Oh my god...
On a ironman caught by "segmentation fault". Ver: j2,j3
With only one save. Save cannot loadable. On a both versions.
Mission: ride to academy, what i do before crash: end turn, where: near ship. Time: month 3, armor: savage x2, pirate x3, adventurer x1, equipped weapons: savage sword x2, ak47, battlerifle, hammer, uzi, saber. Some tiles on a map burnt&smoked by molotov and frag. This is all what i remember.
Archive contains:
1. .cfg file
2. .sav file
3. .log file
Some observations:
This problem can't encountered in a version year ago(f3?)
This problem might be encountered everywhere: options menu, base screen, worldmap, battlemap, load game, save game, exit game...
What a joke: unlocked ironman in extreme-bugged mod, makes game unloadable. Time to make some extra autosaves(on a start month, on a 10th day, before battle, on a first turn, with free loading without time-waste), or cut ironman?