is for sure :)

Is it normal that in base defense enemies are spawning in summoning circle 2 buildings away from elevator?

It is right there in Spawning Circle's description... read or die, remember?

Offline Vansi

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2739 on: September 16, 2018, 05:11:55 am »
What inconsistency? Zeppelin doesn't need folding chairs. Is the fact that I use both folding and non-folding chairs a crime now?

I don't give a damn if there are folding chairs on Zeppelin (but they are cool). But since making folding chairs impassable is big No-No, then why impassable ordinary chairs are tolerated on Zeppelin? Why don't make them passable? This is exactly inconsistent design.     

Yeah I figured only a camper would find such a thing... (since you admit it yourself...).  You won't like J6 at all, that is for sure :)

Yes, I am camper, I am not a player who is losing half the team every battle. Sometimes 10 or 20 turns passes before I leave safety of the Turtle, especially when enemy has nukes. And I really don't understand what uses have transporters with open ramp design - maybe except missions where transporter is not spawned on the map.
But in this case I entered tile with folded chair to simply block that passage and prevent flying pig from escaping outside.       

It is right there in Spawning Circle's description... read or die, remember?

1. I was more expecting that demons have chance spawn there during base defence, not enemies.
2. Is spawning of my gals and enemy units in the very same room correct or bug?   

Offline Rince Wind

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2740 on: September 16, 2018, 12:08:10 pm »
I hardly ever loose people (and I have no idea how I lost the last one standing on the roof of the ship in the tower mission. The only outside enemy had been dealt with, and there was a small explosion and she died) and I am using the Scorpion at the moment.
No enemies with nukes yet, though.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2741 on: September 16, 2018, 01:44:38 pm »
I don't give a damn if there are folding chairs on Zeppelin (but they are cool). But since making folding chairs impassable is big No-No, then why impassable ordinary chairs are tolerated on Zeppelin? Why don't make them passable? This is exactly inconsistent design.     

Because people would look shitty fused with a chair/standing on top of a chair? You're getting more and more ridiculous.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2742 on: September 16, 2018, 05:09:41 pm »
2. Is spawning of my gals and enemy units in the very same room correct or bug?   

I believe that its possible for both sides to use the same spawn points.  I think that they fill up the ones assigned to their sides, then start filling any available spot.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2743 on: September 16, 2018, 05:15:49 pm »
To clarify, rooms have nothing to do with it, since "room" is nothing but a construct of player's mind :) Units are spawned at spawning nodes, which can be attributed to player, enemy, or enemy/civilian.

Offline Vansi

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #2744 on: September 16, 2018, 07:38:27 pm »
I hardly ever loose people (and I have no idea how I lost the last one standing on the roof of the ship in the tower mission. The only outside enemy had been dealt with, and there was a small explosion and she died) and I am using the Scorpion at the moment.
No enemies with nukes yet, though.

I never used Scorpion, but I am assuming it is open ramp design? Well, I constructed  Thunderhorse, double the capacity of Turtle, much faster, but open ramp. And I took it to some test missions, because maybe open ramp design have some obvious tactical advantages that I don't see at first glance. First mission against Star Gods, I am to weak to kill them fast, and they are shooting inside cabin, but I have custom power armors, so it is still mostly under control. Second enemy turn, hellerium grenade tossed inside, but only one gal wounded. Third enemy turn, second grenade tossed inside, this time much deeper, 5 gals wounded and most of my equipment on floor is gone, as stack is spawned only 6 tiles from edge of the ramp. What is worst there is almost no hiding spots inside Thunderhorse, you are totally exposed, and when Sectopod arrives in the front of the ramp, massacre begins.   
Second test mission against Guild's Supply Ship, some Marsec prick shoots nuke inside during first turn. Out of 24 gals only 2 survived.       
And there is ramp itself. Using it cost additional TUs, bleeding your initiative. And when you stand in the middle of ramp going DOWN cost you 8 TU, but going UP cost only 6 TU.  ::)     

I believe that its possible for both sides to use the same spawn points.  I think that they fill up the ones assigned to their sides, then start filling any available spot.

I see that building Summoning Circle was a mistake. I need to demolish it or absolutly prevent enemy from invading my base. But what if I move SC as far as possible from elevator? Will that reduce/eliminate chance to spawn enemy there? Or maybe I will create literally backdoor for enemies to attack me from rear ?