Author Topic: Bugs & Crash Reports  (Read 1589943 times)

Offline legionof1

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3900 on: April 02, 2021, 07:05:52 pm »
yes, vamp effects must work in this fashion or stacking is not possible.

Offline Delian

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3901 on: April 19, 2021, 05:40:50 pm »
Piratez.rul => STR_MASTERS_CANE => damageAlter => ToHealh

It should be "ToHealth"

Offline Vasja

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3902 on: April 20, 2021, 04:25:26 pm »
Hello. I have a little question.

Church Exalt vs 'SKULLSTRIDER' armor with floating sandbags.

Church Exalt:
  Melee = 100.
Force lance:
  damage type = LASER
  damage = 50 + Melee*0.6 = 55 .. 165 (with 50-150% spread).
  Armor effectiveness: 0,5
  Front armor = 165
  Damage modifier LASER = 100
Floating sandbags:
  Las 50/50

In total, we should have 165 * 0.5 armor versus 165 * 0.5 maximum damage (exalt cannot normally penetrate armor), but in practice, the resistance from the bags does not work and the SKULLSTRIDER dies quickly.

How can this be fixed?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2021, 04:41:42 pm by Vasja »

Offline legionof1

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3903 on: April 21, 2021, 04:51:36 am »
It is possible that an attack from the front arc, even with melee, can still strike side armor and would in this case still do damage on a max roll.

Also depending on rounding you still might take damage frontally as well. half front armor is exactly the same as a max dmg roll after resist. But either vlaue is a whole number so which gets rounded how matters.

And if you can take any damage at all you will lose some armor, and that adds up eventually in the exalts favor. Given how fast the force lance is at 12 TU per swing an exalt can throw up too 12 attacks in a turn.

Offline Vasja

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3904 on: April 21, 2021, 05:30:09 am »
It is possible that an attack from the front arc, even with melee, can still strike side armor and would in this case still do damage on a max roll.

Also depending on rounding you still might take damage frontally as well. half front armor is exactly the same as a max dmg roll after resist. But either vlaue is a whole number so which gets rounded how matters.

And if you can take any damage at all you will lose some armor, and that adds up eventually in the exalts favor. Given how fast the force lance is at 12 TU per swing an exalt can throw up too 12 attacks in a turn.

Damage can still be taken, but it shouldn't be that huge. I compared the sandbag option with the option where I just directly changed the armor damage modifier from 1.0 to 0.5 in the Piratez.rul file without sandbags, and the difference in survivability is enormous. I've tried variations with different weapons and it looks like this bug only works for melee weapons. For melee weapons, sandbag resistance is not added to armor resistance at all.
Maybe the script is not working properly somehow?

Offline Nilex

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3905 on: April 21, 2021, 05:54:31 am »
Maybe a dumb question but you've put Sandbags in hand slot, right? Even though putting them somewhere else should be impossible.
Another thing, dunno if matters: Skullstrider has 75% vulnerability to concussive and bags lower it further 50%, totaling 25%. But allowed is 30% so maybe the script disables the whole sandbag resistance package?
Other than that I have no idea.

Offline Vasja

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3906 on: April 21, 2021, 06:07:49 am »
Maybe a dumb question but you've put Sandbags in hand slot, right? Even though putting them somewhere else should be impossible.
Another thing, dunno if matters: Skullstrider has 75% vulnerability to concussive and bags lower it further 50%, totaling 25%. But allowed is 30% so maybe the script disables the whole sandbag resistance package?
Other than that I have no idea.
Sandbags in hand slot.
It is not clear why it does not work.

Offline legionof1

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3907 on: April 21, 2021, 06:19:52 am »
Hurm, further investigation will be needed, but does sound like a bug. Thank you.

Offline Mathel

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3908 on: April 21, 2021, 10:59:16 am »
Hello. I have a little question.

Church Exalt vs 'SKULLSTRIDER' armor with floating sandbags.

Church Exalt:
  Melee = 100.
Force lance:
  damage type = LASER
  damage = 50 + Melee*0.6 = 55 .. 165 (with 50-150% spread).
  Armor effectiveness: 0,5
  Front armor = 165
  Damage modifier LASER = 100
Floating sandbags:
  Las 50/50

In total, we should have 165 * 0.5 armor versus 165 * 0.5 maximum damage (exalt cannot normally penetrate armor), but in practice, the resistance from the bags does not work and the SKULLSTRIDER dies quickly.

How can this be fixed?
A side effect of how protective items work. It was discussed at length before.
The "minimum defence" of protective items is not a cutoff, but an asymptote to which the item's protection approaches.
The actual calculation is:
Final resist = Armor resist - (1 - Item resist) * (Armor resist - Item minimum resist)

With skullstrider, sandbags and laser, the calculation would be.
Vulnerability= 1-(1-0.5)*(1-0.5)=1-0.25=0.75

So Laser damage is 0.75% effective against this combination, not 50% effective.

Offline Vasja

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3909 on: April 21, 2021, 11:36:28 am »
A side effect of how protective items work. It was discussed at length before.
The "minimum defence" of protective items is not a cutoff, but an asymptote to which the item's protection approaches.
The actual calculation is:
With skullstrider, sandbags and laser, the calculation would be.
Vulnerability= 1-(1-0.5)*(1-0.5)=1-0.25=0.75

So Laser damage is 0.75% effective against this combination, not 50% effective.

Oh, OK
Thanks for the clarification.
If so, then there is no bug.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2021, 11:48:02 am by Vasja »

Offline Yirtimd2

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3910 on: April 23, 2021, 07:54:35 am »
Guys I think I found some strange bug - in the mission "Bank Robbery" from goblins' bank where you need to rob elves's bank I killed all enemies but mission did not finish there. So I guess in bank building there must be some bug of, ehh, building spawning or something because when I go down in its' dungeon there is only stairs and nothing else.

So I think in this place it should generate bank's treasury room or something but there are only stairs and nothing else. Or maybe I am stupid and just dont get it.

Offline Nilex

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3911 on: April 23, 2021, 10:41:01 am »
...I go down in its' dungeon there is only stairs and nothing else.
Or so it seems. Don't the walls texture strike there as little odd though?
But yeah I think everyone gets stuck here. I found a solution on YT video.
If you visit with strong Gals use a Hammer on the walls, everyone else use a Fusion Torch. In end-game, for fun, I brought a Chort /Dispersed to exert my vengeance. On the wall, on the Bank, on people inside, on the damned loot, even on myself. Everyone got a piece of Iron Wind (literally and figuratively)!

Offline Yirtimd2

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3912 on: April 23, 2021, 12:51:09 pm »
Thank you Nilex! Now I can finally finish this mission ;D

Offline Nilex

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3913 on: April 23, 2021, 02:27:21 pm »
Is Dungeon of Death known to occasionally spawn a walled-off section, with enemies inside? Every other enemy is down.

All equipment is forbidden except for two Hammers found on the map and I don't even know if those can be used to dig through thick stone walls. In attached case I used Saint outfits exclusively so all hands are occupied leaving me without means to break through. Green exit zone in the south (3rd level) can to be used to avoid this soft-lock, but I'm doubtful the intended purpose goes beyond offering a regular retreat.

Offline Yirtimd2

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Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
« Reply #3914 on: April 23, 2021, 06:20:03 pm »
Wow, and I thought my case was hardcore.