Um that's not vanilla, or at least so says ufopedia here
Ill agree from experience since in vanilla I sometimes got shot for less than 10 damage and didnt get a wound from it.
I know the original equation for damage was different too - after damage was rolled if it exceeded armor (and for every 10 points) - a point of Armor was chipped off. For every point of armor taken 1-10 health was lost. And then fatal wounds based on the ufopaedia article.
So you'd actually lose Half as much health as the damage roll exceeded armor if you consider that arrangement. Hard to notice though because the alien weapons do so much damage and in ufo defense they fired multiple times, so a soldier's 30-40 average health just evaporated. But its also why you'd get alot of situations where the dude falls over unconscious rather than dies instantly.
Pink sands, I often just sit in the craft, taking swigs from canteens and waiting for all enemies to drop.
What IS the deal with the pink sands anyway?
Ive only run into them twice, makes some kinda screeching stuff that apparently de-moralizes. It didnt bother me much, thought it was interesting, but dunno what it is.
63 brainers? wow
im starting Year 3 and ive only got 24, I find them very hard to feed and find space for, and ive plumb run out of techs to research twice now just at the rate ive been using them. 63 sounds really excessive
(ive also only got 25 million bucks and thats after engaging the Mint)
I find delaying effects of weather to turn 8 funny, as the weather is intended to make you consider doing the mission within below 10 turns
Hadnt really considered that, but I think decisions like that pidgeonhole the player into playing a certain way and dont encourage flexibility. I tend to see it as a 20 turn rule rather than 10 because when you're playing tactically you've got to creep and avoid areas alot more. Because at Turn 20 you get the cheat mode.
Engaging stealth keeps you from getting shot, causes maximum damage to the enemy, and the rules for games like these are designed to enforce tactical stealth rather than deathmatch rushing enemies.
(thats not camping, the term implies staying in one spot, I might have someone on top of Fuego delivering hell, and hitting golf balls, but everyone else is creeping around back alleys)
When you've got superior equipment you can smash everybody in your path without stopping really, 6-8 turns is a reality.
But back when I was relying on Warrior Armor/Clockwork Pistols/Cattle Prods I couldnt do that, and I needed the buddy system (if for all efforts one failed, they had backup to bail them out). Its more like 11 turns for a normal mission, 15-25 for a hard one.
Also at my best ive only managed to finish organ grinder within 10 turns because of the restrictive terrain. Ive had that mission spiral out to 19 turns before just because there was a ghoul in an inaccessible part of the map (like, no ladder to get up to the roof, at all). I dunno I think I had a lucky one that only took 8 turns.
20 Turns is a thing for me because ive had a supply ship blow up before, that was because of cold weather making everybody grind to a standstill (and trying to dodge the flechette guns, at the same time as using grog to restore stamina just to move). I only had 3 Hands there because everyone else was wounded.
Using a low number of Hands is also a thing for me too - 6 ladies max and I only keep maybe 8 in total because the other two pilot the interceptor. But ill often send fewer like 3-4. This is the strategy I developed prior to the weather effects being introduced.
The acid spraying in organ grinder does fit, defense system goes off and sprays everywhere, but since there are few early-mid armors that feature any reasonable defense against it, and since the mission takes so long because of the terrain plus the smoke starts right away - I figure giving some time is okay (I doubled the damage also so it really starts adding up as sickdays).
And again ill say, just my opinion, I dont think the hot/cold fits and its inappropriate to pidgeonhole players on strategy. Im also likewise the kinda player who looks for trumping effects, I want to get an edge ahead of the enemy not play on equal terms, I look for weapons that kill with one attack at a distance most of the time, and armor that you only get damaged with on a critical hit. That sorta thing, the fun for me is in the fact there is a 5% risk of being hurt, im a perfectionist about this.
Id be perfectly happy with a -100 point mission debuff just in general for every Hand that dies, since I already reload games if one even gets severely wounded much less killed. I maintain a strict 0 Death track record and would only allow it for practical purposes of achievement - if it was a newbie hand that had crap stats.
I played this way with Vanilla xcom and tftd too, and usually got away with it, the tradeoff is my HWPs get toasted because id have 6 guys and 2 tanks. But tanks dont get experience and the expensive price is the death penalty for them, but thats more acceptable than losing experienced members.
I noticed the nintendo hard cydonia aura and even though I havent gotten that far i'll say its probably appropriate. Its a BBEG fight and the culmination of all the effort to get there, and going to cydonia is optional it doesnt come to you. So im okay with that one.
Posts merged - DioxineThe acid spraying in organ grinder does fit
And actually I just want to critically highlight that the Smoke Sprayers that go off everywhere are a debuff to the player because it adds artificial difficulty. All that smoke makes it hard to see the terrain itself. Whether it affects the soldiers' ability to see targets or not doesnt mean much if you the Player cant make out where doors and walls are.
I think environmental effects ought to be handled like the smoke sprayers or the screeching things in the red sands, and the landmines in the jungle. Arctic land can make a "cold winds of the north tinkling ice" sound effect and hit everything for cold damage outdoors.
If you're in the climate controlled safety of your ship, an acadamician post, or comfy CoS temple you should be beyond the reach of these things. Logic absolutely rules here.