
Author Topic: [TFTD] [MODPACK] UFOnizing TFTD  (Read 18921 times)

Offline Xeno Wiper

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« on: September 25, 2015, 12:19:43 am »

The idea here was to try to make TFTD less tedious, weird and turn it more fun to play and consistent.

So why not get some inspiration from UFO gameplay elements?

Below are the principles of what I thought that could make this a better game, clearing out (or at least minimizing) the irritating and/or nonsense aspects of it (that certainly irritated many of the UFO fans back in the day).

Note:  As a matter of coherency, it's recommended to activate these on your game:

(OPTIONS) -> ADVANCED -> Enhanced soldier sprites
(MODS)    -> StrategyCore Swap Small USOs


1) Fly me to the moon...

Hint:  Believe it or not , now you can fly.

2) Different armors, different colors.

Hint: 2 armors recolored. 1 fixed.

3) Different items, different colors & shapes.

Hint: Items color/image fixes.

4) Spicing up amphibious operations.

Hint: A decent SWS at the beginning.

5) Make a scout happy!

Hint: A powered up auto-pistol...

6) Some familiar names...


- What's your name?
- My name is Carlos Carlos.


Hint: All nationalities/races/whatever joined the effort to stop the alien menace!

8 ) More land, less water. OK, accordingly to Warboy

Hint: Me no like artifacts.

9) Making a better user experience

Hint: Changes to the interface.

10) Know your enemy / investigate the locals

Hint: Use M.C. and you'll see... 8)

11) Crafting wonders (all craft related stuff)


- Troop deployments edited (Triton, Leviathan).

- More ppl on board for the final assault!

- A more sinister interception-only craft than Manta.

- Let's play "USO Destroyer"?

LATEST version download link HERE, on .zip file attached to this post.


Original changes (v. 1.0)

1) Magnetic ion armor now flies on land.

2) Plastic aqua armor got a non-aqua color & Mag ion armor got a non-yellow color.
    Diving Suit now has the same colors as its spritesheet (inventory/bigobs)

3) Hidrojet Cannon phosphorous rounds go yellowish (bigobs/ufopaedia).
     Torpedo Launcher Small torpedo becomes SMALL (bigobs/handobs/floorobs/ufopaedia).
     Torpedo Launcher Phosphorous torpedo becomes...yellow! (bigobs/handobs/floorobs/ufopaedia)

4) Coelacanth/Aqua Jet now works ON LAND!

5) Sonic pistols now have auto-fire mode.

6) TFTD original names are back!

7) Asians are back (inventory dolls and battlescape)!

8 ) Mission weights edited: Port/island attack > Cruise/cargo > artifacts.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2016, 01:44:56 am by Xeno Wiper »

Offline ivandogovich

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« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2015, 05:57:52 pm »

Even after reading the initial post, I still have no Idea what this mod does.  It might be nice to have a fuller explanation or screenshots included, etc.

Offline xracer

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« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2015, 06:51:18 pm »

Even after reading the initial post, I still have no Idea what this mod does.  It might be nice to have a fuller explanation or screenshots included, etc.

damn you beat me to it.

Is like i have ideas!!!! ok i am done (albeit it sounds a little like me)  :-[

Offline shinr

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« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2015, 10:36:02 am »
My impression is that you want to play UFO with some TFTD things added in.

In that case, why bother heavily modifying TFTD into the game we already have instead of making some mods for UFO that add TFTD elements?

Offline Xeno Wiper

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« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2015, 02:40:33 am »

damn you beat me to it.

Is like i have ideas!!!! ok i am done (albeit it sounds a little like me)  :-[

Well, I thought this would have no feedback so I just threw it here "kthxbye style" and also I'm not really into
giving full details and creating a messy wall of text, given that I made a well detailed file to deal with such a big

But I can give a few hints, because, I admit, it looked too mysterious that way...

My impression is that you want to play UFO with some TFTD things added in.

In that case, why bother heavily modifying TFTD into the game we already have instead of making some mods for UFO that add TFTD elements?

Well, my idea wasn't modding UFO to make TFTD, importing everything etc. That would almost be doing what the OpenXcom
 team had already made. Just borrowing some of UFO characteristics and put on TFTD, using TFTD resources. Mainly a "What if..." exercise.

And also, update 1.05 (with details!):

- Fixed Chemical-flare ufopaedia image.

Offline ivandogovich

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« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2015, 10:29:53 pm »
Right.  Don't really want to post the details.  ???

Whelp,,, thats kinda what we expect around here on a Forum.  Its kinda made to discuss the details.  See part of it, is just from your description, I may not know enough to be intrigued enough to Download it and try it out.  But if you put more details in it, (ala, PirateZ opening post), something might catch my eye, or I may just think, "Holy Carp!! This mod is incredible." 

But I can understand if you want the anonymity.   It just wasn't what I expected when I checked out the thread.

Cheers! Ivan :D

Offline new_civilian

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« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2015, 01:30:39 pm »
The armor mods are actually very good, even though the documentation (and the comments in the files) are somewhat confusing  ;D

And nice work with the Ufopedia flare fixes!

Offline Xeno Wiper

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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2015, 04:22:38 am »
BIG update 1.1 !

[NOT FINISHED YET...] - Reorganizing ufopaedia articles

TESTING... - Increased surface attacks in case of artifacts showing up.

- Fixed Plastic aqua armor battlescape sprites (red sprites on legs).
- Fixed Ion/Mag. Ion armor battlescape asian/black females faces (asian/black females faces were brighter).

- Edited Hidrojet Cannon ammo floorobs (Green box -> grey box)

- Included Examination room as a recoverable item (and as an ufopaedia article).

- Edited Drills sprites (ufopaedia, bigobs, floorobs and handobs.)


- Edited GRENADES sprites:

Magna blast, Dye (handobs/floorobs)

Particle disturbance (handobs)


- Put all UFOpaedia texts (extraStrings:) on ufopaedia .rul file.

- Edited sonic weapon clips FLOOROBS (made them unique).

- Edited MC reader/disruptor sprites (handobs & floorobs)

- Edited Gas cannon ammo FLOOROB.

- Edited Jet harpoon clip FLOOROB.

- Edited Thermal shok bomb FLOOROB.

- Edited Tasoth and Aquatoid BIGOBS corpses' colors.

- Edited Zrbite article image (darker background).

- Improved brown-hair female inventory face and hair (all armors.)

- Put darker feet on Mag. Ion armor (it was mixing with light seabed).

- Fixed Plastic-Aqua armor collar (battlescape sprites on land.)

- Edited text color on the Allocate MC-training screen (different colors for training/not-training aquanauts.)


- Edited Strength, Reactions bars' colors on:

Soldier stats screen basescape
Soldier stats screen battlescape


- Fixed Sub-Construction and Magnetic navigation ufopaedia images.


- Put inventory images of aliens AND civs.

Aliens: (Aquatoid, Gillman, Lobsterman, Tasoth)

Civilians: (Bikini girl, Fat tourist, Sailor, Cargo worker)

Credits (heavily modified base sprites):

- Dioxine (civs), Luke83 (all aliens, civs)


The armor mods are actually very good, even though the documentation (and the comments in the files) are somewhat confusing  ;D

And nice work with the Ufopedia flare fixes!

Did you find confusing? Well, it was a mix of description, ranting and some funny stuff thrown in.  ::)

Thanks for the mention on the TFTD combo patch.  Good to know a vet modder like you appreciate my work. :)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2015, 04:51:06 am by Xeno Wiper »

Offline new_civilian

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« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2015, 11:39:53 am »
Nice, thanks for your hard work! Btw, I made some white mag-ion and black plastic-aqua-armor ufopedia pictures for myself, they are however not so good. Maybe you could do better ones,  to complete your conversion.  It is also interesting to see that you edited the drills, too, I did not like the original ones either. Anyway, thank you.  :)


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« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2015, 07:27:17 pm »
Thanks guys! Hope to see some mos adding new weapons and stuff for TFTD, for eg. Some kind of ryskellini guns and gadgets. Mostly, there would be futuristc stuff, maybe take a look here, thanks again whatever!

Offline new_civilian

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« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2015, 11:17:51 am »
Here the ufopedia armor pic changes I made, Xeno Wiper. Maybe you want to use them?

Offline Xeno Wiper

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« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2016, 05:29:08 am »

v1.2 update:

OK, accordingly to Warboy - Increased surface attacks in case of artifacts showing up.

OK, accordingly to Warboy. (NEW!) - One more surface mission if NEITHER artifacts NOR ship rescue show up.


DONE! (for now...) - Reorganizing ufopaedia articles.


EXCLUDED on no_asians - Improved brown-hair female inventory face and hair (all armors.)

(asians ONLY)   - A full inventory faces improvement (blond m/f, brown-hair m/f, asian m/f, black m/f.).
                          All armors! Male lipstick is gone! Pretty women!  :-*

(asians ONLY)  - Put brownish hair color on black ppl (battlescape/inventory), JUST LIKE UFO! Changed some other hair color values on battlescape (darker/brighter).

- Female hair colors more uniform on MAG ION sheets (no more brighter angles).


- Fixed Mag. ion sheet:  foot sprites (north & west facing), land propulsors (make them less blocky).

- Fixed black dots on PLASTIC AQUA sheet.

- Eliminated red dots on PLASTIC AQUA floor_corpse (appeared on low brightness only).


- Put different sounds for melee and meleeHit on Thermal tazer and drills for more user feedback.


- Fixed Cruiser's zrbite location (Both are close to the IBAs now. No more cheap recovery...)


- Edited Triton and Leviathan troop deployments.

- Edited Leviathan slots capacity: 24 -> 26 (why warboy?).


- Added a better interception craft than Manta.

- Added a craft weapon to destroy some USOs.


Well, at this stage I'm practically done, maybe with only some more adjustments or some not so crazy (Pirates! full conversion) ideas. I'm wondering if I had missed something more that could remember UFO gameplay style.

The mod's now open for suggestions/contributions.

Here the ufopedia armor pic changes I made, Xeno Wiper. Maybe you want to use them?

Very cool! Thx for your contribution, but I think that the plastic one needs a bit more light on the front boot. The Mag ion one is excellent!

But I'm in doubt to include it in my mod, because of the img attached:

The blue tint effect that changes the color so much (like in battlescape), that you almost don't see the real color. I was pondering about putting more color options or editing Ion armor color and in the end I forgot about it, because TFTD is not as generous with colors as UFO.

So I wasn't planning to do ufopaedia edits on the armors, but I will grab it for now, because it turned out to be a fine piece of work.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2016, 05:19:08 am by Xeno Wiper »

Offline Mr. Quiet

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« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2016, 07:39:23 pm »
So this mod removes some features new in TFTD to get it closer to vanilla UFO and then adds in the ease of UFO as well? Sounds good if I get it. No more hard terror missions? No more artifact missions and what about the Lobstermen?

Offline Xeno Wiper

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« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2016, 03:26:39 am »
So this mod removes some features new in TFTD to get it closer to vanilla UFO and then adds in the ease of UFO as well? Sounds good if I get it.

I would say, originally, items 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 were inspired by UFO (or at least a slightly modded OpenUFO.) Then I've added some things later to complement the mod.

No more hard terror missions?

Who had said that?  :P

Your first ship rescue is practically the same...*evil laughter at background*.

No more artifact missions?

Who had said that?  :P   

Ok, they are more rare now. But they have the same chance of happening as default OXC ship rescue. Not THAT rare.

and what about the Lobstermen?

Lobstermen are fine. Don't worry! ;D

Seriously, let's say, lobsters take more hits now and can eventually drop more and become easier on a small mission. But they are still tough and difficult on large numbers + terror units.

Offline georg7490

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« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2016, 09:22:09 am »
Please attach/post the v1.2 mod here or fix the download link on the mod section of the site. It is not downloadable for now. :(