items: - type: STR_STUN_BLASTER size: 0.2 costSell: 18000 weight: 8 bigSprite: 106 floorSprite: 86 power: 110 damageType: 6 battleType: 5 blastRadius: 7research: - name: STR_ELERIUM_115 cost: 450 points: 60 needItem: true - name: STR_STUN_BOMB cost: 180 points: 10 needItem: true - name: STR_STUN_BLASTER dependencies: - STR_ELERIUM_115 - STR_STUN_BOMB cost: 300 points: 20manufacture: - name: STR_STUN_BLASTER category: STR_WEAPON requires: - STR_STUN_BOMB space: 3 time: 300 cost: 10000 requiredItems: STR_ELERIUM_115: 2 STR_PROXIMITY_GRENADE: 1 STR_STUN_BOMB: 1ufopaedia: - id: STR_STUN_BLASTER type_id: 4 section: STR_WEAPONS_AND_EQUIPMENT text: STR_STUN_BLASTER_UFOPEDIAextraSprites: - type: SMOKE.PCK height: 40 width: 384 subX: 32 subY: 40 files: 8: Resources/Stun_Blaster/SMOKE/smoke_cloud.gif - type: BIGOBS.PCK files: 106: Resources/Stun_Blaster/StunBlaster.gif - type: FLOOROB.PCK files: 106: Resources/Stun_Blaster/floorob_StunBlaster.gifextraStrings: - type: en-US strings: STR_STUN_BLASTER: STUNBLASTER STR_STUN_BLASTER_UFOPEDIA: One of our scientists became creative when he examined a stun bomb and proximity grenade. Using Elerium 115 he managed to combine all three into a proximity stun grenade of high power. This new grenade should be able to counter strong or stun resistant aliens better.
- type: BIGOBS.PCK files: 106: Resources/Stun_Blaster/StunBlaster.gif - type: FLOOROB.PCK files: 86: Resources/Stun_Blaster/floorob_StunBlaster.gif