Author Topic: [Weapons] XCOM Weapon Roles v0.3 (Now Merged With TerranPlasmaWeapons!)  (Read 18168 times)

Offline Lohengramm

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v0.3 - Snap shot removed from Rockets :P Aimed Shot cheaper, slightly less accurate.

Hey all! I mentioned to Warboy and SupSuper in IRC how I had dreamed of doing this when I was a teenager 20 years ago :D

Well now they've given me the opportunity, so I'm going to rip into the weapons of XCOM and help them align better with both UFOPedia lore, in addition to doing a balance pass. The main thrust of this balance pass is assigning "roles" to specific weapon types. The other part is from making sure weapons continue to improve with each new tier (ballistic, laser, plasma) in a consistent fashion (lasers less accurate than ballistics? what?). This was primarily accomplished by normalizing both Accuracy and TU usage, leaving tiered progression to damage for the most part.

Note that these "roles" are only being enforced for XCOM and the Xenos are going to continue to use their old Plasma arsenal, with each archetype of weapon still capable of all 3 firing modes.

This mod assumes players are using the UFOExtender Ranged Accuracy mod, but ARE NOT using the Heavy Laser or Pistol Auto Fire built in mods. I can't stop you from using them as well, but they are not accounted for in the balance changes and role assignments of the weapons below.

As of right now the download has merged with another mod called TerranPlasmaWeapons which includes some sprite work to distinguish between Terran vs. Xeno Plasma weapons. This was to make sure I split XCOM's weapons from the Xenos properly without overlooking anything important. Remember, the point of my mod is only to change XCOM's play style, not the aliens! If you see any graphical errors as a result please report them in this thread.


What This Mod Does

Short version is available in table form a little lower down, but in addition to changing weapon values, the Plasma line has been split away from sharing with the aliens. They get their original Plasma line, and XCOM has their own heavily modified versions of Plasma weapons when you are using my mod. You have to manufacture all of your Plasma weapons as of right now (though down the line I could see adding a "retrofit" option as suggested by posters in this thread), and can only sell (not use) alien plasma (once you finish your research).

Pistols have been given a role - Their Snap shots are superior to all other weapon archetypes' Snap shots in terms of Accuracy and TU cost, allowing for them to be your go to weapon for running and gunning. They are capable of up to 4 fairly accurate Snap shots per TU bar (typically) and will allow agents to explore while remaining capable of defending themselves in close quarters. They also allow for a larger number of Reaction shots compared to Rifles. No more Auto fire, though.

Rifles have been given a role - The UFOPedia suggests that Rifles are sniper weapons, however the reality misses the mark substantially ;) From here out, Rifles have the undisputed best Aimed shots in the game in terms of Accuracy, and their TU costs have been lowered to the point where all Rifles are allowed 2 Aimed Shots per round with a little wiggle room for turning, crouching, etc... Oh and you can't Auto fire with them any more ;D In exchange though, they now get the highest per shot damage in their tiers.

Heavy weapons have had their role reinforced - They are the masters of Auto fire now, largely by merit of the first two weapon types losing access to Auto, but also by having their Accuracy improved substantially. This is to ensure that if someone is STRONG enough to use a truly HEAVY weapon they do not also need to a natural born sharpshooter to actually be effective with it. Note that Auto fire loses Accuracy quickly over distance while using UFOExtender Accuracy mod, so these are still situational weapons that work best in close combat. That being said, these weapons are too bulky to be relied upon for Reaction fire, and have all lost their Snap shot capabilities ;_; Cover them with the rest of your squad!

Weapon Family Quick Look Chart

Snap75% Acc / 20% TU
65% Acc / 36% TU
Aimed80% Acc / 50% TU
Laser and Plasma Only
100% Acc / 45% TU80% Acc / 65% TU
Plasma Only
AutoNoneNone75% Acc / 36% TU

Detailed Changes

Pistols were essentially just worse Rifles in most respects, but weighed such that they were unwieldy to equip as a backup weapon. The Accuracy changes to Pistol Snap shots and the removal of Rifle Auto shots actually position the Pistol as a superior close range weapon, while the low TU cost also serves to allow for more of a "run and gun" style of play. Their Aimed shots have been disabled entirely because you're not allowed to snipe aliens from across the map with a handgun!

Weight reduced from 5 to 3
Clip weight reduced from 3 to 2
Snap shot acc up from 60 to 75
Aimed Shot disabled
TU Snap up from 18 to 20
Power up from 26 to 30

Rifles are described as sniper weapons in the UFOPedia, but the reality misses that mark by a bit with prohibitively expensive Aimed shots and the availability of opening up with a full Auto barrage. Well, I removed that firing mode and made taking Aimed shots the real calling of the Rifle. Since Auto isn't an option, base damage was raised to make the weapon feel more like an actual high calibre sniper rifle. Base Aimed Accuracy lowered SLIGHTLY to compensate for being able to fire twice in one round now, which is a HUGE buff. It also brings Aimed Accuracy in line with all the other Rifle weapons.

Weight reduced from 8 to 7
Snap shot acc up to 65 from 60
Aimed shot acc reduced to 100 from 110
Auto shot removed
tu Snap up from 25 to 36
tu Aimed down from 80 to 45
Power up from 30 to 40

Heavy Cannons were kind of "meh" due to  TU and Accuracy limitations, and the pre-existing Auto fire ban, severely limiting their utility. I used this opportunity to make them into a "medium heavy" weight weapon, reserving the Auto Cannon for the heaviest of the non-Rocket class weapons. Snap shots are more accurate, but more expensive, and Aimed shots are cheaper to use, allowing low TU troopers a little more breathing room for positioning. The Power of AP shots were bumped substantially to make them more appealing in general compared to the much loved HE ammo.

Weight reduced from 18 to 15
Clip weight(s) reduced from 6 to 5
Snap shot acc up from 60 to 70
Aimed shot acc unchanged from 90
TU Snap up from 33 to 40
TU Aimed down from 80 to 60
AP Power up from 56 to 70
HE Power down from 52 to 50

Here we go... The Auto Cannon, the biggest big gun in your beginner arsenal. There are no Aimed or Snap shots when you need to spin up a heavy barrel each time you fire and as such those modes were removed. What you are left with is one mean lead spitting machine. As the ONLY Auto fire capable weapon left in the default XCOM Terran armory, it makes sense that the Auto Cannon has been enhanced, making troopers strong enough for this weapon into death incarnate. TU cost reduced to the bare minimum necessary in order to allow a maximum of 2 bursts, in turn enabling more soldier movement per turn even while firing twice.

Weight from 19 to 18
Clip weight from 5 to 6 (heavier clips because...)
Clip size from 14 to 18
Auto shot acc up from 40 to 75 (nearly twice as many shots will hit their target, meaning base Auto dmg nearly 2x now)
TU Auto down from 40 to 36 (AND more wiggle room for aim / duck / move)
AP Power down from 42 to 40 (3x2x40 = 240 max dmg / turn)
HE Power down from 44 to 30  (3x2x30 = 180 max dmg / turn x 4 tiles = dead Terror unit)

Rocket Launchers, like all heavy style weapons, are losing their Snap shot :P As hilarious as this can be, it is really just not a great idea to let people take Reaction shots with Rockets :P To compensate, the Aimed shot TU cost was reduced to allow more wiggle room when setting up your shot. Also, Rockets are no longer more accurate than Rifles (100 is matching).

Snap shot removed. FOREVER.
Aimed acc down from 115 to 100
tuAimed reduced to 60 from 75

Laser Pistols are being changed to be in line with the basic Pistol theory of being great at Snap shots as their primary (and largest) source of pain. They're losing Auto fire, which flips this weapon entirely upside down, but their small frame was determined to be incapable of dissipating the heat fast enough to prevent the device from exploding in your operatives' hands :) No longer relying on ballistic ammo has a positive though, as Laser Pistols regain the ability to make Aimed shots.

Weight unchanged at 7 (that battery!)
Snap shot acc up from 40 to 75 (!!!)
Aimed shot acc up from 68 to 80
Auto shot removed (aww)
TU Snap unchanged at 20
TU Aimed down from 55 to 50
Power down from 46 to 45

Like with regular rifles, Laser Rifles are more aligned towards being sniper weapons and are no longer allowed Auto fire mode. The same compensation in the form of cheaper aimed shots and more damage are applied here. Weight is increased to account for that huge dang battery giving you unlimited ammo!

Weight increased from 8 to 14 (even bigger battery!)
Snap shot acc unchanged at 65
Aimed shot acc unchanged at 100
Auto shot removed
TU Snap up from 25 to 36
TU Aimed down from 50 to 4
Power up from 60 to 70

Heavy Lasers are now the Auto Laser of the family, finally large enough to support the cooling necessary for automatic fire. They're huge, heavy, and can rip apart the largest xenos terror units. Don't leave home without one ;) Due to their bulk and spin up requirements, they are incapable of Snap or Aimed fire like the Auto Cannon, but make up for this with an even more devastating swath of Auto destruction.

Heavy Lasers
Weight from 18 to 35 (BIGGEST BATTERY)
Snap shot disabled
Aimed shot disabled
Auto shot enabled
Auto shot accuracy 75
Auto shot TU 36
Power down from 85 to 60 (3x60x2 = 360 dmg / turn, compared to old max  255 from 3x Snap Shots for 99% of your TU)

Plasma Pistols are brought in line with the others in the role, favoring Snap shots and becoming a true terror during Reaction firing.

Clip size from 26 to 16
Clip weight reduced from 3 to 2
Snap shot acc up from 65 to 75
Aimed shot acc down from 85 to 80
TU Snap down from 30 to 20
TU Aimed down from 60 to 50
Power up from 52 to 60

Plasma Rifles keep with the theme of rifles as sniper weapons, the Aimed mode of fire is given preferential treatment. Plasma Rifles are now the most dangerous long range weapon in the game without exception.

Weight from 5 to 8
Clip size from 28 to 20
Snap shot acc down from 86 to 65
Aimed shot unchanged at 100
TU Snap up from 30 to 36
TU Aimed down from 60 to 45
Power up from 80 to 90

At last, the Heavy Plasma BFG itself... Same story as the rest, though, this beast is being refocused on Auto firing mode and losing some versatility. Weight is also increased to bring it a little more in line with the other heavy weapons in play, but it is still barely what you could call "heavy" compared to them :P Power is reduced in order to compensate for a massive increase in Auto shot accuracy, and to further discourage using the weapon in single shot mode to snipe. Snap shooting with this weapon has been banned, it is still too bulky for that, despite being alien tech. This weapon is undeniably nerfed compared to all the others, and that is completely on purpose. The Auto fire mode is more reliable than it used to be, though, because 25% is a huge Accuracy buff that translates into more damage per round simply by missing less shots.

Weight increased from 8 to 15
Clip weight increased from 3 to 5
Clip size from 35 to 24
Snap shot removed
Aimed shot acc down from 110 to 80
Auto shot acc up from 50 to 75
TU Aimed up to 65 from 60
TU Auto up from 35 to 36 (to avoid edge cases where some soldiers can shoot 3 times, others only 2)
Power down from 115 to 80 (80x3x2 = 480 dmg / turn, vs. old 690 / turn, but with the Accuracy buff it is more like 480 vs. 517)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 02:10:11 am by Lohengramm »


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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2015, 12:43:18 pm »
Having read the very detailed explanation of what this does I'm very impressed, will take some time for veteran players to get used to the new shot types for each weapon BUT in the long run I believe what you've done here will be a good mechanic for OPXC. I look forward to trying this in my next run through. I got into the habit of sticking UFOExtender Ranged Accuracy on and I think this will further enhance that mechanic by steering players into using certain weapons for certain realistic roles, for example using "sniper" type weapons to shoot from halfway across the battlescape instead of "heavy" or "pistol" weapons.

Offline Lohengramm

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2015, 03:04:50 pm »

Note: Aliens will eventually be incapable of Reaction shots so don't apply this to existing games. I haven't decided yet how I'm going to tackle this, but I'm leaning towards giving them their own weapon pass and just leaving their weapons more generic so that their progression is unchanged. As of right now the game is fine up until the point where they get nothing but Heavy Plasma, at which point the lack of a Snap shot means none of them can React shoot at you. Chances are I will return their Plasma line to be closer to what it was originally because the goal isn't to make the aliens more or less deadly, though I will likely make their progression more linear / predictable from Pistol to Heavy.

This in turn might require altering how XCOM weapons are produced, since you won't be allowed to use their generic all firing modes with every weapon set up. I'll keep thinking about this later...
« Last Edit: October 17, 2015, 02:05:11 am by Lohengramm »


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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2015, 03:44:28 pm »
With certain 3rd party mods for example Alien Armoury Expanded, the aliens can keep all tiers of weaponry even in late game or you could add this as part of your own mod: ie something like this.

  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

This is the alien item levels from the latest nightly which if you include such a part in your mod you need to keep the 0's and 1's, see here for more information.
And BTW welcome to the forum.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2015, 04:12:46 pm »
Note: Aliens will eventually be incapable of Reaction shots

Why on Earth would you do that? O_o

Offline Lohengramm

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2015, 04:25:53 pm »
Why on Earth would you do that? O_o

Unintentional side effect of the XCOM weapon role assignment. I have to fix this still.

Eventually in vanilla XCOM the only gun Aliens bring to the party is Heavy Plasma, and if HP can't Snap shot, it can't Reaction shot either...

Offline Lohengramm

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2015, 04:29:28 pm »
With certain 3rd party mods for example Alien Armoury Expanded, the aliens can keep all tiers of weaponry even in late game or you could add this as part of your own mod: ie something like this.

  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
  - [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

This is the alien item levels from the latest nightly which if you include such a part in your mod you need to keep the 0's and 1's, see here for more information.
And BTW welcome to the forum.

Thanks! I found the IRC first and was talking to WarBoy and SupSuper about this issue, they pointed me to that and the deployment item lists. I'll work something out, but I'm kind of leaning towards XCOM having weapon roles that are well defined, and the xenos being more versatile without really excelling at any particular type of firing mode (therefore XCOM and the xenos will get distinct Plasma weapons from the other). This is a mod about changing how you think about deploying your agents, not so much about changing what the xenos are capable of.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2015, 04:38:35 pm »
Why not keep Snap Shot in HP at 75 Acc, 30 TU. Auto shot will be heavily favored still while aliens won't lose their option to reaction-fire. In general I don't think banning snap when there is aimed or vice versa makes much sense - you can simply tweak TU/Acc to the point where one or the other is clearly superior. I've been there and in the end, restored Aimed/Snap shots to all weapons that had these removed - forcing players to think is fine, but forcibly removing options shouldn't be the favored way to do this.

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2015, 04:43:07 pm »
Why not keep Snap Shot in HP at 75 Acc, 30 TU. Auto shot will be heavily favored still while aliens won't lose their option to reaction-fire. In general I don't think banning snap when there is aimed or vice versa makes much sense - you can simply tweak TU/Acc to the point where one or the other is clearly superior. I've been there and in the end, restored Aimed/Snap shots to all weapons that had these removed - forcing players to think is fine, but forcibly removing options shouldn't be the favored way to do this.

I was being too broad with my changes, I'm going to have to go back and give xenos their original tech line of weapons without mode restrictions in order to not break their AI / capabilities. I'm fine with doing that. As far as restricting shot modes for players, it is for role enforcement and specialization. If they want to be capable of more firing modes on a single soldier, they can bring multiple weapon types in their backpack. A little more planning, and a little more importance on Strength isn't a bad thing imo. I lowered the weight of a lot of things specifically because of this and I might lower Pistols a little more across the board.

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2015, 04:53:23 pm »
Yeah I agree in general and I think your changes are well thought of, the only weapon beside HP that was given such restrictive treatment was the Pistol and who cares about Pistols :) Only HP looked bit silly with aimed & auto, but no snap.

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2015, 06:01:46 pm »
Yeah I agree in general and I think your changes are well thought of, the only weapon beside HP that was given such restrictive treatment was the Pistol and who cares about Pistols :) Only HP looked bit silly with aimed & auto, but no snap.

High praise! Thank you very much  :D

With some additional testing and tweaks this should just get even better.

Offline moriarty

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2015, 09:31:58 pm »
...I'm kind of leaning towards XCOM having weapon roles that are well defined, and the xenos being more versatile without really excelling at any particular type of firing mode (therefore XCOM and the xenos will get distinct Plasma weapons from the other)...

I used to pursue this line of thought, making the alien's weapons unusable for the player but allowing him to "modify" them (in the workshop) in order to make them human-usable. there are some nice alternative graphics out there, so you can for example have alien plasma weapons with weird handles (so they don't even look like they can be used with human hands ;) ) and human plasma weapons with standard handles attached.

it does get a little bit complicated, though. in the end, you have to come up with a really good explanation why the weapons are so different. my take on this was to claim that the alien weapons use psionic circuitry, so they are fired by the aliens simply by thinking about firing them. in order for the humans to modify them, they need to analyse the circuits and replace them by conventional firing mechanisms... that would also explain nicely why the aliens can reaction-fire (speed of mind...), but the humans can't.

Offline Lohengramm

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2015, 09:35:40 pm »
I used to pursue this line of thought, making the alien's weapons unusable for the player but allowing him to "modify" them (in the workshop) in order to make them human-usable. there are some nice alternative graphics out there, so you can for example have alien plasma weapons with weird handles (so they don't even look like they can be used with human hands ;) ) and human plasma weapons with standard handles attached.

it does get a little bit complicated, though. in the end, you have to come up with a really good explanation why the weapons are so different. my take on this was to claim that the alien weapons use psionic circuitry, so they are fired by the aliens simply by thinking about firing them. in order for the humans to modify them, they need to analyse the circuits and replace them by conventional firing mechanisms... that would also explain nicely why the aliens can reaction-fire (speed of mind...), but the humans can't.

There is a very simple explanation for why XCOM would want to make their own versions of the alien tech... Specialization towards human tactics :) The xenos have their tactics, which are to make every soldier a generalist who is competent at most forms of combat, but their weapons do not generally excel at Reaction fire, Sniping, or Automatic fire, preferring a balanced approach.

The humans have decided to take the specialist approach, opting to focus more on squad oriented tactics and emphasizing the capabilities of each weapon archetype in order to allow for a greater whole when combined arms are brought to bear :D

Offline moriarty

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2015, 09:44:48 pm »
you still need to explain why you can't just pick up an alien weapon in the battlescape and use it :P

but yeah, I guess that's as good as any explanation.

my way of denying the human soldiers access to the alien arsenal was adding a prerequisite to the weapon, for example the heavy plasma was changed from
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

the "STR_ALIENS_ONLY" acts as a mock research subject - there is no way to actually research it, so the weapon itself can never be used by xcom soldiers.

then you simply add a second weapon:

Code: [Select]
that uses your modified code.

then all you need are two manufacture entries:

Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_RETROFITwhich takes one heavy plasma (the alien variant) and turns it into a "human heavy plasma"

Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_HUMANwhich takes raw materials and turns them into a "human heavy plasma"

this way, you can even make things more interesting: perhaps retrofitting an alien weapon only requires you to have researched the weapon itself, but making it from scratch requires you to know a bit more about alien alloys, elerium, plasma technology...

Offline Lohengramm

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Re: Lohengramm's Weapon Roles (beginning testing...)
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2015, 09:51:40 pm »
Thanks so much Moriarty :) This is exactly the kind of thing I was going to do when I got home tonight!!!

edit: also they can't just pick up alien weapons and use them because of Frank...

Yeah we all remember Frank, the first human to try picking up an alien weapon without disabling it first...

Guy's hand melted off!
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 09:55:28 pm by Lohengramm »