BIG update 1.1 ![NOT FINISHED YET...] - Reorganizing ufopaedia articles
TESTING... - Increased surface attacks in case of artifacts showing up.
- Fixed Plastic aqua armor battlescape sprites (red sprites on legs).
- Fixed Ion/Mag. Ion armor battlescape asian/black females faces (asian/black females faces were brighter).
- Edited Hidrojet Cannon ammo floorobs (Green box -> grey box)
- Included Examination room as a recoverable item (and as an ufopaedia article).
- Edited Drills sprites (ufopaedia, bigobs, floorobs and handobs.)
- Edited GRENADES sprites:
Magna blast, Dye (handobs/floorobs)
Particle disturbance (handobs)
- Put all UFOpaedia texts (extraStrings:) on ufopaedia .rul file.
- Edited sonic weapon clips FLOOROBS (made them unique).
- Edited MC reader/disruptor sprites (handobs & floorobs)
- Edited Gas cannon ammo FLOOROB.
- Edited Jet harpoon clip FLOOROB.
- Edited Thermal shok bomb FLOOROB.
- Edited Tasoth and Aquatoid BIGOBS corpses' colors.
- Edited Zrbite article image (darker background).
- Improved brown-hair female inventory face and hair (all armors.)
- Put darker feet on Mag. Ion armor (it was mixing with light seabed).
- Fixed Plastic-Aqua armor collar (battlescape sprites on land.)
- Edited text color on the Allocate MC-training screen (different colors for training/not-training aquanauts.)
- Edited Strength, Reactions bars' colors on:
Soldier stats screen basescape
Soldier stats screen battlescape
- Fixed Sub-Construction and Magnetic navigation ufopaedia images.
- Put inventory images of aliens AND civs.
Aliens: (Aquatoid, Gillman, Lobsterman, Tasoth)
Civilians: (Bikini girl, Fat tourist, Sailor, Cargo worker)
Credits (
heavily modified base sprites):
- Dioxine (civs), Luke83 (all aliens, civs)
The armor mods are actually very good, even though the documentation (and the comments in the files) are somewhat confusing
And nice work with the Ufopedia flare fixes!
Did you find confusing? Well, it was a mix of description, ranting and some funny stuff thrown in.
Thanks for the mention on the TFTD combo patch. Good to know a vet modder like you appreciate my work.