Hi folks,
discovering OXC recently, I'm having a blast playing skirmishes all day long! So I wanted to thank our fine coding crew and mod developers for outstanding job plus special cheers to Meridian and Ivan Dogovich for their entertaining LPs.

Anyway, to the point. I was unhappy with the way how explosions destroy things around, in particular situations where Mr. Chrysalid rushes my early tech squad and I can't throw at him more than one grenade in one turn. I know there are solutions - use instant gredanes or the TFTD way, making them undestroyable - but both have drawbacks and TFTD way needs mod tweaking.
My proposed way to deal with this is having primed explosives explode in situations where they would vanish otherwise. As the source is well structured, I took a crack at coding it myself. As far as I can tell, it seems to work fine, but I'd still recommend review from someone more familiar with the source (main change is about 4 lines of code long, new related advanced option added). In particular, position of explosion currently doesn't use any offsets, I'm not sure if at least proxy grenades shouldn't explode little higher.
Hope you guys find it useful, I'm off to create some large scale proxy + heavy explosive minefield.

PS. sorry if placed in wrong subforum!