
Author Topic: [BETA/FEEDBACK NEEDED] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep  (Read 6073 times)

Offline sylandro

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[BETA/FEEDBACK NEEDED] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep
« on: August 14, 2015, 05:10:09 am »
Hi, I've ripped the sound effects from the PSX version of Terror from the Deep, in order to make a mod that replaces the vanilla sounds (like the already existing one for UFO).

However, i've noticed that the PSX sounds are very different from the original and thus very hard to match unless you're very familiar with the PSX version, which i'm not.

If someone is up to the challenge of creating a ruleset that replaces the original sounds, i'm uploading the sound files I ripped:

PSX TFTD sound effects:

PSX TFTD ambient effects:

PC Original sounds:

The only sound i've been able to map so far is #120 (popup) for GEOSEQ_00010.

And this is some info I could find in vars.rul:

Code: [Select]
soundDefs: #done: double check explosions.
  - type: GEO.CAT
    file: SAMPLE.CAT
    # UI sounds: press and popup
      - 120
      - 98
    # ufo hit interceptor/ufo crash/interceptor crash, ufo explode, interceptor hit ufo, ufo fire
      - 27
      - 28
      - 31
      - 37
    # craft weapon sounds: ajax, dup, cannon, pwt, gauss, plasma
      - 14
      - 15
      - 33
      - 97
      - 37
      - 18
    # base defenses: torpedo, gauss, sonic, pwt
      - 13
      - 14
      - 15
      - 24
  - type: BATTLE.CAT
    file: SAMPLE.CAT
      - [49, 96]
      - [99, 117]
    sounds: [122]
  - type: BATTLE2.CAT
    file: SAMPLE.CAT
      - [0, 47]
      - [99, 117]
    sounds: [48]

PS: I might complete this one day, but i'm releasing the sound files in case someone finds this easier to make.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 08:39:02 am by sylandro »

Offline Warboy1982

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Re: [PSA/WIP] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2015, 11:04:27 am »
well, the aboveseq files are the land sounds the belowseq are the underwater sounds and the geoseq line up with the geoscape sounds, although i'm sure none of this is news to you. it also seems like there are a lot of instrument sounds, which i suspect were arranged and played in code to produce certain musics.

basically you'll want to make an extrasounds ruleset that inserts the aboveseqs into, the belowseqs into and the rest into as you've pointed out, the orders in are plain as day (the hard part is identifying them)
as for the battle cat files, our structure is:

0-13 are movement sounds
14-47 are the weapon sounds
48-66 are the various unit death sounds
67 is the ambient sound effect

don't worry too much about the soundDefs thing, that's just how i split TFTD's single cat file into multiple, usable ones, instead of rewriting a mountain of already working code. basically i adjusted the data to fit the code instead of the other way around, because it made a lot more sense.

be forewarned however, that the extrasounds will be indexed to avoid conflict, and they'll be indexed according to xcom1, not xcom2 because full modding support for tftd is not yet implemented. this is all tech talk, but what it means to you is: some of the higher numbers won't get replaced properly until full support is added.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 11:09:30 am by Warboy1982 »

Offline sylandro

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Re: [WIP] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2015, 02:25:58 am »
Warboy, I've finished identifying the first half of the sounds and I'm trying to build a ruleset with the instructions you provided, but have some questions.

When writing the extraSounds for, do I have to write the files in the same order as I found them in the original For example, in, the first 12 files are footstep sounds, I assume I would have to put them in the 0-13 range you told me, but I'm not sure about what to put in the remaining 2 slots.

Offline sylandro

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Re: [BETA/FEEDBACK NEEDED] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2015, 10:23:34 am »
Sorry for the double post, but i've released a beta version of this mod. I've not had the opportunity to fully test it, but from what I've heard so far the sounds are playing fine.

It also includes two extra ambient sounds that were exclusive to the PSX version.

If you find any observations you may post them in this thread or in the mod's page:

Offline bangooc

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Re: [BETA/FEEDBACK NEEDED] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2015, 08:09:57 pm »
The sound effects mod makes my game crash on this terror mission (in the sav file)

The music mod is fine.

Offline bangooc

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Re: [BETA/FEEDBACK NEEDED] PSX Sounds for Terror from the Deep
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2015, 10:34:00 am »
The sound effects mod makes my game crash on this terror mission (in the sav file)

The music mod is fine.

Works fine since this commit: