You misunderstand me, Aldorn. I very much need your criticism
. Seriously, I'm often careless, hasty, and lazy, so don't hold back (because I want this to be good).
Nice, no problem ;-)
Ultimately I'd rather reach a consensus and find something that suits everybody, maybe even changing it back to something like "est devenu/e fou/folle". If you have any other suggestions for this case, they would be greatly appreciated.
So, if you need my opinion, I had a look at french release (.DAT files), this was (exact case) : "est devenu Fou"
So "est devenu
fou" is nice, better I think than "est devenu/e fou/folle", that is really to complex to read, how would I say it, not really appropriate to situation : your soldier has gone berserk, it is not a good news, he is equipped with a rocket launcher and could kill all team members, it's no time to take a french training

Let suppose you are speaking about "soldiers", no matter if they are men or women
Another problem is the genuine lack of good/popularized French science fiction (most of which I end up reading in English). No doubt other translators have similar problems. I end up having to create words like the following:
In English it was something like "Hovertank" originally. I toyed with calling it aéroglisseur, but a hovercraft isn't necessarily militarized. I can't call it a "Flottant" tank since we already have this pronoun for the race of floating aliens. I can't call it a chasseur since it's not a jet. So I ended up calling it a aérochar; its sort-of like an aéronef, except it's also tank. For non-French speakers, I'm basically calling it an aerotank, if that makes any sense.
Anyway just a small glimpse into the mind of a powermad translator who has to act like a linguist
Regarding HWP (PAL in french for Plate-forme Arme Lourde), this was
"Tank/Canon", "Tank/Lance-Roquettes", "Tank/Canon Laser", "Hovertank/Plasma", "Hovertank/Lanceur"
My opinion is Hovertank is nice, as Skyranger, and so on...
These are futuristic weapons/vehicles/vessels, so it is not a trouble if you keep original english names
For exemple, Aéroglisseur is existing vehicle, but you are speaking of sommething that will be invented in future
But, in fact, whatever your choice, it will be a good choice, just because if you did nothing, game would be in english
Hope it will help a little